Ok vee, now that the dust has settled

Ok vee, now that the dust has settled

What's the ULTIMATE verdict?

is this real?

Since its the games journalist slayer, I give it a "get a real job casual scum" out of ten.

It's the Dark Soul of 30s games.

dood why can't the game just let me win!? i'm pressing buttons! this game sucks ACKACKACKACKACK

I'm going to buy Cuphead simply because I find it funny that a game is able to make people that mad

Game´s so hard makes me wanna drink bleach

Is it just the difficulty making people mad or is it other stuff?

It has an easy mode I haven't tried, normal mode is not that hard you just need to pay attention.

I just started fighting the gypsy and goddamn this game is gorgeous.

is this the new Souls meme?

It's not even hard and it feels extremely rewarding. I only quit because Unity doesn't play nice with my computer and I get memory leaks

has DSP finally redeemed himself for not being a casual gaming scrub?

This game should have been published by Ubisoft! Then I could have just skipped the bosses and watched all of the animations on YouTube!!!

>received my copy

I imagined it and they are probably quite elated. I mean they designed the game where S ranks only appear in the highest difficulty and you can't collect the contract on baby mode.

>there's a highest difficulty


Is the "gaming journalism" registry still open?

Someone needs to snag it, and make a website that's just the webm of that one guy playing through the tutorial against the pigeon.

It's mostly good. The run 'n' gun stages are pretty horrible, especially if you compare them to Metal Slug or anything Treasure made in the Gunstar Heroes games.

The animation's great, the music's great, the challenge is just right for me. Yeah, pretty good. 4/5.

The "gamers" can't into patterns so they die alot and handle this with anger.

This is fucking sad. I should remind myself to never check Twitter again

It's fun, honestly not that hard until expert mode, and even THAT isn't bad unless you go for S-rank

please tell me the dwarf fort guy is being ironic at least

>"I don't understand why it had to be such a difficult, niche game"
>Has a fucking Dwarf Fortress avatar

That man needs to be dragged out into the streets and shot.

He has a fucking Dwarf Fortress icon and is fucking complaining about difficulty?

This bothers me so much. Game journalists get basically everything for free and they don't even bother trying to get good at the games they receive. I understand it's for publicity but come the fuck on.

Maybe he's just pretending to play DF

It's not THAT hard, it's just the hit detection is shit. You can clearly see that you're hitting the enemy, but the game doesn't register.
>inb4 git gud
I beat the game already, and I have to say the weakest part is that, other than that I like it. I would love to see what this game is like with another player. I want to know if it changes how it feels completely, but I have no friends, so I'll never know. I would also like to see this bad boy in 4k.

When Moviebob criticises you, you´re doing something right.

>ever willingly subjecting yourself american numale clique circlejerk

Some bosses can only be hit in certain places, that doesn't mean the hit detection is shit, it's intentional.

Well no shit. That's a standard in any game like this. I'm talking especially during the rng levels. You can clearly see that I'm hitting the enemy, the game isn't registering the hit. If that is intentional, that's just bad design.

I can't really say that I know what you're talking about. Can you give some examples of enemies with shit hit reg?

ah you mean like the last phase of the dragon fight, where if you shoot him from the top of the level your shots will go through him rather than hit him.
well it is indeed bullshit for that part alone but if you figured this out from the first time this happened, then you know that is not where his hitbox is.

cuphead is racist

Games pretty classic level of difficulty. Just try again and again till you got it, that's part of satisfaction. My only issue with the game is when fighting the devil when they use their snake head coming from the right it does random damage to me even on a dodge, it makes me think I was either doing something wrong or I don't understand how to dodge that attack.

The game currently is suffering from bugs that make dying or getting hit unfairly.

For example there is a bug in the train level where even though you hit the lever first before the ghost drops his pink brick, it still registers. So you get pushed towards the ghost boss and get hit, THEN ALL OF A SUDDEN the game realizes the error and jerks you back to where you were before so you get hit 2 times in a row.

Very unfair and I don't know where to report this bug. I can even replicate the bug too.

That bonfire looks like a roast chicken.

Cuphed was made from Unity?

did you not see the end credits
yes it was made in unity

That's because it is

I wish you faggots could use the catalog
Holy shit I'm sick of seeing cuphead threads

Only Unity could have these memory leaks. I didn't even have to look it up before finishing the game

>my computer is running Cuphead on integrated graphics just fine at 720p

>some anons who have a GPU and good CPU have problems running the game.

This is exactly the reason why I don't switch to PC

It's a good game you should try it out.

there's nothing we could have done, his gud levels were already critically low and it appears he couldn't git more in time, I'm sorry

9/10 on Xbone or a PC with AMD
10/10 on a PC with Nvidia because online co-op

Some crappy Cupgirl fanart when?


Fuck, now it's a 10/10 instead of an 11/10

What the hell is wrong with unity?

Your computer isn't a special snowflake.
You don't get memory leaks when other people don't. That's not how programming works.

>what is java

>Says that beating the game on a higher difficulty is more rewarding
>somehow this is excluding
So I assume shittier gamers don't like feeling rewarded? Okay

0/10 tutorial's too hard

Do YOU know how programming works you dumb nigger?

When will Disney mobilize their legion of lawyers and corrupt judges win the case that Cuphead is directly benefitting from an art style used by people long since dead who would puke their bodies inside out if they heard what kind of company Disney is these days, and forcefully acquire the IP on top of a billion dollar compensation?

Basically Cuphead (like Darksouls a few years back) can be used as a metric to see how useless a particular reviewer is. If they bitch about it's difficulty, discard them forever.

Cuphead is a challenging game, but is totally reasonable. Its far not the hardest game ever, shit look at any Ghosts and Goblins game, they're 10 times harder.

Anyone got an archived link to this article?

Literally the first memory leak I had was with a Windows 98 program and the problem was solved by running it in Windows XP on the same hardware. Two differently programmed operating systems, one PC, one with memory leak, one without.

game is 3 hours long, but the aesthetic and boss design is great.

Holy shit.

i find it kind of ironic that all the game journalists/reviewers brag about being "gamers" for 25+ years yet don't understand basic patterns that were a staple of videogames from 1980-1994. i remember playing contra with my brother every morning before school, total bullet hell 1 hit and you die, 3 deaths and game over. i find it hard to believe these people played games from that era, i wonder if the original mega-man games would be too difficult for them.

It's a reference to one of the bosses

from what i've seen from witwix playing it, the game isn't hard to simply beat. there's a moderate amount of challenge from beating the stages for the various ranks though.

it's like a watered down version of ninja gaiden.


Wtf. Do people just enjoy blasting through a game in a single sitting?

Did you pirate it?


no wonder it's difficult, he's only got one hand!

>difficult, niche genre

I'm 90% sure he's memeing.

>i wonder if the original mega-man games would be too difficult for them.
I guarantee it.
They likely name drop MegaMan for "nerd cred" but I seriously doubt many could even get past MM2 on US "Normal" difficulty with a guide of whats weak to what.

Shit optimisation out of the box, bad devs start with it as its acessable and then never learn the ins and outs of engine / physics design. Good devs can make it work, but for every decent unity game there are 10 more that are trash.

If your going to start with game design stay away from unity and actually learn how to build shit yourself.

I really don't understand the mentality. If you just want to experience something with no challenge, why not just watch someone play it, read a book, or watch a movie? you're completely discarding the experience by demanding to play it with no challenge. it's the video game equivalent of reading the cliff notes of classic literature instead of reading the literature.

I pirated it. It's nothing special. That's irrelevant to the fact that it doesn't need 20 threads in the catalog at once.

Gives me hope that normies and journos will start going "the cuphead of X" and leave fucking dark souls alone

But why would I care about that if those 10 badly optimized games still run at 60+ fps on my modest 950 gtx?
Often it doesn't matter since the games you speak of are often small in scope.

because game design is the same as programming an engine

Baby Mode is Simple Mode right?

I love Dark Souls, but I don't think it will ever lose the taint of being "Le hardest gam eva!" unfortunately.
Make a challenging yet balanced and fair game and people will still say its the hardest shit ever since they refuse to learn the mechanics that MAKE it balanced.

I really hate to be that guy but there are things that feel legitimately frustrating (for me at least) compared to Dark Souls. Little/big changes that would make it less frustrating in my opinion.

This is my list of annoyances:

1. The Parry System. I love that there's a Parry System but why does Cuphead have to be ABOVE the object he's Parrying? I have been hurt by this so many times because I think I'm above the object but I'm just slightly below or to the side of it so I get hurt.

There were also times where I Parried the object but it still hurt me anyway. I tested this in the first Run'N'Gun level. The pink spike balls don't disappear when they hurt you but if you approach the pink spike balls at the just the right angle and/or Parry too late you will Parry them but will also get hurt in the process. That has to be a bug and if not that is kinda bullshit.

2. Why do we have to jump to parry? Why not allow us to parry while on the ground too? I get that it gives you an extra jump but that can still be a part of it if you just parry while in the air.

3. This one is subjective but I don't think Parry action should be on the same button as Jump. I think the Parry should be moved to the B Button on the controller and the EX Move (which was previously on the B Button) be moved to the Right or Left Trigger. The Right/Left Trigger's have gone completely unused in Cuphead so I feel like this isn't a crazy change.

4. Probably another subjective one but the Dash should probably be invincible like the upgrade by default in my opinion. The Dash feels really useless without the upgrade.

5. Enemy placement feels very Trail & Error and for the sake of difficulty sometimes. Like how I'll jump across a gap and there will be an enemy charging at the cliff the moment I land. You cannot anticipate this because no matter how long you wait looking at the cliff the enemy doesn't patrol to the edge of the cliff.

6. Maybe let us parry more than pink stuff.

Yes, there's basically no point in playing simple, it's a time trap to punish people trying to take it easy.

>they refuse to learn the mechanics that MAKE it balanced
This, and from their own mistakes. Any reasonable human would become more wary of the general surroundings after being ambushed a couple times. The normie audience is used to being spoonfed, can't deal with being actually punished for their mistakes

Based fucking Cuphead separating the wheat from the chaff

>but why does Cuphead have to be ABOVE the object he's Parrying?
He doesn't.

All your problems with the parry are that you think it's some third strike shit where you need to hit it right as you touch it, when in fact it makes Cuphead do a swipe around him which eats the projectile.

I see. I have been playing on Regular so far and IMO its pretty fair for the kind of game it is. But it is pretty evil that you don't get the contracts in Simple Mode.

Imagine being a fat, ugly, balding fuckwit.

>1. The Parry System. I love that there's a Parry System but why does Cuphead have to be ABOVE
he doesn't, but the timing window is harder if you're approaching at a weird angle.
>6. Maybe let us parry more than pink stuff.
this would ruin the gameplay. it works because the color pink stands out from the aesthetic and you know you can parry it.

it took one mediocre run and gun game to cause mass existential crisis of game journalists/10

>4. Probably another subjective one but the Dash should probably be invincible like the upgrade by default in my opinion. The Dash feels really useless without the upgrade.
It isn't? I mean I am sure there are some invicibility frames when you use it. I have not gone that far in the game but I used the dash a lot in the slime boss and most of the time I dashed through part of the boss as he was falling so it seemed like I had some invincibility those times.

How does Miyazaki do it?

Normalfags and nu-males are nothing but entitled faggots who are used of getting everything handed to them so when a game resist them they start screaming and complaining.

Also the only reason they try cuphead at all is because of how popular it is, this is why they love zelda games because of how piss easy the combats are.


Didn't they shit on the new Zelda?

They seem to love the fuck out of the Sony games like Last of Us and Uncharted though. Same ones who shit on Cuphead. Makes me think.

Well shit I guess that was just the sleep deprivation fucking with me. Still pisses me off that I'll hear and see the slap of the Parry and the object will poof away but I still get hurt.

The Smoke Bomb upgrade says that "you will not take damage during a dash" so I assumed that the Dash doesn't have invincibility.

QTE games probably really appeal to them "press x" ok good, are you ready we have another one coming up "now press down" , yay you did it we are so proud of you you just beat the final boss!

why are you bringing console wars into this fuck off


It's literally babbys first Shoot-em-up game only that it only rides on the old disney cartoonish style gimmick.
Sure it's an ok game but way overhyped because of the nostalgia bait graphics even if it's nice. So for 20 bucks it's not bad

Fuck you for reminding me of that doujin you shit.

>guy with a dwarf fortress making fun of things saying they are too niche and difficult
just subtle enough for people to take it serious.

Did you bring the King his contracts, Sup Forums?

Remember: don't mess with King Dice.

learn to use the fucking filter then nigger