Dwarf Fortress

Is this game actually good or is it just a meme? Looking to get into it. Will probably have to watch 1000 tutorials on youtube before i properly learn the controls.

it's a dark souls of survival games

The difficulty is the only meme about it.

it's not worth it

you are literally autismus maximus if you play it

Took me about 3-4 days of reading up on the wiki to know how to do most stuff, it's not a hard game, just a unfair one

So my IQ wont reach the levels of a Rick and Morty viewer?

You would have to be braindead to watch that shit so no.

this is the dark souls of all posts

well that's a picture of adventure mode, which is shit (except for the combat which you should try at least once).

fortress mode is fine, a lot of fun while you're still learning. The issue is once you get good at the game it becomes extremely easy since a siege will never fuck you up.

RimWorld is at least challenging.

The learning curve is harder than the game itself. Once you've figured it all out it's pretty easy and you get into more and more creative projects.

It's fun if you're creative, otherwise you might not like it.

is this bullshit like minecraft?


Not really.

It's more about putting together industries, fortress layouts and traps in more inventive and efficient ways.

Also you get to make cool military units and watch in awe as they tear dragons apart and shit.

The simulation is so complex it's kind of hard to put a finger on what the game is really about. It's not about autistic 8 year olds streaming though.

It´s very, very good. Im just a noob since i can only manage foods, fortress, trading and some rp mechanics of my dwarves. I need to play a lot to get into it and i don´t spend that much of my time.
But yes, it´s probably one of the best open world rpg-rts games that you´ll ever see.

Here's an old fort of mine to give you an idea of the creative aspect of the game.

Next to building forts the game also simulates a world that your actions can have an effect on. Say you made an adventurer who kicked ass all over the world. He'd then be part of that world's history and your dwarves might produce art, songs or books about your adventurer.

It's cool.

I've heard that it is the most complex game in the world.

This is of course an exaggeration and doesn't literally happen but you get the idea
Literally stuff like
>go into pub
>bartender throws a chair at you, because there was a rumor you nailed his daugther
>the rumor was spread by a guy you robbed
>the chair hits you in the eye
>you are blind
>because you are blind there is a 30% chance you run into someone
>if you do there is a 5% chance he will beat you up, but also a 10% someone else beats him up because he beat up a blind guy

there was a guy on /dfg/ who fought two lions, killed one and then threw it through the other lion, killing it.


the keyboard controls are actually great, after a while you have them memorized and can get stuff done really quickly

It's pretty great. If you like sim city, and strategy games you could get into this.

That's actually kind of a simplification, I think. Instead of having percentage chances for abstractions Dwarf Fortress instead usually has an entire system dedicated just for simulating some stupid small thing. Have a look at dwarven emotional development, that's some fun stuff especially if you have an exceptionally happy and optimistic dwarf that goes through let's say a fortress-decimating tantrum spiral.

looks nice.

Most of its difficulty comes from it having the worst interface known to man

So am I supposed to figure out the controls by myself or should I watch a tutorial? Any recommendations?

explore the menus for basic stuff, consult the wiki for more complex things.

It all becomes second nature after a while.

Feel free to ask any questions as you play.

the game viewed from gameplay perspective is piss easy.

as soon as you understand the atrocius controls and ui you will see that it takes very very little to keep a fortress running.

It's actually pretty good, its only default being pretty much one of the most obtuse interface.

DF isn't about winning or difficulty, it's a simulation game with an absurd level of complexity and possible outcomes. The difficulty of the game is always going to correlate to what you're trying to do. If it's just survive then the game is piss easy, if it's to start a war with the whole world and win then it's a little more difficult. But even then it's more about HOW you want to do it than what you're doing. Making a military is fairly difficult, making a hundred cage traps and turtling is easy.

The main appeal of DF, beyond it's insane amount of micromanaging possibility (or automated self sufficiency if you prefer that) is that eventually something fucking radical will happen. Something worth telling a story about. If you look at the forums or talk to avid fans of the game, that's always going to be the main thing. They'll all have stories of crazy things that happened in their fort, and I'm pretty sure that the deciding factor on whether people stick with this game or bounce off is if something like that happens before you get tired of the initial rush of figuring out the controls.

Stuff like a baby punching out a demon saving your fortress or a flaming dog setting the surface on fire and starting a war with the elves or a seemingly cursed room that keeps having accidents leading you to go full detective mode through your population. DF is basically a thousand monkeys on a thousand typewriters and sooner or later it's will give you a rad story completely at random.

It's actually one of the most fun games.
I just need to get the whole military part of the game down and I'll have it mastered.

Can I be literally Hitler?


No, because that's not how that word works despite what you've learned from tumblr, but you can absolutely be figuratively Hitler

Man if you get a squad dedicated to training two months on, one month off, and you deck them out in iron or steel, you'll be amazed at the havoc they can wreak

I'll have to just sit down one day with a guide on how to military since all my previous attempts have failed.

It's a good meme.

It's fun to watch Joel play.

No, but the noble you put in charge can and will.

I remember having a ton of fun right after vampires got implemented, and you were almost always guaranteed to get one in a migrant wave at some point.

Spent a lot of time sleuthing with my mate in our shared fortress.

Once you get the mechanics of designating and equipping a squad down, and organizing a reasonable training regime, you can pretty much let them do their thing and trust in their skills when the time comes.

The next step is setting up patrol routes and well supplied stations for defending against sieges. That's when it gets really autistic/fun.

Can I be literally Hitler?

The game itself is realistically more of a builder's sandbox, but the number of ways things can go pear shaped makes it entertaining as fuck. "Losing is Fun" didn't become a meme for no reason.

It also produces the best stories, true or false.

The game is ok in terms of gameplay but the lack of a tutorial hurts it. The menus make no logical sense as well. To give you an idea you know how most Sim City games order things from the cheapest to the most costly and within those items subcategories that might allow you to pay more/less for alternate options? Well let's say a dev said fuck that and just put everything (subcategories included) in alphabetical order and expect literally every player to learn the menus for themselves instead of just fixing it. Even if a tutorial were to exist you would be all over the fucking place with it. You have to literally memorize what is where for yourself.

That is the game only downfall, if you can get pass that then it is enjoyable but the needless unnecessary outright stupid "difficulty curve" that it creates put people off from it and can you blame them? It isn't even a difficulty curve. It is like having telling someone to learn how to cook (or anything easily as unrelated) just to be able to play a game like Pac-man. Fucking why? The dev made the game so of course he know where everything is so he can not see how fucking stupid and little sense it makes. He is more willing to lose players than the change it at this point. People committed enough to learn the retarded menus pretty much made it so old players would be unhappy with a new menu while new players are currently still unhappy with it. There is no winning for him now.

Can I be figuratively Hitler?

There's also the fact that the game is a runaway boulder of spaghetti code at this point. Cleaning up old features would drive a man insane, so toady just adds new ones instead and all we can do is hope it all works out.

That said, can't fucking wait for the next version to drop.


My favorite thing to do once I've got at least a squad of archers and a couple melee dudes that can hold shit down, is to make a squad of shielddwarves. As much armor as possible, and two shields made of the heaviest shit I have, usually copper. You'd be amazed at how much shit they wreck once their misc. object user and wrestling skill gets high enough. And two shields actually does significantly increase their block chance so they're perfect for sending after anything ranged.

Once you realize that it's always the guy with high combat stats and too many relationships every time it became a little too easy.


Dumping some





Patch notes are a goldmine.
I still remember when someone reported a bug where cats were vomiting and mass dying in his fortress.
It was due to some old code where animals ingest what they have on their feet when they clean/lick themselves.
So cats walking through his pub were literally drinking liters of booze and dying of alcohol poisoning, heh.


My mostly naked all-female hunter militia.
Let me explain.

My huntresses (I didn't pick females on purpose, it just happened) were wearing rags for armor instead of the nice leather stuff that I made them. So naturally, I tell them to (r)eplace what they are wearing with armor. Some time and a battle passes, and all is well.

Then I notice that they're all very angry and go check their mood... And find this! Apparently, the men of that other militia squad stole their cloth- erm, called dibs on the leather armors, and left the girls naked! And now, I'm out of leather. So I keep them the amazon way for now.

note: the militia captain, a two-hander, isn't bothered the slightest by her condition.


Once you learn it, it's quite easy to hit a spot where you start to become bored because there is no challenge left. FPS death is still an issue.

What was your fps


>FPS death
I actually need a good PC to run this?

You need a good cpu

CPU heavy

It's very CPU-heavy

It fluctuated around 19-30. Once the water filled up all of the canals it became decent again.

I ended up ditching the fort because in the entire time it took to dig and smooth everything out I didn't get a single invasion and I figured it would be too dull.

If you want to create a large world with a long history, yeah.
Toady's code is a mess so it's pretty CPU heavy as the other people told you.
If you keep the world small and young there's hardly any problem.

>Noble starts getting cocky
>I don't have time for this shit, too busy tunnlin
>He mandates we make things from bismuth or some shit
>Bismuth is virtually useless
>I tell him to go retrieve the massive deposit found on the other side of that lava lake
>Military move him directly into the lava lake
Yo, suck my bismuth

I used to have a good time playing on young pocket worlds in a 2x1 embark on my old toaster netbook.

Got some super comfy compact forts.

Fucking KEAS

How do those flying niggers even manage to steal a wheelbarrow!?

>tfw shit hits the fan and my mason steals a keg of ale from the workshop, hiding it in his closet like I wouldn't fucking notice

Just hit the "?" key to learn all the controls.

It gets boring really, really fast unless you have full autismo. Randomly generated worlds sounds cool in all but you have to literally build everything in your civilization piece by piece. Build up to a monarchy and need to make more buildings for your dwarves? You have to manually designate where to place a building, carve out the individual squares in a wall, select which materials they ought to use for that particular building.

At some point they ought to learn building design of what you designed previously as your dwarves adopt the lower-level functions while you work on higher-level ones. In some ways it achieves this with Work Orders but at the end of the day you have to manually pull a lever to lock a door when a threat arrives, manually build a wall if the threat gets too great, and place a wardrobe in the 200th bedroom you had to design by hand.

Adventure mode is alright (besides holding a million objects in your hands and using them as weapons, among other oddities), however I'd like to see a physical game timer on your hero's action selection to keep combat a bit more fast-paced exciting and not just looking through a giant menu to see if stabbing a goblin with your right pinky is currently the best choice in an accurate or damaging attack (although slow mode is best for LARPing). Another thing would be once your army grows large enough you can stop controlling your hero and treat him as another unit, with unit tactics, eventually conquering the world with your own society like another Mohammed with Islam, making your own castle and kingdom and things.

Quick rundown on Dwarf Fort

>It's a good game
>It's not actually very hard.
>Game only takes about 1 or 2 hours to learn the basics.
>It has 3 game modes: Fort mode, Adventure and Legends.
>Fort mode is like a medieval Rimworld
>Adventure mode is a massive-scale Nethack
>Legends mode lets you read the history/everything about the world you've made.
>All 3 modes tie into each other (can make a fort, retire fort, send an adventurer there, gear up at the fort, go on quests, bring loot back to fort, resume playing the fort etc)
>The latest version is the easiest, every version back that you go it gets harder.
>One of it's earliest versions, 23a was the hardest.
>It's modding community is pretty dead because of forum drama (one guy basically stole every single mod without consent, put it in a modpack then disappeared)
>It first came out in 2006
>Dev declared it his life's work and spends 12+h a day, 6 days a week coding it
>Dev is so autistic he rocks back and forth when he speaks
>Dev doesnt expect it to be finished for about another 20 years or so
>Game gets regular (but infrequent) updates every 1-2 years.

Just try it. Use the Lazy Newb Pack at first (makes changing the options easier than editing .ini files), pick a texture pack you like, make a small, short history world and just get stuck into it.
Use the Quickstart guide on the wiki (DF has a really solid wiki) or if you're more of a videofag, watch some youtube tutorials (takes a long fucking time).

Play latest stable version if you have a decent PC.
Play v0.34 if you have a toaster (it runs faster because later updates changed the way real-time world generation works, adding a 40-60% FPS cut)

>dig hole
>put stuff in hole with stockpiles
>make a kitchen, butcher, farms and still
>make food & drink
and you're set.

No, the most complex, autistic game in the world award goes to Aurora 4x. It's literally windows menus, the game but with it you can fully simulate NASA colonizing the solar system and the galaxy.

I just wish the agriculture was a little more complex than dig a hole in the dirt and plant mushrooms = all food problems solved

If you have a toaster play on 0.34. 0.40 and after kills FPS but adds better stuff for adventure mode, world generation and real-time simulation.

>your noble DEMANDS mead
What now faggot


>tfw you settle in a Sinister region and your butcher doesn't do his job for whatever reason

Your job is one of the most essential in the fort you fucking idiot I don't care if you lose your legs, you crawl to work and chop those fuckers to a hundred peices.

You ever try to subdue an ox that decides to come back to life? I lost like 4 dwarves and 2 dogs to this faggot butcher.


>taking pets or eating meat in a sinister region
Turn your fort vegan before it's too late. Also hope you have dfhack installed to kill any hair/skin, because a bug makes undead hair/skin so small that weapons cant hit them (ie: invincible).


>bug makes undead hair/skin
Of course it does, of course.



>reading comprehension
if you thought I was talking about insects i'll admit I chuckled

What irritates me most is the propensity for embellishment most storytellers have. There is enough fascinating complexity and cause-effect to need to lie about things. For example in 2009 it was completely unheard of for a dwarf to intentionally jump down 3 z levels, let alone still be able to walk afterwards.


This thread has convinced me to get back into DF after a few months break.

>I have a niece
>She is also my cousin

>tfw a guy has three kids all dead of old age



Its an extremely detailed city builder with bad controls and lots of random bullshit/fun.


You're just too stupid, please don't ever think otherwise you eternal brainlet

eh it kinda gets stale after a while

id rather listen to someone else's DF stories
i can manage a fortress quite well before getting bored with it
im just not autistic enough to turn mundane into something interesting

>im just not autistic enough
must feel bad

Once you get past the controls and fortress surviving is when the game actually starts.
All you need is a little bit of imagination to work on a project, here's two ideas for free:
>Find an island close to mainland, or a narrow place on a lake, embark there with the purpose of building a massive beautiful bridge adorned with statues to increase the trade flowing to the capital, and visit it on adventure mode.

>Make a finest Brewery your kingdom has ever seen. Embark somewhere flat, build lots of fields and try to grow every crop you can get your hands on. You are only allowed to trade booze for stuff you need from caravans, and you have to gift most of your booze to your homeland caravan so they can take it to the capital. Bonus points for storing your booze in a giant silo near the trade depo and have a water cooling system/sorted booze separated by levels.

>Bedrooms in dirt
But why?

It's really good, the problem is once you know what you're doing the game slows down to unplayable levels before you can get to the FUN.

>All that shit in one Z level

Jesus christ

The big thing about this game is the engine that handles the entire world and the combat engine on top of that. I'd love to have the coherent randomness of the systems for something like Elona.

I want to fuck that elf.