Post games with fucking garbage endings.
I'll start.
Post games with fucking garbage endings.
I'll start.
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Traps. Fucking feminine men is always better. Why would you fuck a chick with a dick. Makes no sense. Just go fuck a chick with a strap on then.
pic unrelated?
kodaka pls go
I love the ending though.
It's unique and not happy or sad, it's open ended.
Does Sup Forums like Chihiro as Chiaki?
still mad
forgot pic
Fuck I hate meta shit. I really do. On Top of meta shit they shit all over the canon.
I know they tried to cover up their shit ending by saying "Oh but she might of just copied the real events calm down" but I don't like it.
Someone post some Chihiro lewds to calm me down.
>brainlet is a trapfag
I stayed away from Sup Forums all year for this shit? I mean yeah I got /fit/ and got a gf but still.
I see you're split! Then it time for
>garbage endings.
That's every DR game ever.
Kodaka should've replayed MGS2.
The only song in the OST that actually surpassed DR2's ost.
They should have had more of these, or at least make them last longer
Did you skip leg day?
Damn I fucking love Scrum Debates, the best of the game, I always tried to sync with the music while letting people talk to make it more hype
Shut the fuck up retard. DR1 and DR2 had good endings.
>lololol le Gyaru destroyed the world and then killed herself
>Super asspull hahaha muh dead girlfriend power will beat you Junko, no one actually dies
Yeah no
>He didn't play the god tier dub
Get out of this thread.
>Gyaru destroyed the world and then killed herself
How is this bad?
You can make any ending sound like shit if you greentext it with memes and add muh to everything.
thanks for the laugh. pic is great
It's fucking stupid.
"this doesn't matter": the ending
I don't know why Shuichi calling their names hyped me up like that, there should've been more of them or at least longer ones.
>He didn't play the god tier dub
But I played it japanese.
It's funny when he blurts out the same voice lines in normal conversation
If Kaede was still alive for a majority of the game
how much would they fuck?
>liking KIYO!
>liking Saihara's dub VA
On another note I wish they'd given Miu an actually good VA
>I love the ending though.
>Your waifu falls for someone other than the player character
What the FUCK were they thinking?
Having to hear some bitch drone on and on and on about "FICTION" made the last trial a real slog to get through.
But you don't get it it was talking about the fictional audience that's not us! Who cares how impossible it would be for a reader to disconnect yourself from that audience after all that retarded 4th wall breaking
I love it too. That's the kinda hype anime moments I love, especially the end when they do the thing where they all come and say that.
Not falling for the MC was Maki's only redeeming quality.
t. Kaito
To be honest it's pretty fun to see Sup Forums get assblasted over the ending and bitch about the waifus too
How is that good?
They wouldn't because he's a beta.
what's your favorite game?
Gyaru destroyed the world and then killed herself
Dead girlfriend power will beat you Junko, no one actually dies.
Still shit.
chapter 1 was so bad i couldn't even bring myself to continue it. not that i was expecting much after dr3.
Stop the gay
>game is set so far in the future that people only remember the past events in a way we remember World War 2 and the likes with companies marketing the shit out of it for entertainments sake
So what do you want the great Iruma Miu-sama call you, Sup Forums?
-beta boytoy
-brainwashed idiot
-donkey face
-donkey-lipped midget
-dumpy tits
-fish dick
-fish shit
-fucking embarrassment
-fucking hopeless
-grub (bug, not the food)
-jealous titless bitch
-kooky bastard
-kooky bitch
-leader of the jailbait brigade
-little bitch
-little shit
-loudmouth brat
-lost cause
-lying little abortion
-pathetic cuck face
-pathetic tits
-plain jane
-phlegm wad
-sad-looking sow
-sad sour dumpy tits
-savage little toad
-seven pieces of shit
-sherlock homo
-shit-eating worm
-sick fuck
-sneaky little fucker
-sour tits
-stupid asshole
-tiny tits
-total rube
-trashy skank
-ultimate dumbass
-virgin greasemonkey
Because all anybody wanted to do throughout the whole game was escape to the outside world. When they find out that the outside world is ruined, and that the only reason why they were trapped was because they sealed themselves in, it creates despair. They killed each other trying to escape for no reason, and to top it all off, they used to be good friends. This creates despair. But in the face of that great despair, Naegi never loses hope and spreads that hope to his friends. Because if Junko was able to end the world by spreading despair, then the world can also be saved by spreading hope.
I'd rather just call her Pig Vomit.
NU UHHH It's all just muh despair I killed everyone and then myself!!
Kaede's stinky sweaty armpits that she hasn't washed in days!
>Hype myself up with the idea of playing a DR game with a female protagonist all throughout pre release
>it was just some bait and switch
Well she would call you autistic for sure
Why did they changed God to Atua? Is it because America is too sensitive to make blasphemous jokes?
>I wouldn't like it, these games don't get interesting until people start dying.
Am I the only one that treats the games more as a friends simulator than a murder mystery?
>female protag
>huge knockers
what the fuck!
>Because if Junko was able to end the world by spreading despair
Which was beyond retarded making the opposite just as retarded. You can scream despair and pretend it's a good reason/plot device/fetish,same thing with hope.
You need a noose. I'll have you one that matches Kaede's.
This kind of posting is what made me less of a Chiakifag and you Kaedefags are doing the same shit.
But we already had a female protagonist in UDG.
>inb4 nobody of course played it
>tfw too fuckin smart to have any class
Groveling at Miu's feet! Making her flustered and watching her juice drip down her thighs!!
Considering the liberal use of "fuck" and "cunt" and "cum dumpster" in this game, I don't think it was changed to avoid offending anyone. I think the translators just thought it conveyed the proper connotation of "Kami-sama" better, but I think the translators are wrong, because "Kami-sama" carries basically the same implications as when we say capital-G "God" in English. "Kami-sama" might not exactly refer to the Christian God, but it certainly doesn't refer to same random island god either.
It's fine if you don't like it, but it's not a bad ending.
>I don't want to play a videogame where they make fun of God, please change it
kek land of the free amirite?
What did she see?
Ah! I understand now..
the shit ending was so that we could all experience true despair
it all makes sense now
t. Cuck
there was also no clues as to which god they were talking about so its safe to assume it was the Christian God, the way she talked and played with everyone was also really christian-like so yeah
It's fine if you like it, but it's not a good ending.
>play as a beta boy toy
>expect to get the girl
It's just easier to avoid religion shit all together. It's a seriously easy conclusion to come to, guys.
That's actually the opposite of what I said, so no.
What's wrong with the ending in V3?
>getting mad at sexyposting about your waifu
I don't get it, do you just not like the feeling of getting cucked or something?
He was a chad by the end of the game though.
Techincally, Atua has the same meaning as Kami in that both don't refer to one specific god.
thoughts on this OC?
>blood donations
>god appears as a handsome man and a caring mother
Kaito left a big fat farewell present in the bowl
I love Junko!
hey kaede
It's supposed to be an obscure religion that was exclusive to her remote island. Not a real life belief.
but Danganronpa is a parody of everything and the original version came with jokes to God, why change them? I had to make an effort to try and read Atua as God to actually enjoy the jokes
subarashii edit botto
Team Danganronpa sliding a big brownie monster onto the faces of all the fans.
I love Mukuro!!
A person interested in the idea of a Danganronpa game with a female protagonist is probably not going to be satisfied with a spinoff with completely different gameplay. It's a worthless thing to point out because you know what I meant.
It's like if Persona 5 Arena ends up having a female protagonist and someone says "god damn I sure wish a Persona game had a female protagonist, the only thing we got was P3P" and you replied "what are you talking about? we just got P5A". Like come on man, you know what these words mean.
Do these games have any gameplay or is it strictly reading?
I mean, it's an M rated game, that will only be purchased by a few thousand weebs and is completely unknown to normies, that already has significantly more suggestive material in it, like a scene where you give a loli a back massage at a love hotel. I didn't think America was still THAT uptight about religion that having the line of dialogue "God doesn't exist" in a game like this would be that big of a deal. I assume that most people my age are basically atheists anyway. But maybe I'm just being autistic and I don't get out enough to understand the social climate.