Since this is coming to PC...

Since this is coming to PC, let's all be honest to ourselves and agree that this game is actually a below average souls ripoff and is actually worse than Lords of the Fallen.

it's the diablo 3 we deserved

We have Darksiders 2 for that, user.

Its a ps4 stolen exclusive, tottaly worth it

It's a better game than bloodborne. It might not have a unique story or an open world but everything else about it is better.

>Play the demo
>It's garbage
>Never pick it up again

Don't feel bad about it at all.

>below average souls ripoff
>worse than Lords of the Fallen
naah, LotF is the bottom of the barrel

Below average, sure. But it doesn't even approach lords of the fallen bad.

>Read this user's post
>It's garbage
>Never unfilter his posts again

At least you got a (You) out of me

So you would've felt bad about it if it was a good game, right? Fucking kill yourself, you pathetic sack of shit.

>completed Lords of the Fallen and The Surge
>stopped playing Nioh after frog boss
You might actually be right

It doesn't target Souls's objective or mood as a game, just because it shares similarities in its combat and death system doesn't mean it's the same. This Souls meme should just die already.
NioH's main "thing" is making your overpowered build, be it ninja arts, infinite summons, raw weapon damage, buff/de-buff based build, etc by farming and reforging armor/weapons and other components. Then you test those builds in challenge missions. Well over half of the game's content aren't full-fledged levels for a reason, you know? They're more like battle arenas.

Your stupid little brain is so focused on "Souls rip-off" that you ignore other fundamental inspirations of the game, namely that it is a loot-grind game like Diablo just as much as it is a normal action game.
Saying that NioH = Souls is as retarded as saying that Diablo = CRPG just because it shares an isometric view and point'n'click combat system, or that MOBA = RTS just because they share the same top-down camera and you control units.

Yes you also have builds on Souls but you get to them much quicker, the items are fixed and the armor/weapon stats and reforging system is much more simple, the only thing you need to worry about are your own stats, and there are usually only 3 or 4 choices you make. Souls games are more about being immersed in the world, uncovering secrets, being impressed by the level design and world-building. NioH is more of an action game with a heavy focus on builds, gear set bonuses, and loot farming.
Would you say DMC and NinjaGaiden are Souls clones too? Because it's just as stupid as calling NioH one.

If someone says they like souls but don't like nioh you can tell they're a casual bandwagon riding no taste fuck that doesn't actually play games for the gameplay and only plays them based on hype. These are the same types of people who probably have never played onimusha or would call it shit because it's not souls 1:1.

It's always been considered the best Souls-like game, because it actually goes beyond just copying mechanics like souls-leveling, it introduced a ton of shit and went for a diablo-like experience at new game plus. Having said that, it was also considered worse than the main Souls games (except DaS 2) because of same-y level design, bad enemy variety, bad storytelling, repetitive mission structure that rewards doing sub missions that re-use same maps etc.

The game would be 100x better if not for the random item system.
Prove me wrong.

If you think Nioh is worse than LotF, then you haven't played at least one of the two games. Honestly, it wasn't bad. But I'm definitely not scrambling to rebuy it for PC like I was with DaS1.

Does it even have a character creator? All I see is this Geralt ripoff. Also shit looks super repetitive from videos. Good thing it's getting exposed as a shitty game now

>let's all be honest to ourselves and agree that this game is actually a below average souls ripoff and is actually worse than Lords of the Fallen.
Nah, it's a good game.

That's just a personal preference thing. Some people like the whole diablo loot system, obviously it's not for everyone.

Not random item system works better on games with amazing level design, Nioh would be boredom incarnate if it didn't have random drops, considering its mission structure.

I just want a fun action game and the beta was exactly that
I'll buy it on PC and enjoy it, there's nothing your sonybro ass can do about it

>PS4 exclusive
>Gets announced for PC

But from what I understood the open world was bland and enemy variey isn't that great, but that the combat is a lot deeper and far exceeds the combat of Dark Souls which is exactly what I want since I'm tired of Souls combat.

It literally wouldn't. You get one maybe two builds out of BB before getting bored by the same shit over and over. Random items give you incentive to replay missions and it provides lots of different builds all that play vastly different. Not just press r1 to win or hold r2 to win

Some poor bait.

like fucking clockwork

Just something I wanna know
Is there an arcade mode for this game with a scoring system? I love me some mercenary styled game modes and this game seems perfect for it

Level design and enemy variety are important aspects in gameplay. Do neithet of them well you can't claim to have good gameplay

exact same thing with nier automata
>best game ever, never ever pcbros!
>it was a piece of shit anyway *polishes bloodborne disc*

But the level design isn't bad in this. I don't understand why people keep saying it's bad. It has alternate routes, varying heights, interiors, spans different regions weather's and seasons so it all looks different as well. And is the enemy variety really that bad compared to BB where you have generic villager #28099 and Crow?

It's probably better than Dark Souls 3.
It's at least a much more inspired game.

RoS is the Diablo 3 we deserved

sonybros = opinion discarded like always.
we will judge the game when it will come.