You don't play videogames in public like some kind of spaz, right Sup Forums?

You don't play videogames in public like some kind of spaz, right Sup Forums?

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Who hurt him?

I in fact met a pretty cool guy just the other day because he was playing Samus Returns in college. I now take my 3DS to play with him and he also sets up his Switch to play stuff like Mario Kart when we have free time. Quite fun and is what's making me consider getting a Switch myself.

Why are phone games acceptable but not regular handhelds? Would something like N Gage be more acceptable in public?

I did yesterday, nobody bat an eyelid

I play Pokemon Go and I got to meet lots of people from my neighborhood.

Literally no one bats an eyelid to what you do if you look normal doing it.

Sadly I don't think the fucking loser in that image realises being fat, having your shirt half tucked in at the back (or at all), and facing a wall and standing up all look fucking weird


Thankfully I don't live in America, so I'm not socially judged and shunned for playing my 3DS in public because nobody fucking cares.

>that back of the neck

Only once because another guy kept bringing his 3ds, but I wouldn't care if your pic related did that near me, now post diamond dog images for keks.

I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter what that tubbo does. If he does everything while wearing a backpack, facing the wall and supporting himself with his head while looking down he's gonna look pathetic.

I can pull it off because i'm handsome as fuck


The phone is for keeping in contact with others. A 3DS is only good for vidya.

When I went to uni I'd play on my laptop while waiting for the train, on the train, and basically whenever I wasn't walking
I'd play Europa Universalis 4 so normies would't have thought it's a video game anyway


What is handheld ?

I honestly admire the dedication it takes to bring that entire setup somewhere.

It's a meme. Do you seriously worry about this stuff?

Its normalfag, normalfag.

His own brain

Is that Demon Souls ?

No, I play games in public like a normal, unexceptional citizen of these United States.

>when you'd rather do this then be at home

Looks like a truckstop

A lot of truckers get into video games because they have a lot of downtime when they're not on the road.

Cute kitten.


Because when you have a game console it means that your life revolves around it enough to have a dedicated system that you actually paid for carry around simply to play bing bing wahoo. Phone games are just a way to pass the time and they're free or at the least very very cheap.

Playing a 3DS in public and playing something on your phone in public are on completely different levels, that's why one makes you look like a joke and the other is considered normal.

I don't play games in public mainly because I'm a NEET and I don't really go out in the first place,. but why does Sup Forums make such a big deal about this?

You okay?

You should have realized already how self conscious Sup Forums is

>mfw a neckbeard BING BING *1 UP* WAHOOO!s around me

Americans worry about stuff like this a lot.

So the mobile games make you look like a joke, you say? I agree. Who the fuck chooses to play something as vapid as Candy Crush in their free time?

Please, liberate me from this cell.

>brings giant TV
>uses earbuds

I have. From the way people on Sup Forums act, you'd think that liking video games was literally illegal, judging by how secretive people here get about video games.

Your empathy impresses and disgusts me

That girl next to him sitting on the floor has some nice legs.

Haha so funny really didn't expect this response at all, having fun pretending to be retarded?

So the way to be considered normal is to be a nihilist who doesn't really care about anything?


>how secretive people here get about video games

I think that has less to do with self-consciousness and more about trying to not be a sperg about games. Which I suppose tie in together, but it's not hard to see why some folks hardly bring up games around others when I remember some of the faggots I've seen in the past who shove the subject of vidya wherever you can.

That's not what I said.
No, the way to be considered normal in public is to care about SURPRISE normal things, not the latest bing bing wahoo toy while you're in public. Unless you're a child of course, when caring about toys is normal.

Being so socially inept to the point of being unable to have a conversation without bringing up vidya and not really caring about playing vidya in public are two different things

>I remember some of the faggots I've seen in the past who shove the subject of vidya wherever you can.

I get not wanting to be like that, but the way people on Sup Forums act is basically "CAN'T LET ANYONE KNOW WE LIKE VIDEO GAMES, GOT TO HIDE OUR POWER LEVEL AT ALL TIMES!". I think that it's important to keep a good balance, where you talk about the stuff you like with other people with similar interests, but don't go on about video games to people who don't play them.

that's pretty sick

Can someone post the xbox on the train guy?

I hide my power level because I sincerely dislike talking about video games except with a select handful of people. Nine times out of ten the conversation goes like this:
“Hey have you played FagEnabler Turbo yet”?
“Nah man, haven’t had a chance but I’ve heard it’s faggier than ever. Is that true?”
“Proceeds to regurgitate reviews and boast about how sick he is at the game”
“Hey neat man, what else did you do this weekend?”
“Proceeds to talk about how sick he is at the game”
“Did you hear about the Muslims that blew up at the ROOTY TOOTY MCGREW concert?”
“Nah I was playing Fag Enabler. Here let me tell you about how sick I am st it.”
“Alright man I gotta go”
“K cool you should buy fag enabler

I didn't even bring up that latter point.

I entirely agree, but I suppose it would also depend on where you live? I just talk vidya all the time with my friends regardless, but my family mostly doesn't besides my brother so we just talk about other shit. I mean, it's not fucking rocket science or anything.

I do. My steal my brothers switch whenever we take plane flights together. Shits pretty fun.

It all depends on how you define normal. If you ever want to get laid or have friends that don't dress like a hair band or get invited to do things, then yeah being a nihilist is going to help. Because that flippant attitude comes across as confidence. I was nearly 30 before I realized how it helped me. I wasn't bad looking or antisocial either.

Nobody cares if you play games. But hobbies like that are weird in public. You don't see gamblers busting out a deck and chips in a school hallway.

You know what, there's a perfect example that just hit me. Books. Ever see people reading a book in public? How many times have you seen the cover and NOT cringed? It's always something stupid. Cheap romance novel, Twilight, some new age shit about being a better person. You look like a 43 year old woman giggling while reading Harry Potter by herself. That's why it's looked down on.

You do make sure not to sit next to the window right?

I recently took a 6 hours long train ride and spent most of it playing SMTIV and watching Wakfu

Would you spaz out like that if you saw her playing video games in public?
The guy just wants you to leave him alone so that he can enjoy his toy.

women are stupid and childish so no

I always take the window seat, unless it's an overseas flight and therefore long. Half the fun is watching take off and landing.


I'll be playing old school runescape on my phone when its released.

Farm runs at work, fucking bliss.

Your brother is going to be pissed when the plane makes a turn and his Switch goes flying out the window then.

There's something about that top screen flap of the DS handhelds that just makes you look absolutely retarded.

Why would he avoid the window seat?

>not taking the window seat in hopes to catch a switch someone else dropped

>Ever see people reading a book in public? How many times have you seen the cover and NOT cringed?

I don't think I've seen many people read books in public, now that I think about it. Even so, I wouldn't pay enough attention to what a stranger is reading to cringe at it.


Walk me through it, is there anything around you that you can use?

Literally nothing wrong with being a normalfag


No but I'm constantly checking time on my phone which became daily habit of mine (I don't know why I do this) and got myself some concerned looks on the subway. Just WHY? it's a crime now to check my time on my phone or my wristwatch?!

You're obviously planning some kind of bombing


Bullshit! Im just worried that I might get late but it's I don't know how do I explain this like it's my subconscious keeps telling me to do so so I get more fidgety


>going out in public

It's like you guys don't even scopophobia


Playing games on a handheld or phone in public is fine stop this meme.

Also taking pictures of strangers playing them in public is fucking weird stop it.



What's the deal with that red shirt dude on the right


What are you fleeing from, user ?

I'm 25 years old. I could give less of a fuck what people think of me. I had to deal with assholes playing their music out loud while I take a shit in the public bathroom you think I give a shit what people will think if I pass time in a train on my 3DS? Fuck off.


Im like 66% sure its a mid aged woman

btw: Did anyone else noticed that mid aged women tend to dress like 20 year old guys with short hair and such

Wtf is up with that



Bunch of losers

Who is taking these pictures? A fetish website?

Johnny did nothing wrong. He just surrounds himself with faggots.

This picture has to be on purpose. There is no way somebody sits like this with that kind of expression on their face.


normal people post them on facebook/twitter/reddit to laugh at these losers

The way the guy looks, Im sure he stopped caring a long time ago who's looking at him


That is really not normal at all. That is not a normal thing people do.

If somebody is going to be this socially retarded, why even go outside?

the nintendo virgin

the chad sony nigger


Why do people grow out neckbeards and cut off the mustache when it clearly has never made somebody look more than beyond being an Amish farmer