Just bought this on Steam, what am I in for?
Just bought this on Steam, what am I in for?
hurting people
Play the game and find out you stupid fucker
Catchy music.
a good soundtrack
lots of moments where you want to give up but don't
stuff like that
Play it. The more one says the more its spoiled
Yeah def don't give up. you gotta see it through
God tier music, neon colours and ultraviolence
What else do you need?
A strangly primal adrenaline rush one wouln't think you'd feel from a fucking top down indie pixel game whose budget was funded by the contents of a dumpster.
You are going to want the sequel shortly once the story sinks its short and and psychedelic into you.
fast paced blood and gore and crazy fucking colors
Constantly hearing with the song Hydrogen by M.O.O.N
You fucked up.
Cool letterman jacket and homicide.
Why are you trying so hard to push this game. Every thread on here is you acting like ruiner is some huge achievement, when its mediocre shit
A good soundtrack and a new-found interest in the 80's """aesthetic"""
It's dope. I love it.
Son, Soldier, and Jacket are the best characters bar none. Evan is a very close runner-up, and I and I like the fact that you can give him a very fitting and ironic Hotline Miami style bad end or a good end being that he's the character with with the choice to not kill.
Fun. Lots and lots of fun.
The sequel is shit, tho. Only play it if you want more of the story.
You're in for excitement at playing a neat stylized ultra violent game followed by depression at the story.
Make sure to play HM2.
Emphasis on choice by way, because I think the only people I'd be more afraid of than Evan in rage mode are Jacket and Soldier since in that state he can and will literally continue beating in a man's head until he's down to the skull.
Good game.
one of the best indie games of all time
hm 2 rounds out the series pretty well and has become a finish both if you like the 1st.
great gameplay and story.
A fast-paced, bloody top-down action duology.
The first game revolves around you and your mask, while the second introduces more characters with more differing playstyles between them.
Awesome music, too.
wanting more and being disappointed by the second game.
fuck beard