@ 00:25

Defend this!

Other urls found in this thread: 0m30s

It's called inspirations you mongrel

>Sup Forums thinks inspiration equals stealing other peoples music

This isn't stolen at all. The melody or structure is nothing alike. The only similarity is that they both sound like ragtime music.

how much of a newfag are you

it's music, people are bound to sound similar at one point or another

It's a totally different song, but it uses the same instruments.

>user thinks nintendo will sue even though it will just open them up to the same lawsuits even if they do win.

Undertale stole sprites, music and sound effects from them, so I think they ok.

as an unbiased observer, its literally the same song and grounds for copyright infringement

>Totally different song that's slightly similar

haha okay man

Similar chord progression & style but I don't agree it's plagiarism


>Baiting this hard
>Sup Forums will bite anyway

Never ever

Great thread you fucking faggot. If you ever kill yourself it wouldn't be soon enough

this is the second time already
delete this bait thread

undertale merely perfected what nintendo just couldn't themselves

Literally this. Super Mario World's music is supposed to sound kind of like ragtime.

>defend this
>nintenbros come pouring in to do so

I don't know if it's a ragtime standard, but that arpeggio is very very similar. It even has the same turnaround to it. Fucking christ, are you deaf?

>Cuphead stole from Ragtime
shaking my head, when will Microboners learn?

If at first the meme doesn't take off, try again with a different game.

Yeah, I noticed this too.
And the shop music is jungle hijinx.

And guess what jungle hijinx is spring yard zone, DKC btfo? David wise a hack right?

It's obviously meant to be a reference. Cuphead references a lot of other games.

>3 notes = same song

Why can't indies do LITERALLY anything original? Name a popular indie game that does not have references, homages, or maymays.

Name literally any game that doesn't reference or pay homage to something else, fuck nut

Stop posting this in cuphead threads, this isn't the way to shill your gay youtube channel

ha, that's a cute homage

Kirby's Dream Land

Your mother.

Thought I was the only one that noticed the similarity, but I'd hardly call it stealing.

its just crappy ragtime. really simple stuff if you know Music at all.

>undertale perfected

They sound nothing alike at all. The fuck are you talking about?

>thinks two pieces of music based on the same thing means one stole from the other
What did he mean by this?

@ 00:53



There’s literally nothing even remotely similar about the two pieces except that they’re the same genre of music.

This, theyre exactly the same. If you think otherwise youve never really played SMW or didnt listen up to 40 seconds into Cuphead's.

But they're both generic piano riffs, you can't honestly be this ignorant about music.

oh wait, you like videogame music. so i guess you can.

fucking savage

If I have to spoonfeed you retards, fine 0m30s

Listen to that shit again and again if you have to
It's SIMILAR but not 100% exact to the Mario one. Yes I mean musically and not just the fucking instruments. Cup head has the flute repeat the line. But you're going to pretend you didn't hear it just to spite me and so you can keep on being an ignorant faggot

That’s a standard ragtime piano riff that’s characteristic of all music in the genre you mong.

It doesn't matter if it's a generic riff or not. People are pretending that they sound nothing alike but that's not fucking true at all. The bassline has more to it in the Cuphead one, but other than that they're very similar.

>make 50 souls like games - MUH GOTY DUDESS
>make games that are literally movies - CINEMATIC EXPERIENCE
>make assassins creed clones - ZELDA KILLER HEH

It's in both songs though

im a lowkey total nintenbaby but i give no shit about this as these are both great pieces of music

also is cuphead good? is worth "buying" on pc?

Name five classic ragtime songs with the exact same riff.

its in dozens of songs, none of which are rips off of eachother. its a standard ragtime motif.

Just wait for it to come to switch next year.

Don't misrepresent my point. I never said it was a ripoff. I never made one post that said that. I was responding to the people who said it was absolutely nothing alike

If $20 is too much then just pirate it you stupid Nintenbaby.

let's not be so confident that will be happening

though one can only dream

At first I thought it sounded nothing alike but yeah the 30-40 second mark sounds almost exactly alike.
People mortgaged their house to fucking plagiarise Nintendo hahahaha.

don't call me names man I have depression

Lol i wouldn't even touch cuckhead, how does it feel being sheeple and just playing your meme tumblrino games just because they're trending right now cucks LOL.

That being said though Nintendo steal shit all the time, so let's not talk about it.

nintendawgs mad they cant play goty

>I don't know if it's a ragtime standard, but that arpeggio is very very similar
Ragtime doesn't have standard but the thing is that the cuphead song uses an arpeggio near identical to Super Mario World. I've been looking around but I can't actually find anything showing that the Atheletic theme from SMW was taken from something else.

It's flawed as hell from a gameplay perspective but it's definitely worth at least one playthrough. Go ahead and "buy" it already, I think there's a russian site that's got it on a discount too.

>so let's not talk about it.
Please, let's.

Yet another thread that proves how mentally retarded the Nintendo fanbase is
Between the shitposting Nintendies have done today and the shitposting Sonyfats have done today I think I've had a dose to last me for a long time

Mate tell me that bit from 30-40 seconds in doesn't sound like it.

>my god Nintendo is the creator of all, anything that is even a tiny bit like what they do is clearly a filthy plagiarist and must have feel the wrath of their almighty and well-used DMCA hammer

>standard ragtime piano technique is now copyright of Nintendo according to fanboys
>Nintendo fans are literally obsessed with trying to sniff out infringement for Nintendo


Speaking of music, does anyone have a mega of the cuphead soundtrack yet?

What did Nintendo mean by this?

China knows a lot about inspirations.

nintenfats literally the worst. they would have been okay if they didn't cry over fucking nothing. only worse company is MS

Does "stealing" music even mean anything anymore in the industry? Rock has been doing it, Hiphop's identity was from sampling shit, there's literally entire genres dedicated to ripping off other mediums. Why are people still making a hissyfit over this?

Because it's not actually "stealing" in this case, Nintendo fanboys are just being retarded because they're trained like dogs to sniff out "infringement" for Nintendo

Youtube, what is the "most famous ragtime song"?

i will agree with OP because that would mean nintendo stole from basic stride piano from joplin -- and joplin stole it from the masters of classical music. it all works out. either way, i think OP just made this thread for some sales from people who think that's anything different or impressive and not listen to jazz

Thats pretty cool, also you baiting moron it's just ragtime

>Im retarded and cant appreciate music to a certain degree
>Literally cant discern the supposedly undertale ost plagiarism
>This comes in and even i can tell this shit

is it me or is this game super fucking easy?

the only way to take damage or die is due to shitty gimmicks or inevitable damage you take not to your own fault


You haven't played the game if you think this for any but 2 or maybe 3 bosses

Why must every game be an endless tutorial?

I dont hear it. Im afraid nostalgia got the best of you my friend. Might want to lay off the classic games for a while.

They based a lot of their ideas on other games. It's called an homage.

i get it

Now I've got to go re-watch those Tom Brier videos

you just hit the nail on the head LOL.

When I torrent games for free I'm just being inspired by them.

mfw he suffered a massive head injury and can no longer play ragtime

>Humans have been creating music for fucking lifetimes now.
And Mario music directly lifts from some old classical music too.

Nearly every fucking thing can sound similar because its all been done, its the same as movies and tv shows, of course they are similar, its been done.
Nearly all has been done, we live in a time period where its all been done. The only thing left to do is do new shit, which is what Dubstep was, and other music and everybody screams ITS SHIT!

Oh god that violin song sounds like this violin song how dare they.

I see what you did there

It sounds exactly fucking like it. It has exactly the same notes and exactly the same structure with very similar instrumentation. It's not a matter of sucking Nintendo dick (which I don't by the way) it's just flat out plagiarism.
I assume this dumb frogposter is the same person but unless you can point out to me a specific example of a public domain ragtime song with exactly the same sound and structure it's plagiarism.

>public domain music
Okay, millennial, calm down

>It's called inspirations you mongrel
It's ok when Sony does it!

Not even close, try harder.

Never forget, jap "musicians" have been stealing music from the beginning. Never feel bad for them.


in hip hop negro "music" this would be considered a sampeling or inspiration.. also its not that close
If you want actual similar "stolen" music listen to this XD

btw the mashup between the original and the copy is better than the original or the copy which is why i dont care if some music is "stolen"