/ctt/ - console-tan tuesday
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aren't these threads just thinly veiled deviant-art oc threads for neptunia
you can tell because something of value will occasionally pop up
why do you like Intelly so much?
I love my vita!
We are far too slow after that godly comic posted last week.
What a cute boy.
What comic?
>cute boy
user what are you talking about she's obviously a girl
Xbox and Ps4 "crossplay" with Vita attempting to to blackmail Ps4 into buying her stuff, until PS4 pulled out her own blackmail folder on Vita to get her out.
Everyone must be busy this week
I've been waiting for this.
On the contrary, I got a 3 day weekend because some idiot decided to shoot up a bunch of people near my job the other night.
It was lewd. And amazing.
Shame that none of it ever is uploaded to booru for later uses.
I want to taste the rainbow.
Remember to posts lots and lots of CD-i
In exchange for more Switch Girl+Boy.
We need some tans in Cuphead art style.
he is going to make more animated stuff r-right?
Good thing I saved it all then
Time to ruin the thread with Peacockposting
>PC is Cuphead
>Toasty is Mugman
>tutorial boss is Ouya
You mean improve
>posting anything other than Arcade-tan
Dumb Nep posters.
>check booru for new loli
>xbone x with BANDAID
These drawfags are patrician sometimes goddamn
>tfw I casually check the booru to look for new Commodore stuff
>there's an actual lewd of C64
>hardly any /ss/
>not nearly enough huge boobs
not too sure about that
It's all uploaded now. Don't forget that parent/child posts exist, it doesn't show from the post page though for some reason.
Puffy bandaid loli is always worth it.
I want to see the switch twins with bandaids.
More lewd cd-i/2ds when
But it's fun!
But it's really REALLY fun!
Why not?
i miss you one shot drawfag
Don't forget to dust off your old consoles and give them some exercise by playing vidya.
what tissues?
but I can't read
Good afternoon /ctt/
What's happening in the world of videogames this week?
for this
I'm gonna need to see that outfit on EVERY tan.
Who do you main?
BF2 online is back, cuphead is out and Monika is the best DDLC girl.
no one, there is still no Console-tan videogame yet
Sit down, Toastie.
Best rushdown character, of course.
were are all the drawfriends?
I need some new /ss/ or vita X shield porn
we're all dead till 11pm (Sup Forums)
is there one like this for SNES?
Do you prefer Vita with long, short, or medium length hair?
You're a doll.
Short. Intensify the reverse trapping.
Long messy hair that you can't tell is long because her hoodie is covering it all the time.
I prefer vita with shield
dont die pls
you need to work on your faces dude.
please remember that sexualizing the retards is natural and part of a healthy lifestyle
who cares. CDI has fat titties thats what matters most
Why is CDi so great to lewd?
I'm not even the artist.
Vita needs more loods desu
especially big chested vita
I made a CDX-tan
settle for cute.
>no big boobs
I want to see PS2, PSP, and Vita in an orgy with PS4 crying that she wasn't invited!
What about PS1?
Requesting Atari, Commodore64, and other old girls reminiscing and being proud of their newer-generation daughters.
She can join too!
shape edges are dangerous to have near your delicates
why not all of the playstations in one big orgy with shield in the middle of it all getting sucked off by vita
The danger makes it fun ;)
Because I want it to be a family get together, but without the member that is used the most
then why not have them all teasing ps4 instead
by having her tied up in the corner or something
He wouldn't rub his face in pixelated goodness.
Haven't been on CTT since like march. Did we finally decide on switch tan or is she still a retard?
why would anyone shred themselves on the jagged edge of a PS1 polygon?
there is still no """"official"""" design and there never will be
That would defeat the purpose of the composition
Retard's popular, K and twins are moderately popular, some other obscure ones get art, and don't post THAT.
retard switch is the cutest desu