What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Haven't been this disappointed since no man's sky

It's a good game. Stop whining.

>What went wrong?

You being born

Pretty visual style, shit gameplay. Wait for a sale.

it's fucking shit you contrarian.

wah wah i complain on Sup Forums about everything my life sucks wah

You didn't even know this game existed until the Dean Tokiashi incident.

It's shit.

>hyped up as another le dark souls of 2d!!!!
>casual as fuck

Your parents were too lazy to use a condom.

ducktales is 10x as difficult as this game

You sound far more like the contrarian then he does.

Blatant falseflagging.

your a bitch

I fucking loved it, but i played it Co-op visiting my brother. So my perspective might be skewed t b h.

The non-boss battles levels were shitty.

Why were you disappointed?

git gud

Could you elaborate on why you didn’t like the game, OP?

ur gay

too short, casualized as fuck, they took the interesting aspect out of the game (a game only of boss battles), the non-boss battle levels are shit.

can't say I'm surprised they were greedy jews and wanted to appeal to a larger casual audience


>hyped up as another le dark souls of 2d!!!!

I could've sworn a really shitty (((((journalist)))) did that.

B-b-but I sold my house for this gamee :(((((

Yeah I fucking dread the run and gun sections so goddamn much

i agree on the non boss battle levels. honestly they're fucking garbage and really bog the game down.
on the other hand the boss battles are great. the art is amazing.

Would you trade the run and gun levels for 10 more boss battles?

Run n' gun was terrible, and showed exactly why the game should've just stayed a boss rush.

>that fucking pier level

>terrible hitbox
>generic flash sidescroller

it is shit as fuck

yes for fucks sake. id trade them for 3

Show me a flash game with Cuphead's amount of detail with the animation.

>terrible hitbox

love how you conveniently "forget" to refute his main point

>artificial difficulty


Because I personally haven't played it yet, but have seen people play it.

I'd literally just give up the run and gun levels in exchange for character cosmetics dude. They suck.

>guys look what I found on the ground!
>it looks like a poo, it stinks like a poo but looks nice, so it is not poo, it is yummy!

literally kill yourself. without the "muh 1930s" animation noone would play this shit.

>Sup Forums memes that it's a short game
>20 bosses

Its quite boring

>Poo analogies

>all these casuals hyping the game as difficult when its incredibly easy if you arent a moron

If "le animation" is the only selling point you've got yourself a shit game

i've hated like 95% of games released in the last 5 years and cuphead was enjoyable. i think it's the first good western release (though I haven't played divinity 2) in years.

I was addressing his point about it looking like a flash game.

I couldn't comment on the hitbox because I personally have not played it yet.

what were you expecting?

An actual difficult boss rush style game with tight controls and great hitboxes.

Instead I got the opposite. Don't care about the aesthetics. I play video games to PLAY not to watch

>It's shit
>Provides no reasons
Great argument

>Tight controls
The game controls fine

>Great hitboxes
What's wrong with them?

>Vertical shots dont always hit
>Shooting behind without moving or crouching isnt possible
>Sound fx are annoying
>Music is garbage
>Visuals are good

>music is garbage


I agree on the shots being a little wonky, but I didn't really have a problem with the controls
Why didn't you like the music? I get that some genres might not be everyone's cup of tea, but desu I liked it

Nothing went wrong you edgy little middle schooler

>all these threads that are hating on cuphead

>RNG design for some boss fights
>EX Shot knocks you back which makes you fall during from small platforms
>Supers take away your ability to use EX Shots
>No aiming with right analog stick
>No health bars to indicate how much damage I have to do before the boss changes form
>Fucking invisible dashing is useless because I can't see where I'm gonna land
God damn it, the game feels fucking cheap with these shit designs

>Terrible RNG which ruins object/enemy placement, making the levels a chore
>Hitboxes are wonky at best, imprecise at worst, almost as bad as a newgrounds game
>Not enough shit is parryable
>No online co-op for a co-op game

It's a passable twenty dollar game. Soundtrack's nice and the artstyle is lovely. It's certainly not a hard game, just occasionally frustrating thanks to the RNG.

Easily one of the best games released in the last 5 years. Stop being contrarian. Though I will readily agree it has significant gameplay/balance flaws:

>5-card supers are worthless, low damage and not enough inv frames, end up putting you in the harm's way more often than not. Using four 1-card supers is always the preferable option. Pointless mechanic
>platforming levels are pretty dull. I mean they still look good, but feel shoehorned. Game should have been a pure boss rush and better off for it
>some bosses are noticeably influenced by RNG (flower, genie off the top of my head)
>standard control scheme is meh, but at least you can remap it
>weapons are kinda misleading and unbalanced, for example spread shot is inferior to the pea shooter unless all projectiles connect, and charge is overpowered

The presentation is top notch, bosses are creative and entertaining, the challenge is just right. Game could use just a little bit of extra polish and another hour or two of playtesting.

Non stop Fag jazz is why i didnt like the ost. This game is WAY over rated, yes its fun but it isnt well made gameplay wise

despite being terrible at this game I have managed to make it to world 3 and done everything except the run and guns there
I love all three of the nautical levels the most but holy shit the fucking octopus autoscrolling fucks me so hard

God I hate nu-Sup Forums. old Sup Forums would have seen through this shitty game.

fuck off nu-Sup Forums. There are hundreds of better platformers. Even Ive made more enjoyable games than this.

What year did you start to lurk/post?

Bring invincibility and parry the switch 4 times to rid 4 obstacles.

The late 2000s when it wasn't shit like today


>Ive made more enjoyable games
Then post them.

Old Sup Forums would have loved this game and hated shit like Persona 5. Nu-Sup Forums hates anything that requires a smidgen of twitch skill and loves egostroking casualshit. Fatlus bashing needs to come back.

Aside from the gimmicky visuals this game brings nothing new to the table.Even Super Mario 1 is more enjoyable

>i've made more enjoyable games
this is the insult you give when you have nothing, if you want to make such a claim, show us

> this game brings nothing new to the table
Same with 95% of the games released for the past 2 decades

You keep comparing this game to platformers and I don't know why.

Shh that will blow his anonymity if he's honest

Thats nothing to be happy about

I don't cater to nu-Sup Forums

Cause it's a platformer?

You tell us what's wrong with the game

Post them, unless if you are a lying nigger.

It's not though. It's a side scroller shooter with boss rush elements.

refinement is just as important as innovation

Liar faggot confirmed.

>Run 'n Guns levels
Clear them on pacifist (not killing anything) and they're a lot of fun.

This thread smells of 8gag. Probably died 20 times during the first run and gun level

So a platformer.

Based on the sheer butthurt bubbling up on Sup Forums, I guess this game ended up being good after all, seeing as all you faggots can't stop making these threads.

literally impossible that someone would die more than twice on the first level unless they are clinically retarded

Its just nu-Sup Forums and tourists from other boards

You haven't seen 8gaggers "play" games. They focus on net-activism and political shit for a reason.

What first level? You can have Cagney Carnation as your first level

>lying about making a better game than Cuphead
>lying about making anything other than a turd in the toilet

yep when a game becomes too popular or turns up to be good Sup Forums suddenly hates it en masse. Cuphead must be a nice (albeit short) game for Sup Forums to go from hype -> hate so quickly

nah, we just needed to make some anti-shill threads since they make a new "Cuphead is the GOTY" thread every 15 minutes

It's retarded to have a pacifist run when you can't apply that to boss levels.

Fucking this
Fuck Sup Forums and their shitty bait threads the game is a masterpiece

>only comparison he can make is SMB
>the two games are nothing alike
Making a food analogy would be less embarassing. If you actually played videogames you'd draw a comparison with the likes of Alien Soldier or Contra Hard Corps.

Also games don't need to reinvent the wheel. Cuphead brought back the boss rush genre that died with the 16-bit era and did so with solid gameplay and top-notch presentation. It's at the very least a decent and completely inoffensive game.

Seriously what the shit is wrong with you people
The levels were fine, obviously they weren't planned from the beginning and weren't as great as they could've been but they were far from bad

Is Contra a platformer?

Fuck off nu Sup Forums

What the fuck is the "super" you equip and how do you do it? I thought it was the B skill but that's just the EX attack

Cuphead is like healthy fruit while your favorite game is McDonalds

>without great graphics nobody would play AAA shit
Wow you sure showed him, retard

Wow, great argumentation user, you sure showed him.

No seriously, what was wrong with his post?

>Platform game: It involves guiding a player character or avatar to jump between suspended platforms and/or over obstacles to traverse their environment.

now fuck off to /r/gamers

Level 3

Is it me or did they basically drop the "1920's" cartoon theme during Inkwell Isle 3 and 2 bosses in Inkwell isle 3 ? It's like they ran out of ideas for the style and switched to like 1970's style cartoons. Carla Maria is straight up 1970's style

>No aiming with right analog stick
This is not a first person shooter you dumb nu-male cuck