How would you feel if the Nintendo switch mainline pokemon game is in Botw's engine and it's about exploring every nook...

How would you feel if the Nintendo switch mainline pokemon game is in Botw's engine and it's about exploring every nook and cranny to catch em all. They could make the world metroid-like in a way where you can't get certain places till you get the badge that let's you use your Hm even though it's open world.

sounds like the dark souls of pokemon games

>actually putting effort into pokemon games
You'll take your 20th rehash and you'll like it.

I'd probably buy a switch then regret it when I realize its shit.

it wouldn't be by Game Freak then because that requires actual effort. It'll just be gen 7 but in 1080p

>pokemon skyrim with your retarded charizard ai

kill yourself, faggots

>Mainline Pokemon
>BOTW engine
You want them to gut double battles and still have the shit run at 15 fps, right?

Someone take that series away from game freak, SM running like it does and USUM crashing on stream make it painfully evident they have no idea what the fuck they're doing. They can't even blame the 3ds because there are games that look and run much better than pokemon on the 3ds.

>tfw pokemon go sucked so badly because Nintendo didn't want people to stop playing the rehashes

Almost anything would better than what they've done with the series. Pokemon is one series that would actually benefit from going more non-linear. The game was always about the player's adventure and building your party, not the awful narrative. More open design would be only beneficial.

Why the fuck would a Pokemon be in a Zelda game you fucking retard?

Isn't it cute how some people believe that pokemon on Switch is going to be anything other than a SM clone in HD?

>They could make the world metroid-like in a way where you can't get certain places till you get the badge that let's you use your Hm even though it's open world.
And you lost me

Itt: We Write a Letter Asking Nintendo to Buy Out Game Freak and Fire Every Single Faggot Working There

I'll make the start.

Dear Nintendo,

They told the fanbase to ease up on their expectations so that pretty much confirms it's just going to be HD upscale of what they're doing now
>tfw it still runs like shit even though it's not demanding at all

is a huge fucking retard and sucks monkey balls

Love, user

t. one of Game Freak's loyal employees

Id be fine with it but id like to have the option of turn based combat too But if still no turn based combat then thats fine too, we'll live


>putting any effort
>changing the formula

Christ they barely changed in sun and moon

>Masuda already went out of the way telling people to not have high expectations
>SPECIFICIALLY in response to retards saying "dude it's gonna be BOTW but with Pokemon :D"
>idiots like OP still exist

It's feel like nintendo is truly dead by making a game that is obviously shit but easy to advertise as amazing.

Pokemon devs can't even do remakes correctly, and have shit the bed with everything after HGSS. (becoming nothing special after GS)

How would this be?

>mfw monster hunter stories runs, plays and looks better than the newest mainline pokemon game

>shit the bed with everything after HGSS
>gen 5 is the best in the franchise
Hm... really makes you think.

It will be sumo meets Colosseum. designated catching areas, waves of trainers in very simplistic "dungeons"

>>gen 5 is the best in the franchise

Yet somehow has an even shittier story and intolerable characters.

Nintendo fans, especially Pokemon fans can't tell good games from bad games. You are all profoundly retarded.

All I want in the new Pokemon is a 'Battle Sim' mode or something that's essentially Pokemon Showdown in game.
Just make your ideal team and battle without hours of grinding or hacking the game.

Not really, it started the "lets focus on narrative" shit that's plaguing the series today. Reusable TMs was the biggest positive. It only looks so much better because gen 6 and gen 7 were such huge downgrades

No don't bring back HMs. This would be the perfect setting for letting your pokemon have those moves be innate. Water pokemon could automatically surf, pokemon with claws could cut, flying pokemon of an appropriate size could fly you places, etc. There could still be limits, though. You could unlock these abilities by beating gym leaders or completing a sidequest and if you try to use the them before that, you'd get a message like "[pokemon's name] isn't strong enough to fly you far distances yet" or "your pokemon isn't strong enough to carry you across the water at this time". I think that would suck in an open world setting, though.

Reusable TMs are shit. They make your team even more OP.

Of course TMs were designed with limited movepools for pokemon in mind, (many didn't even learn a stab move in gen 1) so even an unoptimal move could be a big boon.

HGSS actually highlighted how crappy gen 2 was.

>Not really, it started the "lets focus on narrative" shit that's plaguing the series today
That's Diamond/Pearl. It actually takes you 20 minutes until you've even remotely left the tutorial area.

>No don't bring back HMs
you looking forward to the diamond/pearl remakes user? somebody's gotta take those 8 HMs.

Johto was gimped because they included gimped kanto. The problem with gen 2 is there isn't much to do despite 16 gyms and two regions. People who think level scaling is an issue are actually braindead.

Gen II had good pokemon design (most important thing) and innovated a shitton of good features, they just seem normal because they were carried over.

HGSS is good as a remake because they just remade it competently.

Pretty much. Take away the great chiptunes, the spritework, and excellent use of colors and you get an unimpressive region that locks all the good Johto pokemon at the end, trainer capping out at around lv 40 and an added Kanto as an apology. Gen 2 is all flash, no substance

I mean honestly, how fucking hard is it to give the player the option to skip tutorials and cutscenes? Even if you don't know how to play the damn thing you don't need the handholding, I was 8 when I figured out how the game worked back in Ruby and I didn't even know English back then.

>I was 8 when I figured out how the game worked back in Ruby and I didn't even know English back then
I agree. I originally played Gold/Silver in Japanese as a child (to the amazement of my friends because it didn't come out until several months later in the west) and it was easy as piss.

>good pokemon design

I'm not up to date on dumb /vp/ memes. Pokemon designs have gotten progressively worse (both in general artstyle and individual design) every gen. Now they look like chinese digimon knockoffs.

But all Pokemon are chinese digimon knockoffs lmao

>Not PMD

Reminder that you can get everything main series Pokemon has to offer as a series by just playing BW2, HGSS and Emerald/ORAS (not both). Everything else is redundant

dumb weeb

>no mention of Platinum

Reminder that the only major difference between Emerald and ORAS is no Battle Frontier and that Hoenn Battle Frontier is the worst one in the entire series with most faculties relying on RNG bullshit. Despite this gen3fags will swear ORAS is bad when in reality it's just Hoenn without the nostalgia and anybody who wasn't nostalgic for Hoenn will tell you it wasn't that good in the first place.

How is the secret base building in Oras?
Does it still have that stupid 16 item limit like in the originals?
Fucking hated it when I still wanted more items in there.

You should change ORAS to Rising Ruby and Sinking Sapphire as they fix the piss easy difficulty GF are so fond of.

A turn based game doesn't need BOTW physics, that's just stupid.

>shitty hacks

How are they shitty user, it's literally the same game but with more Pokémon variety from the start and better teams.

>monster hunter stories runs, plays than the newest mainline pokemon game
Yeah right. In your dreams maybe. Pokemon chugs in battle, Stories does it battle AND in the overworld.

To elaborate, by sticking with these three games, you get the most content every game offers, while missing out on little to nothing.
HGSS offers the Battle Frontier (co-op compatible, unlike Emerald's), Pokeathlon, a customizable Safari Zone, the Pokewalker and Gym Leader rematches.
BW2 offers the PWT, Musicals, Pokestars Studio, Entralink, the Medal system, difficulty modes, Join Avenue, and N's Pokemon.
The Hoenn games have Secret Bases and contests. Some other features change depending on which game you choose. Emerald has the Battle Frontier and Gym Leader rematches. ORAS has all of the QoL features XY offers, and working online.

The only feature you miss out on is the Underground from Platinum, or more specifically the mining and trap collecting aspect, as Secret Bases are in Hoenn.

I was trying to stick with official releases.

I see you haven't played the 3DS pokemon games. That fucking shit goes below 10fps constantly in battle when MHS only goes below 20fps occasionally.

if you want to go that route then replace all of them with rom hacks that increase the difficulty.

I see you haven't played MHS.

You seriously can't be fucking defending overworld lag in a fucking RPG. And that the game doesn't even load the NPCs until you get close to them.

>shitting out random framerates as if you even know what you're talking about
Hell if i have to agree with you i'm gonna precise that only with shit like 6 Moltres on screen it becomes unbearable.

not even close to hyped. after your 4th game, they all start to feel the same. and we know they won't change the game enough to make it fresh.

Something like that would have to be the endgame for the franchise, how would they be able to make any more sequels without having them feel like glorified DLC at best and a step down at worst?

This is the exact same thing as HMs except they don't take up a moveslot. Possibly worse depending on how they classify which mon does what. You'd still need to have a mon capable of each in your party. Pokeride using Pokemon that aren't yours is the best alternative.

How would this even work? There would be no random battles, which means pokemon will have to be littered everywhere and finding a rare one wont be so special anymore.

It will never happen. Altough possible such a project would cost them like 10 much as a simple Pokemon game, despite making only twice as much profit (If evene that)

Nintendo are too big of a Jew to do that.

When I was a kid, my brother found a ROM that I wish I could find again where someone had taken the Japanese ROM and added a few romanized names (Prof. Elm was UTSUGI, Violet was KIKYOU CITY, etc.), and despite everyone speaking in question marks, my brother and I were able to get at least to the first Gym Leader. I was in disbelief what a pushover the Violet City gym leader was (flying type and he chooses basic Route 2-type Pokémon?)

I would feel nothing because I would never play Pokemon, you fucking loser.

They're will never be a massive gameplay change that throws out current mechanics as it would fuck up imports and failing to let people bring their Pokemon over again would kill the series.

There are so many pokemon that can learn HMs that you wouldn't have to worry too much about it. I'm playing through Gold right now and I have two pokemon that can learn Cut, two that can learn Surf, three that can learn Flash, and four that can learn Strength on my final team. It wouldn't be a problem unless you have a team full of the same pokemon. Fly would be the only iffy one since you'd have to have a pokemon capable of flight but why wouldn't you have one in an open world setting?

Pokeride was a good step forward but I'd much rather use my own pokemon. It makes more sense and is more meaningful to be able to use your own pokemon, imo.

>It's ANOTHER Pokemon should be open world thread

When are you going to realize that the natural narrative structure, level curve, and mon distribution just don't work with that?

It's an improvement overall except for trainer battles. Your A.I counter part can only use 3 Pokemon and the levels are capped at 50 unless you put a dumb looking machine in your base. Great for level grinding through.

yes it could. They'd just have to actually put some effort into it. Pokemon only spawn in certain locales and biomes, etc. to say they couldn't do opem world pokemon is apologism for a dev that shits out a shinier turd every few years

People beat RBY and GSC before they could fucking even read

I honestly can't imagine playing a pokémon game without tall grass and random encounters.
The randomness of that and the "oh shit what will this new route's grass have?" makes the game interesting for me.
Looking at the pokémon in the overworld would kill the surprise. To not talk about how repetitive and fake it would look seeing pokémon respawn in the very same places after a while.

How would level/experience distribution work?
Item availability?
Plot structure?
HM usage?
Gating mechanics?

just play the pixelmon minecraft mod. make a custom map and area progression yourself. thread

If you go into the wrong gym or patch of grass too soon you get fucked it will work itself out like dark souls

I like this idea, I'd also like it to where they throw out all their pokemon in matches and you have to control them in a Dragon Age Origins type of way.

I would think battles would be cool xenoblade style where your positioning and whatnot matters

>I'd also like it to where they throw out all their pokemon in matches and you have to control them in a Dragon Age Origins type of way
Go away

>USUM crashing on stream
What? What stream? I need to see that

It does with MMORPGs. There is literally no difference.

Mobs in MMORPGs have different attacks/levels etc...
Pokemon have different attacks/levels etc...

In MMORPGs you can use items.
In Pokemon you can use items.

I'll bet that the reason for part of that is the whole series is built upon the previous game's code, meaning that there's likely a bunch of Gen I coding from twenty years ago that no one knows what to do with, and if not that, certainly 2003 code from R/S.

>the whole series is built upon the previous game's code,

Oh Sweet Summer Child. It's nice to want things that will never happen.

>no difference
>a fucking turn-based game is comparable to mmorpg

no way fag

Turn based is shit.

You're shit

If Gen 5.2, then yeah
original Gen 5 is fucking garbage though.

Please. It was introduced because of technical limitations. Turn-based is fine for a strategy game but totally pathetic for an RPG. FFX is the only game that comes to mind which did that right and there you had a party of 3. 1vs1 is boring as fuck.

Fuck off

>When you don't know what an engine is but you want to describe similarities in games


You must be retarded. The original GB games were written in Assembly.
It's updated for whatever language and tools they're currently working in, but GF always sucked at coding anyway.

lol kill yourself viper

the thing I really liked about gen 5 was that it had all it's own pokemon, really made it feel like it's own area

Honestly, the way Pokemon has been handeling its battle sytem, the games are much better off using the doubles formats because it allows for much more variety and strategies, while still being fast-paced.

Too bad, it's not changing.