Can't sign exclusive rights to Cuphead

>Can't sign exclusive rights to Cuphead
>Nioh comes to PC
>CEO steps down

What the fuck is going on Sonybros?

Other urls found in this thread:

cuphead you mean the flavor of the month overdue and overhyped garbo?

>i-it's bad
>w-we didn't want it anyway

absolute state of sonyfriends lmaoo

People who only live in the video game sphere don't realize Sony hemorrhages money like Midas after an acupuncture session. This company is fucking dying and selling off divisions every day just to keep their head above water

Sick argument.
You totally deconstructed what he said and DESTROYED HIM mannnn!

Hey someone gild this guy over here!

They can play it on PC though.

>you lived long enough to see sony go down under
good, karma is a bitch. they deserve everything thats happening to them after what they did to my precious dreamcast.

Sick argument.
You totally deconstructed what he said and DESTROYED HIM mannnn!

Hey someone gild this guy over here!

Why do retards expect genuine counterarguments when their original post also said nothing of value?

Seriously what was the last good movie they put out? Flatliners was DoA.

When will ponies learn?

Don't forget, Sony is missing out on PUBG as well

Video games are all about being flavor of the month upon release. What AAA video game has become flavor of the month after it's initial release?

Last of us was ok

I've been saying this all along, Sony has been losing exclusives to PC. This is happening for many reasons but to make it short, Japan never bothered with PC before. Now their games are selling hundreds of thousands or even millions on PC and companies are really starting to notice. This is gonna keep happening. Sony will buy timed exclusives or to keep it as a "console exclusive" and then companies will port their games to PC later.


Nioh was shit anyways
Cuphead is just the flavor of the month
who needs a ceo

But the only Japanese game that sells on PC is Dark Souls. All the rest struggle to even crack 100k, and that takes some crazy luck.

>consolefag ever not being a brand loyalist

that's impossible for them

I appreciate you.

NA sold 2 million

Xcuck concern trolling is so delicious.

how much do you think their games sell on ps4 user?

Then how do you explain the huge influx of Japanese PC ports?

>Japan never bothered with PC before.
PC had a good presence in Japan until the mid 00's, It's very niche now over there but slowly growing. The Jap PC games market now is because of the western audience.

Wait, is Kaz Hirai quitting?

Andrew House has stood down.

In the statements though, Kaz makes it sound like he's resigning at the end of the next financial year.

Don't worry bros, we still have our trump card!

>Forced Nintendo out of the console business.

That's enough.

But the switch is an console senpai

>Xgroids aren't getting Nioh
>Switchkeks aren't getting Monster Hunter World
>PCfats will have broken ports of each

In the end Sony does win.

>The Jap PC games market now is because of the western audience.

Which is something they should've done a decade ago when digital was rising. Japanese devs were always far too Japanocentric for their own benefit and left probably untold millions in profit on the table. They're only now opening up to the idea that filthy white PC pigs might pay for their games.

Kill everyone in this thread.

But that never happened...

But what DID happen:
>Sony forced themselves out of the portable business

>PS Plus free play started to go shit
>raised PS Plus fees from $50 to $60
>free play offerings still shit
>PS Plus is now $60 before tax
>offerings still shit
>first party exclusives are mediocre at best
>starting to lose third party exclusives left and right
>Saying "portability isn't something that the consumer wants" as Switch sales beat the shit out of PS4
>made Japanese publishers realize the earning potential from milking ironic weebs on Steam
>fail to grab exclusivity from those Japanese publishers and many of them are jumping into the Steam bandwagon every day
>has nothing to offer until Summer 2018 besides MOAR PS plus subscription service and VR meme

Sony won this generation.

Sonysandniggers are the most obnoxious and cancerous fanbase. Not just on Sup Forums but across the internet.

>Implying PC has generations

Nintendo is making tablets now. They left the console business.

sonys entire premise over the last few years is to cultivate an image. even with the ps4 pro they tried to make comparisons to PC even though its about as powerful as throwing a 1050ti in a first generation iX based computer. fact is the with a growing PC market that even japs are making games for it and consoles becoming more and more like PCs with no plug and play it just means they need to keep up and image. Nintedo did it right this generation. despite being under powered it gives PC gamers a reason to play not on their PC. Microsoft is obviously having issues with even most win10 store games coming to steam eventually. if they were smart they would partner and make a steam OS based on microsoft architecture and just sell xbox branded steam machines. face it PC is taking over. consoles could maybe exist like the switch as more powerful mobile gaming devices but the other than making something to rival steam they are pretty fucked

that's exactly why it's irrelevant in those discussions

*Also on PC and Xbox

Cry me river and a half, faggot.

Not like they have much competition. Microsoft fucked themselves at the E3 announcement of the Xboner and Nintendo is off doing their own thing.

>made Japanese publishers realize the earning potential from milking ironic weebs on Steam

Where did this "ironic weeb" thing actually spring up from?

not an argument, sweetie.

>he still thinks PC matters

why do you think consoles still continue to be the target platform for new games?
the only time its the other way around is when its an indie game.
actual games are always gonna be on consoles first and PC will always get the sloppy seconds.

I play all consoles and I know that Nintendbros are the worst.

oh no Nintendo didnt make another under powered PC with no advantage over PC.
how terrible

The ps4 is done

It will continue to lose third party exclusives to the pc and switch, and it has only two first party exclusives that are worth anything (switch will have more than that in it's first 9 months)

Gg you big lipped beasts

t. Sonysandnigger

>A little something goes Microsoft's way for once


This is what, the first MS exclusive since February? It's not even first party anyway

>and PC will always get the best version

From Soft hasn't teased a new project since DS3.
PC port desperation soon.
Then the world can finally be at peace.

I think it first started when SekaiProject brought the first game of Sakura series to Steam, but didn't explode in popularity until Nekopara happened on Steam.

For some reason for years they believed that redirecting almost all their money to sell VR was going to work. They actually believed that everyone was going to buy a ps4, a vr headset and those shitty "vr experience" 20 minutes/60 usd games.

I wonder if any executive at any point raised his hand and say: this is retarded, what about just worrying about having good games on the console?

At least I know where your faggotry stems from.

Are you guys forgetting about gran turismo sports?

It could potentially be the 8th best racing game of october 2017


>Literally every single MS “exclusive” is on PC
>nobody says a word

>A few of the many PS4 exclusives get ported to PC months after people have finished them and have moved on to something else
>It's the end of the world and will apparently lead to Sony's death


Why the hypocrisy?

>An indie game on PC and a retirement
>Xcucks consider this a win

The state of Redmond

Dragon's Dogma sold around 800k on PC.

>I can't play it therefore it's bad

haha, classic

>some billionaire stock broker told Sony to split off the game division and sell the rest of the garbage company off to survive
>Glorious Nippon doesn't listen, is fine with literally one division propping up it's dead and dying music, movie, and consumer electronics division like a zombie
>mfw the cancer is finally going to kill Sony off for good

>PCfats will have broken ports of each
Then some pissed off random dedicated to the case programmer will come and make patch.


Yeah yeah we get it Sony's dying and there won't be a PS4 we've heard it before



Their music division is still doing fine in Japan. The consumer electronics division aside from Xperia is doing quite well. Sony pictures needs to die already.

No one cares about Xbox One. And as you said, in the end it's still Microsoft exclusive and you're forced to upgrade to Windows 10, something people aren't eager to do.

>The consumer electronics division aside from Xperia is doing quite well.
>tfw Xperias are my favourite phones and the only ones I'm willing to get

Sony is still big in the pro market. Their camera sensors are still the best.

umm no, sweetheart

Valkyria Revolution is also on Xbone.

Cherrypicking boy aren't you?

PCs do have generations, like the introduction of graphics cards, the jump to 64-bit and the introduction of SLI.

but i have a PC like pretty much anyone with a PS4, so there's nothing stopping me from playing it


They have fortnite battle royale.

Please delte

dont forget

>refuses crossplay for minecraft
>refuses crossplay for rocket league
>no backwards compatibility

sony has been acting very anti-consumer in recent years. maybe it all went to their head.

Stop responding to me, Sup Forums faggot. '

When I said Sony pictures, I meant their movie studio that made the trainwreck that is emoji movie.

>What the fuck is going on?

Fucking rekt lol

umm, only if you suck me off, honey

~tee hee

>>CEO steps down

JP publishers are imitating the Western ones and putting things out on PC like you said, and PC scene has been growing very rapidly over in Japan, about as fast as it did in the West thanks to games like WoW and LoL.

Most game news sites in Japan cover PC games, Japanese gaming twitter is talking about PC games most of the time, and steamers on NicoNico are almost always playing PC games.

PC is where hardcore gamers are going over there, kind of like where they've went in the US, and I only see it growing honestly. Despite Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy, Japan still isn't hot for consoles anymore. They're an item for more hardcore gamers, and they're all eyeing PC now.

Fuck off retard, we all know Sega fanboys like that Sony dick, even Sega likes that dick, all their fucking games are on Sony now.


That's a cute snek you have there, mind if i pet it?

It seems the least cancerous fan base is easily Sony by the looks of this thread, makes it easier to support them I guess since the PS4
has a few exclusives I want as well
Is there a source for this infograph?

This is missing that Fate/Extella is on PC now too

Sega fag hating PlayStation. What a time to be alive.

If PC gaming is hot in Japan, then why Capcom is actively keeping the PC port of MHW away from Japan?

It's just an echo of what kids think is funny now. Your average teenager in school thinks it's funny, streamers and YTers like to make cringey weeb/waifu jokes.

Devs are just capitalizing on it, and there's no shortage of artists who can only draw in an anime style and can only draw women.

>runs flawlessly on my shitty budget laptop from 2014

Is there actually a computer that exists which can't run cuphead?

Consoles have, and will forever dominate the gaming market. You know this to be true. You don't actually believe PC is taking over do you?

More like 16bit era (DOS-Win3.1), 16-32bit (Win95-WinXP), and now we are sitting 32-64bit (WinVista-Win10)

Might be because of Frontier. Gotta keep that cash flow going.

>only on Windows 10
It's also on steam, user.


To the average console kid walking into gamestop, they don't care if a game is also on PC. They only care about if it's on PS4 or XB1. That's more the Xbone's market and it doesn't hurt them to share their exclusives with Windows 10