Is Everybody's Golf '17 worth a buy?
Is Everybody's Golf '17 worth a buy?
>that foot
ISAAC *stomp*
Ahhhhh mah legs
where does one even get pants like that?
Watching this with Sup Forums was fun
what the fuck
that poor American
>think I've found a comfy EG thread early on
>its just shitposting about fat people
I hate this place
anyone ever find source for this?
When people get that fat, do they feel any shame anymore. Or are they so far gone that they just don't care anymore?
what the fuck is wrong with americans?
Ahh muh legs
I went to high school with a chick that was a 9/10 upper but had these fat fucking thighs that stuck out, her ass was fat too. just like this chick in the webm. so i'm assuming its a medical condition then? what the hell is this shit
why the FUCK are Americans so fucking fat
because they don't have to fucking do anything
That's sad man every moment of his life is suffering.
An actual thyroid condition along with body fat proportions determined by genetics
The guy is a pyschopath and doesn't deserve people feeling bad for him.
yea, she has an instagram or a twitter but i cant remember her name. she posts all kinds of pics of her nasty ass, you should do some research and show the class your findings
love.randalinn. had some great faps to her.
good job, kids. you get a gold star for the day
Is this supposed to be attractive? It's fucking disgusting.
Literally because of freedom
t. American
>fatkino threads was 4 months ago
>guy who looks like that
>Women looks like that
>Sup Forums jerks off to it
>No sequel episode featuring his brother
I just wanna know if he's still running the store and what not.
God. I miss those days. James K is still #1 though.