Nvidia makes the best graphics ca-

Nvidia makes the best graphics ca-

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1 game, wew.

The real question is why you'd buy a $700+ GPU to play vidya at 1080p.

>one game
Although that is pretty surprising result, I wouldn't have expected and Xbox game to be Vega optimized

>not having a 144hz monitor in current year

Wonder why they left the 980ti off the list. That's weird.

O BOI AMD back at it with those frames in ONE game. As a salty rx480 owner, maybe they can finally
>Fix Overwatch crashes
>Fix what ever the fuck causes CEMU to not work
>Stop Wattman resetting every day
Knowing how long it took them to fix WoT crashes on snow maps, we can expect this to be fixed within 9-12 months.

PC gaming sucks so much it's not funny.

You pay 2500 dollars for a system to play a shitty lootbox game at 1080p.

Only a retard would buy them.

>Fix what ever the fuck causes CEMU to not work

That's more on the CEMU devs, not AMD.

Maybe tell the CEMU devs to make an actual Wii U emulator instead of an unofficial PC port of BotW. Seriously, their focus on getting BotW running properly has been a huge detriment to the potential of this emulator...

Your console mindset is showing.
PC gaming is about choosing what to buy and what to play.

>Forza 7

>playing Overcuck
>lapping up WiiU scraps
So this........ is the power of AMDfags............

Except the older AMD drivers work without issue and the CEMU devs have already come on and said the fault is on AMD's side.
I don't play Overcuck sicne no Blizz servers here and shit 21:9 sup, it's just pathetic that the drivers are this shit.

Nvidia colludes with game publishers to make their games run better on nvidia cards. It has nothing to do with actually being better.

Also entire platform. TL;DR at 11m53s

>he fell for the pa/g/eet meme that AMD has drivers now
amd drivers ae literally written by pajeets in india to cut costs
this is not a meme

>implying the masturd race has anything else to play other than overcuck, ASSFAGGOTS and CS 1.6

Then why is it that most games supposedly designed for AMD systems still run better on nVidia?

>CEMU devs deflect blame instead of fixing the issue

Why doesn't this surprise me?

I can't wait until a proper open source Wii U emulator kills of CEMU.

>every game benchmark shows that vega 64 is worse than 1080 or 1080ti/titan
>in rare cases it's tied with 1080 within 1-2 frames
>somehow in 1 game it's better than 1080ti by 25 frames
Gee I'm sure this game is superbly optimized

Not him but AMD has always been ass for emulation, both the processors and the videocards.
I remember my Phenom X4 965 BE, a pretty awesome CPU that lasted me years having problems with emulation because it didn't support SSE4.1, when I upgraded to a i5 2 years ago I stopped having problems with emulation.

>mfw fell for 6 TERAFLOPS RX580
feels good


Entire platform that has notorious ports that can run up to 2 times worse than on the same hardware than on windows, see Dude Sex MD. Cool.

Do you know what collusion is?

>Nvidia works fine
>AMD does not work with specific games (MK)
Shocking stuff, wonder who is to blame?

Yes, an argument that only works as long as it does not mention AMD. Got it. If it's intel/nvidia it's collision. If it's AMD it's free market and partnerships.

>tfw still on sapphire 290
Thing is a fucking beast.
Nigga I built my PC 4 years ago for 700 bucks and it still maxes out everything at 1080p.
Fucking DOOM gives me 144 fps in Vulkan.
Meanwhile console devs have to resort to tricks such as dynamic resolution scaling to get the game running somewhat stable at sub 30 fps on your 7 year old outdated shitbox.

So, no.

CEMU devs. Driver updates from both sides break emulators all the time, but instead of bitching about it, most emulator devs just say "fuck it" and fix it.

But hey, keep giving the CEMU devs money. I'm not one to keep telling you how to waste your money.


Finish your sentences OP.

But the nintendo switch is more powerful.

>PC gaming is bad because it's an open and free market
Consolecommies, not even once.

You don't have to buy the most expensive graphics card to play these games. A 1050 Ti only costs around 150 but will play all the latest games.
I also have the same cpu I bought in 2011 that I've just now ordered a replacement for.

>PC gaming is bad because its not 1st party controlled
I haven't had a good laugh in a while, nice.

I'm not defending them but I wish you would have convinced me instead of showing me 1 game and 1 series of cards that just came out. Try harder next time

>another episode of a delusional console peasant that thinks PC gaming is expensive

>thinking I give money for a free emu
AMD has such a shit record with their drivers that I'm confident the fault is on by them. They can't even fix wattman, can't stop Overmeme from crashing even though its so popular.

144Hz for 3-5 years

consoles are built on capitalism you dunce

>there are still subhumans that believe amd sucks
>despite it being the top sellers in cpus

Do you know how many months you couldn't play world of tanks for because AMD drivers couldn't handle snow maps? fucking lol, if I didn't have a freesync monitor I'd take a fat shit on my AMD gpu right now.

That's because AMD only recently got their shit together on CPUs. We're only now seeing a return to the Athalon days, after so many years of AMD shitting the bed with garbage CPUs.

And the console market itself is oligarchical in nature.
Though the users are commies, because they want as much control from the big 3 as possible because choices are scary.

4k > 144hz


enjoy your aliasing, friend

>freedom is slavery

enjoy your blur,pal

4k/60 > 1080p/144hz

medium < max settings

t. console casual

>he fell for the meme
4k isn't even necessary unless you're sitting too far away.

And you're implying windows doesn't have badly optimized games?

>being this wrong in a single post
you outdid yourself user!

Said the dummy who responded to patently obvious bait.

You wont get 144fps in games that come out next year on a 700$ GPU on 1080p (ultra).

Most will, some won't. It always depends on how well they're optimized.

Not on NVidia that is
>tfw FineWine™ kicks in

Don't the Vegas put out heat like an oven though?


>using graphs for one game
>not a user benchmark with collated data of many thousands of benchmarks to objectively compare the output
not joking, kys

>user benchmark
Yea no, that just adds tons of variables that can affect actual performance.
The only people who trust a collection of user benchmarks over a benchmark where the only variable is the GPU are console converts.

Have fun using your obsolete 1080 when volta releases.

AMD makes full use of DirectX 12, Forza 7 is a full DirectX 12 game.

>tons of variables
that come more closely to an average result than one pre-paid opinion from a literally who vlogger, as promoted by a shill OP.
Fucking kill yourself

>that come more closely
No, they don't.
User benchmarks are literally the most unreliable metric for measuring performance.
Literally worse than metacritic or Steam user reviews.
And tech journalism isn't nearly as bad as games journalism.

ill just buy an 1180 then lmao

>Tech journalism isn't nearly as bad
These people spend all day advertising without even disclosing it.

add Nioh in there

>PCs less unified than consoles
>implying that the fucking console wars aren't a thing

>Burning money like a depraved fanboy
I hope it doesn't disappoint

stop being a retard

>all this fight over 1080p vs 4k
Do you guys know there is 1440p?


Finewine is a myth. In reality, AMD drivers notoriously had very high CPU overhead which meant that they were able to squeeze out a bit more performance months to years later. With new low-level APIs, AMD no longer has as much potential for performance increase since the CPU overhead is practically nothing. nVidia drivers have almost always been as optimized as possible on day one.

>And tech journalism isn't nearly as bad as games journalism.

Fucking please, tech journalism is just as much a joke, arguably even more so. Most reports are just paid advertisements from manufacturers, most sites are filled with women who feel the need to constantly revisit the question of why more women aren't working in tech (spoiler alert: it's because they don't want to), and most reviews are painfully biased.

Meme resolution that stretches 1080p content while still looking worse than 4K native.

Looks better than 1080p tho.

Are you claiming that there are no games that have issues on Nvidia cards? Are you saying that Nvidia's own outstanding issues list for their driver is a lie? Or are you just cherrypicking and selectively ignoring things to justify your purchasing decision?

>700 dollar GPU
>"144hz" @ 1080p
>When the bottleneck as shown in 1080p is CPU
Fucking morons

Nvidia's driver is the one that struggles with CPU usage in DX12 though, as can plainly be seen in the OP. It's an exactly reversal of the DX11 scenario, where AMD's driver was the one with inefficient usage. As you up the resolution, the 1080 Ti comes back into things as load is removed from the CPU. At 4K, it's decently ahead of Vega 64, since it's no longer crippled by a CPU bottleneck.

It is not like you are going to buy a 500 dollar GPU to play at 1080p. Certainly not when even AMD cards can't do 144hz1080p maxed in the latest games.

Speak for yourself.

You do have a 144Hz monitor right?

For what purpose?!

It is 1080p60. As shown in speecy

congrats on being a retard

Reminder that the "muh finewine" meme is only a byproduct of AMD literally doing nothing but rebrandeons at the 290 level up until Vega and thus not having to prioritize driver updates for newer architectures.

I can't tell if this is bait or not

Really makes me doublethink...

800 actually for 1000+ exclusives from over the years, most old games are cheap as fuck and still look better then the average console game. not shilling its just as it is.


So why don't you own a higher res/Hz monitor when you have a 1080?

>Trying this hard to insurrect Nvidia to your shitty nigger frog

>puts 1000 of dollars into pc
>buys shitty standard screen.

You are not going to build a decent PC for 800 in the current climate (1060/580 w/ R5 1600). Maybe a 1000 at least. And that is cheapening out on HDD and other stuff.

Oh don't forget this doesn't include your monitor yet.

But I do?

Yet most NVIDIA sponsored games struggled with optimization issues on launch and for months after on both nvidia and amd cards.

>buys 1080ti
>plays 1080p 60hz
>even if he upgraded to 1440p 144hz/1080p 240hz, he has an old ass processor to bottleneck the GPU

>Oh don't forget this doesn't include your monitor yet.

Then you best be including the cost of a TV with your console, since you won't be caught dead using your PS4 Pro on anything less than a 4k TV.

This is true 1080p futureproofing

>sounds card
Wew, but judging by every thing else in there I imagine you probably have a setup to take advantage of it.