Sup Forums nightmare fuel


Other urls found in this thread:


>being able to falseflag about Smash not being a fightan while wavedashing
More like Sup Forums's wet dream.

I actually still want that controller with a USB adapter.

Just buy a one of those usb gamecube port things for WiiU. They work on PC and you can use the controllers you already have.

Will check it out, thanks dude.

What about this

I want this for PSO but smash fags are driving up the price

I'm curious, and would try to use it, but ultimately it doesn't beat having a full keyboard in your lap. Would purchase as a novelty and whip it out for the "heres your controller bro" the odd days I have friends over.

here's your controller, bro

>the absolute symphony of horror that would be a 4 player smash tournament with these


this is keyboard bro

fucking retarded of microsoft to not release windows drivers for the x360 chatpad

>here's your controller bro

It's time to play some good old Battletoads.

would devour




The only thing I'm getting out of this is that NeoGAF is the Tumblr of vidya.

You're fucking retarded for wanting to use a a piss poor chatpad instead of a keyboard.


This is pro-level gaming.

>Mr. Game & Watch
>Donkey Kong
>Diddy Kong
Who's the fourth?

couldn't finish it

>playing controller game in steam
>have to put controller down to chat with friends
>playing controller game in steam
>can chat without putting controller down
It's a small improvement, but an improvement none the less.

I guess either Doc Louis (Little Mac's victory screens) or Rodin (trophy)?


even better

Nightmare fuel for a Sup Forums user?
How about cute girls.

What kind of switches are those?

I have no idea. MX, obviously, and most likely gaterons, but other than that, idk.

>grey cart OoT

yup, that makes me uncomfortable.


>There are people ITT who don't use FRST layout

i own this. it was so nice for the couple months i played pso online. though no one could really talk back unless they were also stupid with money

nintendo switches

? you used it to type in PSO. you could still use the normal controller for your character. you didn't use it for actually playing.

>PAL melee
It sure fucking is nightmare fuel.

Only a nightmare IRL online they're just safe pictures to look at.

>WASD becomes WARS


I REALLY want to listen to this now

>Implying girls can be cute

There was a white GameCube?


300/10 adorable

here u go

>when the existential dread kicks in and you realize you will never have a cute gf like this much less one at all
>your genetic legacy has survived literally since the dawn of man until you


>starts finding threats on fresh windows install

Why is Xavier Renegade Angel making a comeback as of late

To be fair SM All Stars is genuinely awful unless you patch the bug where the velocity after hitting a block is turned into a negative value resulting in upward motion rather than downward
As for the rest holy fucking shit


Howtobasic, everyone!

>*doot doot*

Yes. That one thing makes the entire game UNPLAYABLE.

Shits still funny
With the sound it's even better

Would come in handy as a melee weapon when your best buddy spergs out and goes rabid over losing at Mario Party one too many times.

That looks like it'd be heavy.


cute kot need pat
>Not having a cardboard box next to your computer so your fuzzy bro can chill with you

goddammit Sup Forums
>first thought was that it might be a boy
>second thought was that there was a dead body in the background

why my ket never do this

you're a big guy

>putting the milk in BEFORE the cereal


Probably because of the chad meme comparing it to rick and shitty.
Has transitioned into normie clickbait already.

I did have a girlfriend once. her name was Judy