>Very Lucky
Bubblegum machine man
Waffle man
>A little bit less lucky
Jawbreaker man
Cupcake man
>Very fucking unlucky
Corn Candy man
Very Lucky
Switch Jawbreaker and Cupcake man
From hardest to easiest:
Baroness Von Bon Bon (final phase)
Cupcake man
Waffle man
Corn Candy man
Jawbreaker man
Bubblegum machine man
>>Very fucking unlucky
>Corn Candy man
why? just dash through him
Just equip the smoke bomb and the boomerang gun and it's super easy.
Took me like 8 tries.
What? Candy corn was the only one my roommate and I had never died to and cupcake killed us like once
>jawbreaker man
airdash exists
>cupcake man
just walk left/right as needed
>corn candy
just dash through him
She's Portuguese, right?
UMA *shakes fist*
Is she saying "You mortal!"?
corn candy is easy bullshit with the dash smoke. dash through him, never jump, spread shot
This, Jawbreaker was harder simply because of the little shit following him around which kept catching me when I dashed.
Roundabout makes quick work of Jawbreaker and Candy Corn.
From hardest to easiest:
Gumball Machine
Candy Corn
same for cupcake, just dash through him like the blue blob guy while he is mid air
In the ~10 times it took me to down her, Bubblegum didn't hit me once. How can you put him in second place
For Corn Candy man, you just have to follow him. You don't even have to dodge more than once.
The waffle and the cupcake are the hardest. The other 3 are nothing.
Equip Smoke Bomb holy fuck.
Most of the time I would always get nicked by one of the tiny ass gumballs. The others don't spew projectiles like that so they're not as hard to deal with except for the cupcake which is a bitch to land hits on because of the way he squishes down
>getting hit at all at any phase of this fight
Ah, yes, the Sup Forums elitist in his natural habitat
Imo the clown was about 1000 times harder