This is my wife, Haru. Say something nice about her

This is my wife, Haru. Say something nice about her.

she has a nice fivehead

Are the phantom thieves just?

que es phantom thief

admin is trolling

More like Whoreu

gtfo with that shit LOL

Are the Phantom Thieves JUST?


better than the police

dumb ice cream scoop head




Nice forehead you fucking loser


She is friends with an EXTREMELY cute girl with big dreams and plenty of drive!

Get rekt, scumbags lmao

All the PTs have different rigging when they share a corner with Joker.

you guys believe this? kek

Akechi is bae

I like the sound of the screams Shadows make as you step on their throat and feel the last spark of life leave their body :)


You came far too late for me to give a shit about.

She's kind and sweet. Now this is my wife Ann. Say something nice about her.

I want to marry Ann!

Haru doing her baton pass is moe as fuck

She also has the cutest forehead in all the animes


sauce pls

Everything she does is cute, even making you drink caca

White Girls!!! :)

She's my wife. Back the fuck off.

She's cool and easygoing.

She's wonderful, and fluffy twintails are both cute and a miracle of the universe

She was a cute kid

Please tell me this is a real doujin

I think it's from the Anthology or something

WHOA is that real?

That's OK, you'll have plenty of time to get to know her in the the remake where Akechi lives and redeems himself. And there's more time before the final deadline somehow.

Good thing for that arrow I know it's her.


Where are these from?

You should see Yusuke


This is our leader. Say something effin nice about her!





NIce legs.


Open paint and put it all into one effing pic next time bub

Huh?! Yo-you wanna meet my mom? I guess that's alright by me. Maybe she won't fret over me so much when she sees that I'm in good company but hey, don't get any weird ideas alright?

Eff off, you SHITTY ADULT

you guys believe this? kek

Make these threads earlier in the day dumb dumb. I can't post a lot while on a phone past midnight.

Let's not make these threads at not fucking midnight eastern time Harufriends. Night.


Persona set in elementary school when?

I dunno but when they do it Nanako from P4 better be a romance option. I want to see her Junes

I want to rub her magnificent forehead

Dekozuri with Haru

Haru = Futaba > Ann > any other girl in the universe > Makoto

I need more Haru in my life.