At what point in the series did you realize the theme went from military sci fi to just plain retarded? Some of the nanomachine and shadow gov stuff was cool but there was a line drawn. For me it was when this fucking thing came out of the water in MGS4.
When did MGS become crazy?
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Since the first one
The first one was so retarded I had to stop playing it. It also didn't help that it's not even a stealth game, just pure shit.
2 or 3
MGS2, the hours of cutscenes and rambling bullshit about the patriots. It was retarded.
kys senpai hth ilu
Mgs has always been crazy since the first one
Diarrhea """humour""" and tentacle fetish for starters.
When it lost the unsung hero.
Holy crap this
I agree with everything in this
Poisonous hamsters
How could MGSV have been made better?
MGS3 and 4 is dogshit compared to 1 and 2 and MGS4 was made while kojimbo was going through a midlife crisis.
I suppose I was lucky because I got to play it all before the release of MGS4 and knew all about it's wackiness which I loved. Each game was varied from the previous title totally changing the theme and style of story and gameplay.
I get why plot holes get criticized, but if you can't appreciate it for hairless smokin monkeys and a cyborg ninja chopping off a hand and burning "Big Boss" alive with a can and lighter, then you're playing the wronng game Bucko!
3 and 4 have the best gameplay.
4 would be better if it ran at a better framerate imho. I'm hoping for a ps4 rerelease or something but it's prob never going to happen
>technology from the 70-80's is more advanced that the future
this shit has been bothering me since peace walker
what the fuck is all that shit doing in those times?
sahalantrhopshdfskl is a full bidpedal nuke metal gear with a retarded whip that can destroy pretty much anything and it was made 20 years before rex which was supposed to have been the strongest thing ever
id kill for a 60 fps mgs4. i enjoyed that game a lot and had tons of fun playing it
Probably Snake's Revenge is where it started to move from 80's dudebro plot to weirdness.
>"...Into the ocean."
our best hope is probably emulation in the far future
Kojima stopped giving a shit after 3.
4 was made just to shut fans up.
The rest was Konami milking the cow.
As soon as I saw Raiden as the cyborg ninja in 4, I knew it was going to be shit.
That's kinda problem with prequels set in world based on the real one, you need to amaze the player with something new and fancy, yet that ain't really possible with technology of their parents' time.
No Quiet.
I liked the locked 24 fps framerate. It made the game feel more cinimatic.
The world around Snake going mad was one of the major themes of MGS4. This is reflected in the TV shows at the beginning of the game, and the enemies you fight like the Geckos and the BnB. Mount Snakemore seemed to fit within all that.
Make the story be about Solidus instead of an original character, too. He fits into the time period perfectly. Raiden fits into Eli's place, too.
Liberian civil war was in the 90s, Raiden was born in 1983, making him a toddler around the time MGSV takes place, and Solidus would have been a violent, teen douchebag with no qualities for a good protagonist, unless we talking about some edgy game for rebel teens.
Is became JoJo in 3 and tried to reel it in with V.
No, its because Kojima and co were hacks. What always made mgs stand out were the characters and story. There was a lot which could have been done with the setting, but instead they fell back on the crutch of making a few action movie set pieces and neglected everything else.
one had diarreah humour too nigger
>Big Boss from MSX Metal Gear was actually just Venom Snake too
Venom wasn't a good protagonist, either. He was too silent.
>mfw literally nobody understands how Venom's story turned out and how it works into MG1
I was thinking more of how he was supposed to inspire good qualities in players, every protag so far was a positive personality, even though for Naked Snake we knew he would eventually turn into let's nuke the world evil.
Solidus was that evil from early on, he inspired no one except psychopaths with his method of raising child soldiers.
Heck, even Liquid has more potential than him, as a sleeper agent that got betrayed.
3 is best though.
MGS2 was terrible how did people put up with that shit
MGS3 was amazing
And then MGS4 was terrible again
Everyone understands it. His muteness is just a badly misused characteristic that Kojima introduced from Fury Road.
This guy right here proves it wasn't understood.
I agree they were shit at characterizing him, but by the end of the game it was blatantly obvious that Venom was the exact opposite of Big Boss, and that's why he was killed in MG1.
MGS4 was incredible. It had 60 hours of cutscenes. Fucking SIXTY. The longest one goes for 90 minutes, with many others hovering around 50 minutes. I still remember having the time to cook and eat a bowl of noodles while a cutscene was playing in MGS4. It was like a movie.
Sauce for this interview?
I wish they hadn't fired Kojima before they produced a remake of the original Metal Gear.
Yeah, now there's a chance it might be good and not a hideous clusterfuck of retcons and whatever Kojima thinks is cool at the time
It's very clear that Kojima was making shit up as he went along since every fucking game past 1 was him thinking it'd be the last one he was going to have to actually make.
He isn't proving anything, besides the fact that he is the one misunderstanding things.
Kojima specifically made Venom a mute to try and make the player self insert into him. It didn't work out, as most people who played the game will tell you. It was easier to feel like you were Raiden or Naked Snake than you were Venom. Such was the awkwardness of Venom's sheer commitment to never saying a single word when he could have.
t. too young for mgs and too stupid for mgs 2
Survive proves that wrong.
I thought rex swas made from a scrapped salalhauepedeus remade into something that doesnt need to have a psychic shota battery to operate
I just said that I agreed they fucked his characterization up, but that's no excuse to misconstrue what little actually is there.
I've played every mainline MG game and I still think Decoy Octopus is one of the craziest things to exist. That nigga can copy someone down to their very DNA. He just does it. No nanomachines, no ESP, no parasites, nothing. There's no explanation for this amazing power. This is crazier than sewing someone's arm to your stump and becoming that person. It's crazier than nanomachines. It's crazier than a senator being able to fist fight with an android that's able to swing around metal gears. It's crazier than Psycho Mantis.
MGS1 was pretty crazy but the point when Liquid's arm does/doesn't take over Ocelot is when the series went completely loopy for me.
At least it was realistic in MGS3 aside from the Shagohod, which was an early prototype that look like a modified tank that was designed to fire nukes, so I'll give it a pass, Peace Walker and V are just crazy though.
He can't copy people down to their DNA... That's why Decoy Octopus died to FOXDIE.
REX in MGS1 was entirely Otacon's own, original design (do not steal) and the latest, greatest advance in American weapons technology
MGS3 partially retcons this into being Otacon using a design he got from Huey, who got it from Granin, who designed it before Operation: Snake Eater
Then it gets stupid
Just a reminder there are people on this board who think MGS games have brilliant plots.
So the most infamous westaboo in japan watches fucking mad max: FR and thinks it's the best shit ever?
This maniac needs to be stopped.
Except he doesn't? He registered as the DARPA Chief because he stole the Chief's blood, which had tracking nanomachines in it
Donald Anderson wasn't on the FOXDIE list because he was buddies with whatshisname, but Octopus was because he was a member of FOXHOUND
FOXDIE was designed to kill the FOXHOUND members AND Baker.
sahalalapus looks almost identical to rex when folded up
The fact that he replaced the blood in his own body with the Chief's is still fucking absurd.
He's already said he's going to make Death Stranding like Dunkirk, too.
Whoops, wrong name. Disregard.
Get it right.
I enjoyed the NES version, but when I realized the playstation version was just a shitload of cutscenes about characters with the dumbest fucking names on earth, I laughed it off and moved on
I would never have imagined that it became popular, or a continuing series
I call bullshit on this
Source or it didn't happen
The time they wanted to rationalize everything and became self aware. I don't think anyone really wanted to know why The End can use photosynthesis or Vamp was immortal vampire and justify it with parasites and nanomachines. Hell, I'd rather Vamp to be actual vampire.
MGS2 - Vamp
Vamp IS the shark. And he jumped himself
I love this thing
It actually says in the MGS4 database thing that Foxdie was supposed to kill Anderson, but that thing has several errors and weird shit in it so there you go.
The wonderful thing about MGS is that it combines realistic elements and supernatural ones. And then they go overboard with both.
Wouldn't call it retarded. It's wacky, hammy but it addresses themes in the story elements in a way that other franchises can't.
My favorite series by far because the games make me laugh, sad and makes the player think.
Awesome... so edgy XD
MG2. MG1 is normal only because there wasn't much room.
Most people don't get that Metal Gear has always been a weird fucking series.
>Mei Ling
>Roy Campbell
>McDonell Benedict Miller
>Frank Jaeger
>Adamska Shalashaska
How are these weird names?
It happened.
>someone doesnt like my newfag childhood meme game
get used to it, in a few more years kids will come here thinking that metal gear is old and stupid
its what you deserve
Was the MGS4 Database canon even when it was still relevant?
It says a lot of things
No source
No happening
>Adamska Shalashaska
>not weird
>fury road
hes been trying to make a mad max game since the 90's.
This is ALL well fucking known. Its also why konami launched the game on the same date as mad max, just to fuck with him.
We already had psychics and shamans who can talk to crows, why is vamp so absurd?
>people actually fucking think venom was mute for any reason other than his Kiefer Sutherland being expensive
Unironically this.
Sutherland was cheaper than Hayter at that point
Like a really, really bad movie though.
Maybe because when you shoot Mantis and Raven to death, they fucking die
You don't plug them in the skull with a sniper rifle and just accept that magic vampire healing powers allowed them to ignore it because why not
He ignored it because nanomachines.
The real question is how the black chick was able to deflect Ray's attack without the EM thingy.
Remember when in Peace Walker Snake said "You're fired" when kicking out personel in MSF? These sounds and even more Mother Base related sounds are still in the game files. It's just that they're not used.
>infiltrate the oil rig
Maybe you have a point, i got into MGS after 4 and i was told that crazy shit happening is the norm in this series, so i didnt really care about vamp
The hell did I misunderstood about Venom, when the post was about Solidus?
No, it was about Venom.
venom was mute because kojima saw drive and thought it would be cool to have a protag that didnt talk much, like gosling