Still no open world Terminator game where you have to protect John/Sarah Connor from the T1000

Worst timeline ever


Could it werk as a GTA V mod?

>open world Terminator game

How would that work? its just one T-1000, game would be boring very quickly, unless of course scripted events, which would go against the Open world.

>it comes out
>whole game is a NPC escort mission

You would need a whole dev team for a mod like this.
Although the engine and assets could be proper.


Whats the point of making an open world game if the mission structure is completely linear and scripted, which a game based on a movie would most likely be even more than regular open world games as it would contantly be trying to recreate the movie scenes.

its the only way to convince gamers the game is worth getting nowadays

Just because its based on the movie doesnt mean it has to follow its story line. Thats like saying every game of total war should be historically accurate.

How the fuck would that even work?

Just think about it

>escort mission: the game
Eat a giant dick

I would like a game where the whole point is to stay on the move getting away from something in an urban environment.

It's totally not an escapist fantasy about my responsibilities.

T-1000 chases you all time, get away from him, find some place to hide John Sarah, go to the supermarket to buy food, make sure the police doesn't see you or will call reinforcements and the T-1000 will know your position again.

I don't know, I am not a game dev.

>you walk slower than Connor but run faster as well
no thank you

>Still no open world Terminator game where you have to protect John/Sarah Connor from the T1000
I don't care much about the Terminator setting. Is there a game that has this gameplay premise?

It is like saying not every pizza should be served with cheese

honestly i don't think it would work, at least in a open world.
now a open world in the far future where the machines are in control on the other hand...

So the entire game is an escort quest with an annoying teenager?

No thanks.

Fucking retard
Delete this

Ah, yes. Escort missions.
My favorite part of video games.

>a whole game based around escort missions

>open world terminator game

Since OP is an idiot, how about you pitch a GOOD terminator game

hurray the whole game is a fucking escort mission.

fuck you and fuck your ideas

wtf has happened to him?


already posted mine. it would be a game in the machine controlled future, T-800 with fusion rifles and miniguns patrolling the wasteland and it's up to the heavly outgunned protag to fight or evade his way to a safe place

Shameless Linear Halo ripoff.

Not OP but here are my two cents

>Open World Terminator game where you play as a Terminator yourself
>You begin naked and unarmed, like Arnold did in the first film
>You have a target with their own set of daily routines etc with a system in place that can almost completely randomize what choices they may make in their daily "life" based on a variety of game parameters
>You have the full set of tools that countless Terminators have had before, so you can scan faces/ record voices etc and use that to your advantage. Call the target's mother or someone close to said target and use their voice to draw them in closer
>Innocent civvies can be killed if need be but will draw much more attention and a more heavier/aggressive response from Law Enforcement/SWAT/FBI/etc with every kill.
>You start out from the earliest models of Terminator, and slowly make your way up to the latest and greatest
>Each newer Terminator taking place in a new city/ time period etc

The T-1000 should appear suddenly (randomly?) after you`ve avoided him for a long enough time forcing you to think on your feet.

Eh. Doesn't Todd hold the rights to make Terminator games?
There was a Facebook game, but it's >facebook, and a mobile game where you play as Kyle Reese. I liked that one.

>release new Terminator game
>its pretty god
>Creation Club
nevermind, fuck this thread

>fuck this thread
Do you want Toddminator to make you preorder Skyrim again user?

it's made by

Naughty Dog

>implying i havent preordered the collectors edition already

Like Alien Isolation but with a single Terminator instead.

nevermind, this thread is just got interesting

>Were it so easy to self-terminate.

God, how do you shit the bed this hard?

I don't wanna act like I'd be better in this situation, but man, he had the world on a fucking silver platter and he pissed it away.

But couldn't he just shoot you though?

He has to dramatically and slowly aim first.