*Blocks your path*

*Blocks your path*
>Name the last 3 games you finished or I'll fuck you up

*teleports behind you and unsheathes katana"

Heh, nothing personal kid

I don't remember, but I can just make something up. He'll be none the wiser.

Final Fantasy 9
Fallout: New Vegas
Persona 3 FES

Persona 5
Fire Emblem Awakening
Fire Emblem Fates

dark souls 1
dark souls 2
dark souls 3

Dark Souls 2

Please vacate the premise Jeff

Sims 2
Sims 3
Sims 4

Dark souls 3
Fallout 4?
I have a bad habit of not finishing games.

World End Economica 3
Ar Tonelico 3

The Witcher 2
Dark Souls 3

Far Cry 3
Thief Gold
Thief 2

*fucks you're ass*

>implying that sissy faggot gym rat can fight
thanks for the laugh,op

>le epic "do I fit in yet Sup Forums" millennial XD

Kill yourself.

>Watch yo mouth fuccboi

he can fuck up my ass any day

Just Cause 3
Gravity Rush 2

youre move, big boy

Seek therapy.

Metroid Samus Returns
Nier Automata
Persona 5

Also I love his shaved pubes.

What the hell does it take to even get a body like that? Like, I work out and don't look bad but I think even if I worked out everyday and stayed to a true diet I would never look like that still.

>you will never be that self absorbed

World of warcraft
Final fantasy 14


M&B Warband
Peggle Nights

roids and having your entire life revolve about picking stuff up and putting them down

SMT: Nocturne
Breath of the Wild
Resident Evil 4

SRW Z3 Rengoku-Hen

Superhot VR
Rez Infinite

Persona 5
Need for Speed (2015)
Titanfall 2

I don't finish games


Also, OPs photo looks dehydrated as fuck. No doubt he's strong, but probably could get taken out without too much issue.

Fallout 1
HL Blue Shift

Hollow Knight
Nier Automata
Wonder Boy and the Dragon's Trap

Rabi Ribi
Metroid Samus Returns

>wanting to be fucked by Jeff
He did say "I will rape u if I get the chance" to me once on facebook after I shitposted in the comments of one of his pictures years ago. No homo though

Uhhh Mario, Zelda, Jackie Chan FUCK

Fuck that,I ain't afraid of this bitch,just because you got a fit body doesn't mean he knows how to fight,I won't back down.

Kotor 2
Icewind Dale
Rebel Commando

Sleeping Dogs

Half Life 2
Splatoon 2
Breath of the Wild?

I doubt you know how to fight either

Your girlfriend,your sister and your mother...What now bitchboy?

Really good genetics.

>Virgins from Sup Forums
>Could take out a guy that works out, while not leaving the house ever.

Sure. Why not. They elected trump. Anything is possible on this gay earth.

Spec Ops: the line
RE4 HD edition
Door kickers

Painkiller, Painkiller: Overdose, and Dreamkiller.

I think something's wrong with me, doc.

Final Fantasy VII
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
Final Fantasy IX

Fallout 2

Grandma and grandpa and the echo chamber the Russians built for them elected Trump. Sup Forums was just a tool the latter used to spread messages and drown out conflicting narratives.

This week: Monkey Island 1, The Witcher 1
This month: VA-11 HALL-A

All splinter cells
Mgs2 European extreme big boss emblem
Ninja gaiden black master ninja mode.

Pretty sure he exploded into pink mist.

let me see those leg gains.
>this kills the chad

Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow
and Metroid Fusion, I think.

...I'm 22. I've been missing out.

Gravity Rush 2
Yakuza 0

*fucks your butt*

Xenoverse 2
Samus Returns
Shadow of Mordor

I thought all the fags were in the navy

>wanting to be fucked by Jeff
No thanks, I'm not a gay.

Finally got around to completing the Alolan Dex,
Before that, Ever Oasis.
And then either Megaman X or Aladin on SNES, I pop those suckers in and beat them about once a month.

I never finish video games

Dragon's Dogma
Castlevania 3 (US version)
Kung Fu

>clearly visible muscles

Yeah, because Chad certainly voted Hillary/Bernie, right...

why da fuck he is not balding if he is roids wtf bros

Assuming a lot of things here ,user

Toned>>>>Ripped roided freaks
Prove me wrong

I am not in my prime but if he is not a boxer I will definitely beat him to a pulp without breaking a sweat.

So no fuck you.


dont use that word but no i cannot prove you wrong!!

>sjws love communism
>"ree the evil russians elected trump"

i mean yeah obviously, unnatural roid head faggots are disgusting.

but what women like these days? oh you bet your sweet ass women what those steroid homos.

Well he's not my type either :^)

head too small outta/10
be as strong as you like, doesn't mean you're fucking attractive
his body is literally like 2 or 3 sizes too big for his body

World Of Tanks
Path of Exile
Arma 3

Eww, I'd rather take twinks.

Me too. Im just shitposting

This is perfect. He can bing bing wahoo me anytime.

vampire the masquerade - bloodlines, baldur's gate (just the first one, didn't do the whole saga yet) and arcanum iirc

Yakima Kiwami
Sonic Mania
Crash 3

Hollow Knight
Sonic Mania

Sonic Mania
Final Fantasy VIII

>MGS Ground Zeros
>Splinter Cell Chaos Theory
>Final Fantasy XV

Can you provide a more appropriate word?

Mirin. Natty?

Shadows of Mordor
Fallout: New Vegas

Sure sure. Eat clen and tren hard!!

fallout 4
kingdom hearts 2
fallout NV

>implying I care about what women want

he's on gear

god what a delicious bitch
why do i have to be such a manlet

>girls fetishists

7th Saga
Pokemon Moon
Now have sex with me

Finished as in cleared the game or as in 100% it?

>Playing games that can be definitively finished
How plebian.

>7th saga

Metal Gear
Abe's Exoddus

The Evil Within
Hollow Knight
Silent Hill 3

some months of box or grappling training and you would be a fucking god if you fought with someone untrained

>Path of Exile

They're always online games that are constantly updated. The entire point is that you can't definitively finish them, so that you'll keep playing.

>unsheathes two dicks
Nothing personnel..Chad.