It looks great.
>same image every thread
>Same shitty op
Mix it up you faggot. If you're gonna shill, do it right.
no. Game of the hour? maybe
Isn't red dead coming next year?
Come on man. Current monhun threads are shit enough as they are, no need to do your half assed shilling too.
looks amazing
It looks casualised and constructed.
This is a good thing.
>mfw mh fan since Gen 2 and want to be excited about world but all these people who have hated the series before suddenly starting to hype it up just because it has prettier graphics now are making me hate it
I'm not expecting a lot of enjoyment, but it's a PC port and I haven't been able to play a new MH since 3U thanks to the 3DS so I'm trying it. I know I'll just end up going back to MHFU again.
I understand the cynicism, I get it too over my favorite series. But you have to understand that the series looked dated as fuck, and the latest main game in the west is still just a re-re-re-re-re-re-release of a PS2 game and after the PS2, it's only been on the least popular consoles and handhelds.
>of a PS2 game
Wii game I meant, don't have my facts straight. But it's similar hardware.
I'm going to buy this game and play it with my friends. It's probably going to be a lot of fun.
>liking video games is shilling
Why don't you kill yourself monkey from Brazil?
>the game looks good
too bad the gameplay is going to put off the casual western fanbase that crapcom is trying to capture.
plenty of normies will shoot guns and ride horses with dead eye auto targeting
I'll be here hunting beasts
It spent all those years in exile on handhelds just getting stronger. Now it's returned to collect it's due. First monhun normies will actually get into, right here. Maybe, just maybe, enough of them will stay with it through the difficulty curve, and we'll go into the next Monster Hunter millions strong.
>Jamieson Price
Doesn't it break the fourth wall hearing this cunt in every goddamn game?
Its confirmed casual trash.
Mh4u>tri u>xx>fu 2> fu>x > 2 > worlds > 1
And then worlds only wins over 1 because 1 had retarded controls
This western fanbase does not exist. This game will flop in the west because no.one cares, and flop in japan because no one plays on consoles, and theyre seething because of all the casual westbab pandering
i know it'll be great but you'll only be let down if you start another no man's sky jerkoff situation
Mad Nintendbro.
also this, fucking fotm noobs. I don't mind newcomers but man, we need to keep a leash on the worldbabs
>Liking video games
>on Sup Forums
Obvious shilling
>B b but nintendo
Like clockwork.
Your next post will be "its just quality of life changes reeeeeeeeee
user, a series becoming that popular is never a good thing. it invites jewery and almost guarantees capcom will fuck it up like all their other franchises
>everything but Switch
where can I find this uhh piece of graphical literature for studying purposes?
You mean Switch will?
>you'll only be let down if you start another no man's sky jerkoff situation
Finally, there's actually someone here who gets it.
And look at MN9.
All those sad fucks who kept backing up it's kickstarter.
I second this request
How do I get good at MH? I can't defeat the Tigrex.
Constricted ?
I'm legitimately really excited for it. I've gotten tired of the 3DS iterations which all feel the same, it's about time the game moved onto a new evolution. Those games have been essentially the same since the PSP versions
looks like a free to play korean mmo
Just keep trying.
I believe in you
>This western fanbase does not exist.
I know, it will be created, much like the dark souls fanbase, despite demon's souls and king's field proceeding it.
post yfw capcom kickstarts the next monhun to save money on development costs
gtfo shill
really not that hard. attack from the sides. otherwise it'll kick your ass. sever the tail. break the claws to slow it down. then just hit it until it dies. what rank are you?
I have three different friends extremely excited for MH:W because it's coming to PC. They think the game and monsters look awesome and have been bombarding me with questions about the series. I'm not complaining. The more hunting buddies the better.
Am I going to witness another FE:Awakening for a different series
>This western fanbase does not exist.
No shit, the games only game out on shitty systems and handhelds. Did you even read his post? Are you THAT retarded?
MHW is coming out on REAL systems that people actually don't feel FORCED to own just because of a single game. People already own PC's and PS4's, this game will have good controls, good enough graphics, and live in ecosystems where people play and word of mouth is spread.
What's worse?
>I don't care about MH but I'll call MHW shit because it's not on my console
>I don't care about MH but I'll call MHW goty because it's not on your console
>what rank are you?
What's a rank?
did you just start 4U? not hazing. just curious
This. MH threads should always start with shitposting as of 2013.
>shitty systems that people feel forced to own
>real developers instead of indie shit
>real gameplay and trailers instead of some cutscenes thrown together
>sequel in an established series, not a new IP
Not seeing the similarities here
>similar to Tri
Enjoy your despair, now with console faggotry
>no ass
>dudebros are getting a game besides john madden
>implying they'll like it
Crapcom is going to get spanked hard for this.
In mh4u, the gore in "Crazy, Stupid, Love" (hr6 quest I think) is g-rank no? It's kicking my ass and I can't bring myself to do other quests until I kill this fuck. Should I feel bad I'm getting rocked? I don't even get hit much it's just when he does it's like half my bar
>Liking video games is shilling
No, but posting the same image with the same OP every fucking thread without changing it up is shilling. Work for your money.
I'm playing MH:FU. I used to play it on the PSP but I never got far into the game and I've come back to it recently.
The series is popular as fuck in Japan. It is the definition of a system seller, and it's absence is the greatest reason for the death of the vita. Capcom has already been going full jew with MH for many years now. If it becomes FotM in the west for a while when they call it the Dark Souls of Cabela's or whatever it's not going to change a thing.
It's HR.Stick to back legs
>it's shit
This is Horizon Zero Dawn again
two different markets, user. it will change if it becomes big in the west
But they were?
Who would WANT a 3DS? Who wishes for 240p resolution and reeeeeally shitty and uncomfortable controls? Heck even the PSP games looked better and controlled better (thanks to claw, which is impossible to use on the 3DS).
Also MHtri is by far the worst of the series and the resolution on the Wii was so low that it looked like someone smeared butter all over the TV, it was so fucking blury I remember I had to squint my eyes to read some text.
Nintendo systems in large are only for those who like Nintendo 1st parties, everyone else who wants to play a 3rd party like MonsterHunter or EtrianOdyssey on them doesn't feel good about owning them. On the other hand PC and PS4 are mainstream systems, not bound to a specific subsect of repeated games (Mariokart, smash, Mario maingame, a zelda, occasionaly a metroid or pikmin, over and over and over and over and over again) that you MUST like if you want to be happy with those systems. PC/PS4 are universal, they pander to all tastes, even if you hate western games you have hundreds of japanese titles (or vice versa) everyone's happy about owning either of those.
well, I've never played FU as I hear it has shit hitboxes and it's a spinoff but what weapon are you using? certain weapons make certain fights easier
>psp claw autist
You type some of the sentences word for word
These 'real developers' did the same things you've described with MvC Infinite and SF V.
Look how they turned out, they were meant to be shitty cash grabs since early development.
Exactly. That's the western responce when you tell them they should play this really fun game called MonHun with you but they have to get it for a tiny shitty portable system. "lol"
>this really fun game called MonHun
It's not fun for Western audience
This. Japs play this shit on their daily train ride and don't give a single shit about consoles or pc while western fags only care about social shit and streamability. MHW is going to bomb on both counts.
No that's what they say when they see a game you actually have to play and not watch pewdiepie say nigger.
>really fun game
Yay, kill the monster to get better armor to kill bigger monster forever, so much fun
>they have to get it for a tiny shitty portable system.
If westerners want to get MonHun but not all the great games the 3DS has, they're even bigger retards than I thought. And so are you for spewing this shit.
Some Iron Katana. It was good enough to beat every previous monster easily.
So why can't I pre-order physical on Amazon, but I can pre-order digital?
Do they just not have it up yet?
If you hate MonHun, why not fuck off from threads for it?
I was only playing the part of the average Westerner.
This is a MHW thread so people that hate MonHun are right at home.
I wouldn't expect it before December.
yeah, you'll be able to beat any monster you face with any weapon if you want to put in the time and git gud but if you want to make it easier, try using the hammer for that fight. definitely takes some getting used to (especially if you're coming from long sword as the ranges are way different) but it makes it easier to stun tigrex and break his claws
It is. The consoles it released in were its biggest hurdle.
One of my friends who already owned a 3DS refused to play MH for free because he simply couldn't stand the horrendous resolution and the subpar controls. Instead we had to go through the effort of downloading and setting up PPSSPP with online and played there instead, at 1080p with a comfy controller.
There are plenty of others right now who are opening their eyes to MonHun thanks to MHW and the platforms its releasing in.
>Yay, kill the monster to get better armor to kill bigger monster forever, so much fun
I don't know, western tastes are fucking retarded. PUBG looks like a Unity asset swap game, is a buggy and barebones experience and yet it's selling tens of millions.
>If westerners want to get MonHun but not all the great games the 3DS has
3DS doesn't have all that much if you don't like Nintendo games. And it's a shitty system by itself, while MonHun is a 3D action game, most people don't tolerate 1 analog and 240p resolution with this style of gameplay.
Thank you, I'll try that.
Grab a hammer and super pound his ass (face). When he turns around you smash his head in, and then roll right immediately. If he charges you at this distance, he will just step over you with his left wingarm.
The game is released in late January, wouldn't december be a bit too late for that? I'm kind of used to beta/demo being at least 2 months before the release, and I feel like there is a certain degree of sense in that since the devs would at least have some time to recieve feedback from the players and maybe adjust certain things.
I honestly expected them to announce it at TGS but alas.
It's still a better set up than shitty virtual buttons on a touch screen.
>Nintendiapers too casual for the claw
I don't think it'll bomb. I just think that other user is crazy if he doesn't think MHW's success won't change the game. expect to see a bunch of world innovations make it to the next games. that includes full use slingers, fully open world maps, the new weapon movesets. I also suspect paid dlc is coming soon
>Total War: Warhammer 2
>Monster Hunter World
>Mountain Blade 2: Bannerlord
>Divinity: Original Sin 2
>Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
>Death Stranding
>Cyberpunk 2077
>New WoW expansion at Blizzcon
Holy fuck, can PC EVER stop winning??
You forgot Destiny 2
>I'm kind of used to beta/demo being at least 2 months before the release
Used to what games? Because that doesn't sound like MH.
MH demos usually go up around two weeks before the full game release.
just remember range is way shorter on hammer. stick close to the monster but stick to it's side unless it's stunned or exhausted
Stay mad nintenlet
>the same shitty trailer
>all the new monsters look like boring trash so far, EVEN the flagship
>can drink potions while running
>styles are back and even more imba
>caternig to Skyrim shitters
Does Capcom pay you, capslock man?
You would really hate fighting games
Yeah I'll probably try the hammer on some weaker monsters first to get used to it.
Try different weapons. Find the weapon you suck the least with.
The only thing about it that looks incredible is the graphical leap, though personally I hate the new washed out color palette. Many of the actual gameplay changes seem to be for the worse.
>Ability to move at full speed while healing, effectively removing any and all strategy/thought from potion chugging
>Bigger emphasis on mounting and environmental hazards/attacks
>Removal of gunner armor
>Removal of negative armor skills on top of changing the skill system to be retard proof, everyone get's a bonus even if they put no thought into their built
>Bigger emphasis on story/cutscenes than even 4U
And also, even though this isn't really a fair complaint:
>No G-Rank, on top of missing out on the last G-Rank title in the west.
I'm all for streamlining some of the more obtuse mechanics to make it more accessible, like having a system that tracks recipe ingredients for you, an in game wiki, and even drop-in co-op, but that shit is straight up casualization/dumbing down of the shit that actually gave the game depth and challenge.
As a Gunner all these changes utterly horrify me.
Every bit of footage we have seen proves the super mobility they have given to gunners is downright gamebreaking to the very core of MH.
Like seriously, Being able to constantly walk as a HBG makes it feel like easy mode.
>bigger emphasis on story
>removal of gunner armor
I see these as good. almost never ended up using gunner weapons because of gunner armor. glad it's out. as for the story, I enjoy exploring the lore of monhun. I don't want it to be uncharted levels where story overtakes gameplay but story is good.
>bigger emphasis on mounting
really? because in all the MHW gameplay, I've seen, I rarely saw mounting or environmental stuff. maybe like 3 times at most
I literally only bought a 3DS for MH4, and 3U to a lesser extent. Only other games I got for it were EO4 and SMTIV
>the new washed out color palette
>the new
>He thinks looking like MH1 is a fucking good thing.