What would you do if you found this?
What would you do if you found this?
Rip it, sell it, upload it.
still falling for the jew's tricks I see
share it
so I'm VERY fucking stupid, but how much would this really be worth?
>Physical copies
Welcome to 2017 grandpa
ebay it, means jack shit to me.
if i rip and upload it, i can't sell it.
but if i sell it, i can't rip and upload it.
what do?
rip it, fly to a foreign country, buy a decade old laptop with cash, upload it to some lowkey filehost using a vpn, and drop the link here
would I be safe?
give it back to blizzard and hope they give me a sweet blizzcon swag bag
a few hundred bucks. It's not like it's the only copy in existence.
Probably just post it online. Im sure someone would have some use for it other than me.
Break it in two and post the pics here.
Break it in half, that way you can rip and upload one half and sell the other
Rip it, then sell it, then upload it.
This is the best and only answer
Rip and burn for my own purposes.
Sell it on Ebay before I upload I to the internet.
In case of Blizzard suing me, deadman switch upload.
what's the story on this one again? reddit fucking up again was it?
but it's the only one availabe for purchase at that moment before blizzard's law team strikes
dunno, give it to blizzard or something like that
Why am I not surprised that only a few people on Sup Forums know the correct answer?
Did this guy even get anything other than a thank you for handing this in?
He got some overwatch merch.
Sell it to someone with the express intent to upload it onto the internet
A load of crappy Overwatch merch and a ticket to Blizzcon.
So really though who gives a shit about a dead game's source code??
I'd send it to blizzard and make a post about it on reddit so that I can rake in the sweet karma
Break it because fuck everything Acti/Blizzard
He got a shit ton of stuff from blizzard and a VIP invite to blizzcon.
Hold it for ransom. Ask for a lot of money or it gets smashed. Put a bunch of cds that look just like it on eBay and only one is real but you have to buy all of them
Autists on Sup Forums
Please don't tell me this is another "Guy on reddit does the right thing for karma" events.
You guessed it
Autists on Sup Forums can't program
that still ties you to the disc.
>SC source gets uploaded
>a few days/weeks later someone sells the disc
>seller becomes the focus of blizzards legal team
even if the disc is sold several times afterwards, you're still part of the chain.
there's no safe way to both upload and sell the disc.
>Dead game
Just because it's dead in the West doesn't mean it isn't still huge in Korea, bub.
Free copy of overwatch, $250, all expenses paid trip to blizcon, and about $400 worth of various bliz swag.
Blizzard hamfisting a PR stunt
I'd ironically give it back to blizzard and post it on redit/neogaf just to trigger Sup Forums
>Reddit user Khemist49
of course it was...
It could be worse. Have you heard of the reddit guy who destroyed an Xbox dev kit to make a mid-tier PC with it's case?
only 50 units produced ever and he destroyd it to make an i3/1050ti gaming rig.
All you fags saying sell it, this shit was reported as stolen by blizzard long ago.
Better to do what the plebbit kid did and get a buttload of merch from blizzard rather than a buttload of dick from Tyrone for trying to sell stolen property.
>Moral of the story: If you find something you think somebody has lost or had taken from them, return it.
Let's hope he's not a total retard and copied the contents to release it later.
Then do the right thing, release the code and sell the disc years later as a collectors item.
>this shit was reported as stolen by blizzard long ago
>Steal it from Blizzard
>Wait about 18 years
>Give it back to them
>Get free Blizzcon tickets
The guy was in it for the long con
I'd probably upload its contents here in Sup Forums, archive and let the internet spread its word, don't need any e-credits
>Implying I would get caught
I'd use Tails linux while on vacation on a public computer to release it.
sell it to south korea in return for dual citizenship, moderate apartment in seoul along with some play money and a one night stand with a kpop girl of my choosing
>not using a proxy when you sell it
Fuck if I know, dude's lawyer told him he'd get fucked if he tried to sell it. Go google the original story.
Rip it but don't upload it yet.
Return the disc to Blizzard and get the rewards.
Then turn my back on them by finally uploading the source code which I ripped before I returned the disc.
This sounds like a perfectly reasonable thing to do especially if his only reasons were collecting delicious lulmilk
Only good answer. Fuck Blizzard and every rip-off of a better game they've ever made
>urh mah gurd think that wonders we culda create with it, such mastahpiece holy grail XD
Fuck off, this thing only holds symbolic value.
You missed step 4, dumb tripfag
>Get easily sued by Blizzard for the cost of the merch plus more because you gave them all your personal details in step 2
>meaningless unfunny post
every single time
only reason I can think of but this guy could help emulation with that kit. And he didn't even make a high-end PC. The box itself doesn't seem good for cooling either. It's a waste any way you see it.
He's a total retard
The worst part is that he wiped the hard drive because Windows could not read it (file structure not supported). Who knows what could have been on it. Maybe even an alpha of halo or some other shit.
Fucking idiots like him deserve to be shot.
>Rip the CD and upload the contents
>mail the physical CD to Randy Pitchford with a note saying "get your revenge for Battleborn"
>Let's hope he's not a total retard
>reddit user Khemist49
>rip it
>break the cd to trigger Sup Forums
>upload it after some time
Tried to boot it to play. It wouldn't work and I'd put it back in the closet/drawer.
>Trying to boot source code
No idea cause I wouldn't know it's true value. Even if I knew I'd have no idea how to leak it and I'd be a shitebag and sell it on
In blizz store credits*
So would that disc be uncompiled code? Do companies have ways to lock the source code from compiling it yourself?
>250$ Blizz bucks
Wtf are you supposed to spend that on? Blizz has like 5 active games, and i'm assuming this fanboy already owns a good portion of them.
>call Denuvo
>ask new version when
>encrypt disc with new Denuvo
This feels good to help the industry.
I would actually destroy it on video.
To make both devs and nerds angry.
Also would make a copy beforehand
Overwatch skins :^)
Smash it to bits and post it on here for legendary lolz
Loot boxes in Overwatch and card packs in HOS obviously.
This but with extra steps. Just like the unboxing threads.
>fuck off to Korea for a month or two
>contact an auction trader/broker
>sell it at a private auction to some multimillionaire Korean
>move back to Europe
>put away some in gold, some in bonds, etc
>use some to step up my investment/speculation endeavours
Feels good not to be a wageslave-minded normalfag.
How do you sell this without getting assrpaped by Blizzards lawyers?
Deep web.
Depends. Deep web and private auctions give you an easy way to present it to potential buyers without having to worry, but if you already got a buyer then any normal transaction will do, Blizzard isn't the CIA.
>Email it to Valve, EA, and Square Enix
>Upload it anonymously in websites and torrent
>Watch Blizzard sues half of the gaming company
People in this thread are fucking gypsies, no less.
Return to rightful owner is the only acceptable option.
aside from novelty or historical video game collector i really can't see any value in 20 year old source code.
Im slightly amazed the op let the post stayed up.
1 month till archive anyways.
Starcraft is still huge in Korea, and while a million or two is nothing to some rich fucker, it would be plenty for most anons here. Rare postage stamps can sell for even $10 million, and you can't even do shit with that apart from look at it. Auctions for the actually rich do go apeshit with prices very often.
>muh Investments
is prime wagie thought process tho
thats what i'm saying the value seems more like a collectors item and not the actual source code / intellectual property
Only if that user means the boomer "safe long term investment" kind. Actually doing something like buying and selling property can be very lucrative and relatively easy if you got the starting capital. Speculation is also extremely profitable if you're decent at it. Hell I've made 5000€ in crypto in the last 3 months and I started with only 1k, it's not as hard as people think as long as you accept that you'll be making mostly 2-4% gains rather than hoping for another Bitcoin event where people get 10000% or more returns.
jeez man, when did you get so corporate dude. Way to sell out bro.
the only real answer is it upload it to a tor darkweb file hosting provider from a free wiifi access point. they would waste more money finding you then the codes worth.
I always thought it was a very elaborate baitpost. His story may be (partially) true, but I'm pretty sure there was no HDD. That part was added for lulz.
livin' the ANCAP dream. I hope to someday be buying toilet paper on the deep web using BCC myself.
Drive to some public WiFi Hotspot, upload.
Rip it, upload anonymously from MCDonalds and forget about it. I don't care about a few hundred bucks enough to get sued by those cunts.
I'm still mad that that retard was such a corporate cocksucker.
And nothing of value was lost
Burn it and share it.
jizz on it then sell it to highest bidder
Forreal tho, How do you just find a SC source code and Xbox dev kit?