Why doesn't this series have difficulty settings? One of the largest complaints by both fans and critics alike is that it's way too easy.
Why doesn't this series have difficulty settings...
Difficulty wouldn't change their shitty AI.
because its a series that targets casuals and casuals don't care about difficulty
What about CoD? That's the most casual shit in the world but it has difficulty settings. So does Halo. And pretty much everything else.
That'd require of reworking of the combat and enemy AI for it not to suck. It'd be a totally different game.
What if the difficulty change is from a change in the AI?
Making enemies deal more damage, notice you quicker, and forget you slower really wouldn't make it a totally different game.
>One of the largest complaints by both fans and critics alike is that it's way too easy
OP, Syndicate and Origins would like to have a word with you.
Syndicate became easy once you were able to judge the shitty battle animations of enemies, but Origins is hard as fuck. You are constantly surrounded by enemies ten levels higher than you, and even the most legendary level 1 item is garbage against a level 10.
That's precisely what they're doing with Origins though. Went with the Souls-like combat system to offer at least somewhat of a challenge.
I'm looking forward to it
>notice you quicker, and forget you slower
The series as a whole doesn't have enough emphasis on its stealth mechanics for this to matter as much as it should.
The first game was the only moderately difficult one.
>All enemies can grab, break defense, heavy attack, or dodge
>This requires the player be prepared to press one of 4 buttons, with timing
But they couldn't even keep this up in 2 and from then on it was
>Enemies have designs that plainly state which guards will dodge and which guards will heavy attack
>Enemy grabs were removed from AI use
>Same for break defenses.
But over half of the missions are sneaking missions where you get penalized for being detected, what the fuck are you on about
>Weapons having levels
So dumb.
It simply refers to the quality of the weapon. A freshly sharpened, hot-off-the-forge sword is gonna be a lot better than one that hasn't been cared for in years.
>Get detected
>Instant game over
You realise they did this to stop you from simply murdering everyone, right? In AC1, the punishment for being spotted was a hard fight.
Don't get me wrong, I agree with that, but saying that stealth isn't a big part of the game is retarded. Like I said, every other mission is stealth-based.
From what I remember, 1-3 are trivially beaten just by countering with hidden blade. In 3, sometimes you have to disarm first. 1 was the hardest one since you unlock countering later on and it wasn't obvious at first how op the weapon was.
I want a futuristic AC game where your character has a wearable Animus to read other people's memories and I know I'm ripping off Observer but seriously how cool would that be
Can't you just backstab them and steal their weapon?
>ACIII lets you disarm guards, and use their bayonetted muskets
>they have some of the most brutal kill animations
>but you can't actually keep them
>AC Unity lets you have rifles and muskets as your primary weapon
>none have bayonets
>none of the cool animations from 3
>objectively worse than any melee + pistol combo
In AC1, the hidden blade being a one hit kill was balanced as fuck. It had the smallest timing window. If you didn't counter, you would take damage because the hidden blade had no parry animation in AC1. Guards in AC1 also had ridiculously strong combo attacks that would take out half your health bar.
the hidden blade in the first game has a very small counter window and is not reliable, and will quickly get you killed in the late game battles against multiple templar knights.
That was literally the only way I could get thru those fights. I had a time-window before my PS3 would crash, so countering was the only solution lol. But I agree with . It was high-risk-->high-reward, plus AC is not *that* type of hack-n-slash anyway. I also think that limited enemy variety made it so you don't need much practice.
Hidden blade no longer instakills, just a big amount of damage
Well that's retarded
No, it instakills so long as the enemies are within the correct level range
Oh, that's quite smart actually
Me too, although the best part in AC was those flashy counters with the hiden blade for maximum damage
>Level ranges
That's dumb.
Can I go now?
>Let me change the difficulty by making dumb AI enemies damage sponges
Who let you out of Bethesda's office, GET BACK TO WORK