Does anyone actually enjoy flying through rings?
Does anyone actually enjoy flying through rings?
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it was real shit this game was made pre age of sandbox cancer, I wanted to punch buildings in half not fly through rings and die to bullets
Is Sup Forums contrarian enough to defend this game?
If it's done right, yeah.
crash bandicoot's rings of power
Nights was always a bad game.
See Although I am not a huge fan of the game, it's very well designed.
Did anyone actually own this game when it was relevant?
Because I did. It's actually in my drawer I think.
It's fucking terrible. The only reason I have it is because my dad is a huge Superman fan, bought it, hated it, and gave it to me and my brother.
I've seen it done, without a hint of irony.
I have this game right now, and playing it to see if Sup Forums is right about this game being terrible.
Wtf its a pretty good game. Only the ring section sucks but once you get past that, it has really good 3D fighting mechanics and the graphics look great for its time.
I think the only reason why anybody would think this game is terrible is because they watch their favorite e-celeb (like Angry Video game fag) and take their opinions like fact.
Stupid internet XD
Getting gold on those was a lesson in efficiency in flying.
>and the graphics look great for its time.
there's only so much you can bullshit
imagine being this much of a contrarian
This game is total ass. Even when I was 10 I played it for like 30 minutes before never touching it again.
Not my fault Dreamcast had almost no other passable games.
I bet you defend the Sonic Adventure games, too.
what graphics? it was awful looking.
Nights was a Saturn game, user
Like, if they're on fire yeah
whatever, like I can be bothered to keep track of your loser weaboo SEGA systems nobody cared about.
Boy have I got a treat for you!
but you care enough to post about them!
Spyro did it right
I remember renting it because I liked the cartoon and felt bad for wasting my mom's money.
Nights into Dreams is the best game about flying through rings.
>imagine being this much of a contrarian
Yeah, imagine being so much of a contrarian that you make an obvious joke post.