Le epic multi-gazillion dollar franchise

>le epic multi-gazillion dollar franchise

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Suck my dick. choke on it.


wrong unbearable person

>watching Cliffy B on Joe Rogan's Podcast 4 years ago
>talking about MOBAs and how that market is saturated
>says that Blizzard is making a moba and they might pull it off but everyone else who tries is fucked
>"If you're the fifth one in then you're gonna end up as the D list Cola to Coke and Pepsi"
>mfw he didn't take his own advice with LawBreakers

afaik blizzard announced overwatch when cliffy b already started with his work on lawbreakers.
tough luck.

I still think he is a beta cuck.

why is cliffy's neck so fucking thick

did he become a gears of war character?

looks like the free weekend didn't work


he would be embarrassed to shoe joe lawbreakers. hed be embarrassed to even say the name

No Problem. He's a man about it and just shelves the unsold copys right next to his Hilary campaign memorabilia.

All the characters were obviously modeled after him.

this should have been f2p from day 1

>fucking Cliffy B was on Joe Rogan
Joe really gets around huh

crawling in my skin...

>mfw I am spending years and resources on what I think to be the best arena shooter ever.
>mfw literally 10 people play it

i gave it a go. it played like an alpha for unreal tournament 2k4 mutator

can you do a comparison with the wwii beta open? what site is this?

> bf2 sub 2k
> lawbreakers sub 500
> call of duty 80k+

sure gonna be a nice graph


>went to every big publisher to show off his billion dollar IP
>so they made it before he did


dis boy got played. not fair

I have no life so I played over a hundred matches; it's really rather decent, but I wouldn't ever pay money for it.


I tried too, but I really liked it, the zero gravity mechanic its fun as fuck, but $30 is too much to pay for a game filled with ugly AF! characters

Almost feel sorry for him. Almost.

Daily reminder that Randy was the one who made this game fail


>tfw people claim the game is doing better on PS4
>tfw it takes almost 20 minutes to find a match

>tfw too skilled to not play LawBreakers

Well, that probably is "better" than how long you'd have to wait on Steam.

You need a high IQ to understand Lawbreakers


>zero gravity mechanic
oh, that's what that was? i thought i picked the one hero that had jump jets or something

he is so ugly

he took the neckpill


Out of 2000 players on PS4 who registered at psnprofiles, only 35 were playing recently.

While this is not indicative on full population numbers, it says something about player retention.


As a comparison, the English version of Yakuza 4, released 6 and a half years ago, has 34 recent players

I wonder if the retard will eat his words and will release the game on the xbone