Post your vidya collection. r8 n h8

Post your vidya collection. r8 n h8

>no persona 5
kill yourself


just my current gen



>persona 5
kill yourself

Do you recommend Yakuza 0ero? Also, whats it like owning Tearaway for both consoles?

I would recommend Yakuza 0, Tearaway is a little different on the two machines. Personally I liked the PS4 version more because it runs better and has more content.

take it back

All my games across all my platforms are digital. Why are you all still living in a forgotten age you losers.


>games from all platforms
>most are actually decent
>neat and well-taken photo

Don't worry, my shitty games like Ryse, ReCore, and Far Cry 4 were less than $15.


How do you guys like second son? I'm playing it now with PS+. I loved the first two infamous games but this one seems barebones and boring, almost feels like it was made by Ubisoft too.


I don't know about you but I always regret buying shitty games no matter how cheap they are. I spent $6 on dragon age inquisition and I'd rather have spent that money on a meal from mcdonalds.


Simpsons hit and run is the best game there

>no black hand

I feel exactly the same. Maybe I'm just burned out on open world shit.

I've been spending a bit of money on collectfagging recently, though I play on PC mainly

Heres my ps4 games. Dont have a shot of the other consoles currently.

>How do you guys like second son?
I bought it when it was one of the only games on PS4, it's okay but definitely not worth very much.

I can understand that. I still like trying mediocre games because there are still occasionally systems or mechanics in them that are interesting. I definitely don't sink lots of time into shitty games.


Fucking richfags.

>babbies first jrpg
kill YOURself

No that would be the pokemon games you toddler.


If i happened to be a cucked beta male weeaboo, should i get this game?

>Star Ocean 5
>Lost Song instead of any of the Hollow games
>Samurai Warriors 4-2 instead of 4 or/and Empires
Its like you made all the wrong turns.

i'm getting a ps4 for it so i'd say yes
>not pokemon or ff vii
wew lad