What went wrong?

What went wrong?


and Capcom

Petty people dogging the game for no real reason but #LeHateCapcom train. Memesters.

Gameplay and netcode is good, but the roster is abysmal and the presentation needs a lot of work. The story mode probably too too many resources away from working on adding more characters, too. Marvel's dumbass mandates sure didn't help. With the lack of X-Men/F4 characters, the replacement of themes for new MCU-styled themes for the Marvel characters, and designs that are more in-line with the MCU (like Hawkeye's tryhard tacticool design), you lose a lot of the "legacy" that Marvel and Capcom claimed was being honored.

>defending this mobile-tier hobo-Capcom

No, thanks.

Best post. It all goes downhill from here.

Nice reading comprehension. I was fair and acknowledged what it did right, but what it did right was maybe like 20% of the whole package at best. I am by no means defending this game, nor have I bought it (I did rent it from RedBox and beat the story mode, too), and I encourage anyone else disappointed with the game to not buy it, either.

Same problem as SFV.
No interest outside of the FGC due to a low quality game.

literally everything. not even the "who care it's about gameplay" marketing damage control works when you see how slow, shallow and unbalanced that shovelware really is.

Why can Dante do literally everything mechanically in the game but Ryu can't even air dash? Garbage game.

Gameplay wise I cannot tell since I haven't touched it (though I do hear something about it being bad and abusable). Everything else they fucked up so hard that I'm pretty sure that it fails to please everyone aside from very desperate fanboys.

Roster gets a grade of F for fucking terrible. Marvel/Disney is bad in terms of choosing the representatives of Marvel's side but Capcom is even more guilty on theirs since they have full control of it. THERE IS VERY LITTLE NEWCOMERS/OLD TIMERS (ones that are present in 1-2 but not 3) IN THEIR SIDE AND IT'S NOT FUNNY. IT'S DOWNRIGHT SAD. Jedah joined the party for the first time and Megaman (I know it's X but fuck it) finally returned and that's it. The rest of the casts are copy pasted from MvC3. Their appearance doesn't even change even the smallest details. I am aware that MvC2 also did this however, they also add decent number of newcomers like Jill and Roll as well as adding all characters from the other vs games such as XMENvsSF from what I've known.
Also, regarding with Jedah, I don't believe that he is a right representative for Darkstalkers since he originally fights using blood and changing that aspect ruins him. Someone like Victor or Pyron should do the trick.
The DLC of the game shows to us actual new comers like Sigma and that MH chick but they shouldn't be DLC in the first place. They should be one of the main roster from the start.

OST wise it's a complete hit or miss but it's more miss than hit. Some aain't that bad like Arthur while some just shit the bed like Dante.

This game is a complete mess. Capcom needs to unfuck their shit in terms of fighting games. Their non-fighting games has some potential since RE7 was pretty good IMO.

>make a game where characters fight each other
>developers shit on their fans by saying fans dont actually like the characters, they just like the functions

>marvel trying to force capt lesbian into everything again
>no xmen because fuck fox
>every single marvel character can be tied to a movie release

its literally a giant "buy this good goy" advertisement


Fan service is garbage redesigned costumes for the marvel cast every location is the mcu versions

Notice how every single complaint there is all Marvel/Disney's side.
>no Magneto
>"umm... function. Try out Nova instead."
Poor Peter Rosas. He had to improvise with excuses for Marvel.

Can't even get the characters right.

I just want to play mvc2 jill again

It alright. Wait for the inevitable X-men pack and pick it up on holiday discount. It's not going to go away. Capcom will support it for a minimum of 5 more years, so you may as well get used to seeing it in tourneys and streams everywhere.

Hopefully they'll add TvC Roll, the only Chad version of Roll in a fighting game who's actually strong enough to be mid-high tier.

MvC Infinite is a candy dressed up as a turd and SFV is a turd dressed up as candy. People were already weary of Capcom after SFV and Infinite being a rushed project and having bad first impressions definitely fucked it over.

Never mind the roster is pretty boring and the story mode, one of the main marketing points, is straight up awful.


I'm a retard and thought that response was aimed at my post. Nevermind, carry on.


>Hopefully they'll add TvC Roll
I'd want both, myself. At least then we could get some MM representation that isn't more MMX, we get two characters that have unique and interesting gameplay, they're fan favorites, and we get more females into this sausagefest.

>some MM representation that isn't more MMX
Why the fuck did they only stick to just the X series, anyway? Boring as fuck. I liked it better when characters from different series were forced to interact.

Shitty roster.

Shit presentation, shit character models, shit interface, shit roster, shit music, shit story, abysmal PR, announcing DLC characters before 80% of the roster, and no goodwill from the lublic after SFxT and SFV.

Gameplay is apparently good, though, and netcode is passable. Eveything else either looks cheap, soulless or is underwhelming

No Captain Commando, Gene and Songbird

Though I follow the "Gameplay first, everything else second" aspect, I've gotta say, even if they made the gameplay decent, it's hard or even impossible to like the game if they shat on everything else.

>No Captain Commando
This one seems like a pretty glaring omission. On this topic, though, I feel like they have a shitload of returning characters from MvC3, but hardly anything for MvC2. Just Thanos, and if you count DLC, Venom.

Hawkeye hasnt had the retarded-looking Third Street Saints Gimp outfit in comics for a long time

>Keeping Chris and Nemesis in the game
Literally no one plays those two wasted characters you put in the game, Capcom.

>No Gargoyle's Quest 4

Bad presentation
Bad roster

I still love the game though.

>we have the tech to make the game look like animated 90's Bengus art
>models look like generic Saints Row 2 npcs instead

Memesters can beat Capcom and Disney? Seems pathetic.

>Laugh at it a couple times but not really that bothered by it since I'd never played MvC before anyway
>After months of IRL shitposting, guys at my locals play it at launch and love it
>Buy it and have fun so far.

I have no idea what I'm doing but you will be worked by this Jedah Chun.

Why can't ryu switch between shoto styles? That alone would make him usable. Just have him in akuma mode constanly and suddenly hes not 100% trash.


That's all there is to it. They wanted a quick commercial for their Marvel cinematic universe and they got one. Everything else was secondary or straight up scrapped (X-men, optimizations, game modes etc.)

Nemesis is actually ok. But chris was hit hard despite being supposedly "buffed" from umvc3. Almost no one uses him and those that tried said his guns and combos are way worse and having to reload fucks him hard. Chris is out of place on looks, demand, and gameplay synergy. Practically a wasted slot beside spencer who was also "buffed" but suffered the same purgatory fate.

Man I wish that would come back.

Capcom did the software version of what sega did for years. Sullying their brand with bullshit

>huge roster of fan favorite Capcom and Marvel characters
>appealing art style that hasn't aged at all
>MvC3 and MvCI
>crossover fighting game with garbage roster that's dictated by movie licenses and copyrights
>average modern graphics that have no style to them
Jesus Christ the future sucks. We actually got a sequel to MvC2 after all those years and this is where we are.

We got a new Killer Instinct and no one cares

>What went wrong?
Scheduling, mostly. For whatever reason, Marvel and/or Capcom needed this game out mid-September 2017 when it needed to be in development until Spring 2018. The visuals suffered, the roster suffered (although Marvel mandates against Fox stuff didn't help), the music and voicing suffered.

Secondary issue, the Story mode. Capcom is convinced they need them to sell their fighting games, and honestly they might considering the success of NRS games & Tekken 7. The problem is that their story modes are generic, bland affairs that just swap between cutscenes and fights with really awkward pacing. The marketing for Infinite focused on the Story and the Story is the worst part of the game. Shit, they had so little time that even though they fixed a lot of the bad models like Dante and Chun, they bad ones were left in the Story because they didn't have time to re-render it all.

I would say Capcom's bland roster selection even among veterans was just the company being bad though. I get the game is going for a more "cinematic" look, but if you can pull off X, Zero, and Sigma, you can pull off something like Amaterasu (who may be DLC due to Okami HD).

The game has some great concepts in the restructuring of the combat and it feels like a modern interpretation of the Vs games prior to Marvel 2 in a good way, and the netcode is good too. Sadly, the rushedness of the game lead to some pretty bad bugs (Random moves that can be cancelled out of lows turn into overheads, etc.) and there's some balance issues (Top Tier is forming really fast and there's a definite tier list for the Stones already with Reality head and shoulders above the others).

It's a game that's probably worth playing as long as they patch/support it for a while as long as you do NOT pay retail for it. I'm gonna abuse a Gamestop trade-in deal to get rid of like 7 games and get Infinite for pocket change this week because I'm a lab monster so it looks like a fucking playground to me.

To be fair, MvC2 was loaded with X-Men (who are off-limits) and Street Fighters (who generally are boring choices for a Vs game with few exceptions) so there's not many to bring back that Marvel would allow and people would actually remember (and by that I actually mean remember at all; I'd love Hayato but his game is the most literally-who fighter Capcom ever made).

Look man, I'm a Capcom fan and all, I get it; this is not a Capcom game.

>Marvel hyper fighter was this nice display of comic book culture in all its glory
>Comic books have been thrown into the back into almost non-existing status and shit quality since MCU was established with the DCU trying to catch up
>Now hyper fighters celebrate cinematic universes

Fucking Christ, can my hobbies please not pander to the lowest common denominator? What normie is going to play a fighting game?

Fuck you I played Nemesis in 3 and was pleasantly surprised that he returned and got buffed. If anything the ideal RE choice would've been to keep Nemesis and dump Chris for Leon while saving either Wesker or Jill for DLC (Wesker would be reworked but similar to 3, Jill would need to be a return to her OG design/MvC2 gameplay).

>terrible roster on both sides, not just Marvel's (Capcom has no Phoenix Wright, Vergil, Joe, Amaterasu, CapCom, Wesker, Felicia, among others)
>shitloads of assets lifted straight from UMvC3
>story that is literally just an advertisement for the MCU
>music is dogshit all around
>artstyle is hideous 99% of the time
>some of the worst PR I've ever seen for any game, including shit like "Functions"
>DLC announced months before the game is even out
>most of the newcomers are shit and/or are clearly functions for other characters, only decent ones are Jedah and MonHun (who is DLC)

The gameplay is decent but vastly overrated by shills (*unsheathes beam super into Dante tag-in* heh have fun guessing my instant overheads kiddo) and nowhere near makes up for all the other shit.

MvC2 is the closest thing other than Capcom Fighting Jam to an official MUGEN. Also MvC2 stages are fucking ugly compared with XvsSF and MvC1

>ugly stages
>shit arcade mode
>no endings
>reused assets from every cross over game and fighter Capcom ever did in that era
>shit final boss
>final form of said boss pixels were so blown up they look extremely shit
>terrible music
>only about 6 characters are viable from that "huge" roster
MvC2 is the fucking worst. MvC1 is where it's at.

>play the game, it's boring
>watch high level play, it's boring
>Le Memers ruin it

Yea okay. Not a fan of tag spam with linear combos that lead into loops and everyone literally having the same 50/50 setup.

You must add that they removed animation frames from returning characters, the biggest offender was Sentinel.


>DBFZ revealed



Literally fucking everything.

Unappealing presentation and boring roster. I would much prefer to play any other MvC game, even if the gameplay of Infinite is arguably better. I'm not good enough (and surely most of their audience isn't either) at fighting games to buy it just for the competitive viability.
It also doesn't help that the Xmen were the most interesting part of the games for me since I played Xmen vs Street Fighter.


>What went wrong?

>play the game, it's boring
>implying you know anything about fighters
Get out.

Blaming Disney is stupid when SFV was also shit with Capcom doing everything.

"Game play is good" is a fucking meme.

Just wait for the honeymoon phase to be over when people fins stupid shit in the game and start playing the same 2 teams because marvel could never into balance

I wonder how many months of brain dead neutral because of REALITY STONE we're there's going to be. Tag anytime was a mistake. You just throw out a hitbox and tag to make it safe.












>gameplay is good
Have you seen tournament matches yet? This
Is exactly how it plays

Oh, they both share blame. Modern Capcom couldn't make good gameplay to save their life, and Mousevel would rather eat hog shit than allow a good roster. It is without a doubt D*sney pushing for a timed release that's responsible for Infinite being the perfect storm of shit it is, though.

>We've dealt with shitty boring infinites for 10 years. Why should ban this one?

John D? Combofiend? Which one are you?

Reality stone will seem like a herald of balance once more gets learned with space and soul. Right now what really pisses me off is that the other 3 stones are literally worthless in comparison.

Time is honestly the best stone, the others are pretty shit.

Happened to me doing ranked matches yesterday. Made me laugh.

You do know that the developers are given the deadlines straight from the publishers? Disney wanted to push this one out in time for the Infinity Wars hype. It just adds to Capcom's own incompetence.

And geez, I wonder why Venom is suddenly resurrected back to the series as DLC.

>muh gameplay
>muh fighting game knowledge
if your game can't even get normies (Marvel's current core audience) to find it interesting then sure, the gameplay is also to blame for the game's failure.
good gameplay =/= interesting gameplay for a wide audience

What's your agenda?

They got to remove the reload gimick it's shit, give him a gernade launcher special

>give him a gernade launcher special

It needed another year in development.
It needed a beter cast.
It needed crossplay


Dude. Gamora's pressure is insane. You can't even advance guard parry the projectiles back to her. At least you can Space Stone it, l guess.

The only reason gamoras pressure is so good is cause her va drones you to sleep with her dialogue.

That and they have to make her good to push mcu harder and make people not miss deadpool.

As a actual move not a hyper

>new entry on the series
>"how can we make the roster less interesting?"

Does the FGC still worship this pile of shit game? lmao

Dumb crapcom cocksuckers

Yeah, l suppose so. I agree with that. Her VA is atrocious. So bland and boring. At least Jedah's is God tier. Forgot his name. He did Megatron in Transformers Armada and Beast Wars. He's legit as good as the Japanese DS3 VA.
>he cucks Thanos

This, i'm still playing it because I love hyper fighters but the fact that only 6 characters on the roster weren't in marvel 3 and one of those 6 was in marvel 2 makes this roster already feel old. Only gameplay complaint is dormammu's bed of thorns

They should make a Marvel fighting game, more casual gameplay, better story mode and big focus on social features like clans and team battles
basically direct competetion to Injustice.

And they should make a Capcom All Stars 2vs2 game that can be as hardcore/deep as they want and doesnt need much of a story mode.

the whole positive of Capcom guys fighting Marvel guys got old after 3 games, and its not like the interactions are any clever and it just makes the story stupid.


But can he do the laugh? Even Jedah's japanese VA has a hard time doing it so he only does is very few times in Jedah's appearances. That laugh is everything.

The laugh is almost if not, it's perfectly on-point, good user. lt's beautiful.

Fantastic, shame about X and Zero, I hear not only is X extremely under used moveset wise but his theme is trash, his use in the story is to have an X vs Zero fight then not show up again and neither he nor Zero's VAs are good.

the ideal roster choice would be to replace nemesis with Mr. X or a similar tyrant, but I'm not complaining that he's in. Chris should've been removed though.

Good gameplay IS interesting gameplay, the fuck?

X definitely needs more time. I haven't encountered anyone that has used him well. His theme is eh.. not really a fan of these techno-like themes minus Morrigan's. I think her's is fine. When I think of X, I think of metal hence ROCK MAN. Zero is the same VA from UMvC3. Johnny Yong Bosch. Not a fan of his work?

Jack Baker should replace Nemesis

read the post again


Frothing autists like you are why fighting communities never get new people

People talk shit about Leon but he really would've suited the game better. He would be easy to make just as a faster version of chris with a different hypers, specials, and maybe even a command dodge. Right now the current meta of the game is mostly centered around speed and lock down and chris relies on a hyper to lock down and is really slow to boot.

At the end of the story X uses a gem-powered buster made by Stark to shoot Ultron Sigma in the face. I personally think his theme is good, considering it’s a remix of Stage 1 from the first Megaman X. His voice is terrible though

this game seriously has the worst fucking art style I have ever seen, what happened? Spidey's proportions are so fucking comically bad that even Rob Liefeld would find it embarrassing, the characters look like custom fighters from Soul Calibur or something.

You're not suppose to see fighting game models from certain angles.