Popular game

>popular game
>fanbase latches on and makes memes about every single aspect and line in the game, even the most mundane and pointless ones, as if they were fucking hilarious or extremely deep

git gud

>frogposter crying about shitty memes

that's why i can't touch overwatch anymore


Facebook frog get the fuck off my board

everything pokemon

It's been 10 years.


And I still occasionally hear "The cake is a lie" jokes.

>rule 34 gets made of literally every living being in it because r34 is treated like a sport

did somebody steal your sweetroll?

You're so stupid. I bet you haven't even been alive for 10 years.

>do I fit in yet? xdd

It's been treated as a sport for 10 years or even longer. It's literally in the rule. You piece of shit.

>"If it exists, there is porn of it: no exceptions."

>Ragefaces get coopted by normalfags
>We drop them almost instantly
>The shitty lazy frog memes that we didn't even fucking start get coopted by normalfags
>"M-muh heritage"
Ditch the normalfag frog and get some better reaction images or go the fuck back to twitter

>frog poster
>complains about meme overload
Now this is a motherfucking irony.


I hope you realize how ironic it is that you are using the word normalfag and most likely dislikes "normie".
You know someone is trying REALLY hard to fit in when he avoids using new words when in reality oldfags don't have any problem with creating and using new words all the time.

Fuck off, normalfag. You never belonged here.

Fuck off normalfag frog poster

>do I fit in yet? xdd

>game is hard
>tons of morons complaining it should be stupid to match their level of intellect

>newfags not realizing that pepe hate started as a joke, then got co-opted by butthurt weebs looking for a boogeyman to blame

>Implying pepe in 2017 isn't the face of the normalfag invasion of the board
>Implying my 55 year old mother who spends too much time on twitter doesn't know who "Pepe the internet frog" is.

It's time to kill the frog.

>frogposters being delusional and uppity: the thread

The only people obsessed with normies and redditors are redditors themselves, butthurt that they can't say whatever they want in their favorite site so they come here to whine.
Now stop shitting up the thread with your off-topic garbage.

"Normie" is the redditification of "normalfag", as the latter is offensive to the LBGTQ2S+ crowd.

Back to twitter with you, faggot.

God you sound like such a raging faggot

just shut up idiot

>s-shut up!
The absolute state of dumb frogposters

I bet you will be really surprised if I told you normie is older than normalfag.
Now fuck off and stop pretending like you know what you are talking about.

It’s all /r9k/s fault for posting Pepe excessively

and why do you think I mentioned that, dumbass

half of the porn is literally meme tier when they start reaching for shit like sexualizing the god damn fans in fnaf for example

>I'll try revisionism and see if that works

Literally New Vegas

>Saying anything about any memery

>is a dumb weeb
What a surprise.

and let me guess you made this post because you felt the need to take the opportunity to prove how much of an oldfag you are? i bet your jackass came in here during 2007 and think you're not cancer

Fucking /r9k/ and Sup Forums did it, the two boards with the absolute worst taste in comedy imaginable.
As one would expect from the clinically depressed and a bunch of insufferable ideologues.

>Calls people weebs
>On Sup Forums
>Posts the facebook frog
>N-no YOURE the new one
The absolute fucking state of normalfag occupiers.

>complains about "newfags" not using his epic oldfag terminology
>then goes on to complain about someone using the word weeb which is an oldfag term

>Implying I'd ever be stupid enough to use the term "newfag" in a serious context
>Implying calling somebody a fucking weeb as an insult on Sup Forums isn't the telltale sign of nu/v/ slime


even worse
>game has 10/10 girl
>no porn
>worst girl in the game has plenty of porn

weeb has always been a derogatory term you fucking dumbass weeb

You people are fucking retarded.
The reason everyone stopped saying normalfag isn't because it's politically incorrect. Are you brain damaged? Do you think the average idiot on Sup Forums or /r9k/ cares about being politically correct? The reason is twofold:

1. Normie rolls off the tongue more easily.
2. -fag suffixes are associated with old Sup Forums chanology bullshit where everyone always talked about oldfags newfags tripfags leejunfags and all that bullshit.

There's literally hundreds of old speech patterns and memes people on this site used to use but dropped over time because they became embarrassing. -fagfaggotry is merely yet another one of them.

I would honestly be surprised if there's even a single one of you retards who complains about the term normie who was on this site in the last decade. Bunch of newbie poseur tryhards.

Hey I'm pickle Rick !!

>There's literally hundreds of old speech patterns and memes people on this site used to use but dropped over time because they became embarrassing

The only embarrassing thing here is (You).

user there isn't a comeback strong enough to save yourself from the fact that you just proved your own fucking point wrong.

>implying I'm even the same user
Stop being embarrassing, it's embarrassing.

get laid you pathetic faggot virgin.

>Every single frog thread on Sup Forums is burning right now
Have we started the fire?

Pepe has more trajectory in this site than your newfag ass. It's not our fault normalfags adopted it and dragged it into the ground.

>if I do this will I fit in, mom?

As an oldfag I have no idea what's supposed to be embarrassing about this shit.

Some autists will be dedicated to derailing every frog thread so it should be interesting

>It's not our fault normalfags adopted it and dragged it into the ground.
It wasn't our fault that normalfags stole our other memes too buy guess what we just fucking did? We just made better fucking jokes and used them until they got stolen.

Holding on to pepe is fucking sick and perverted. He's gone. Let him go.

Doing gods work
Godspeed autist.

no one cares about your personal vendetta with some cartoon frog

I'm sorry user I know you are right, but killing off Pepe feels like betraying an old friend

Shit the high meme council it's here

Clearly not the case because I have a bunch of obnoxious twitterfaggots upset with me and each subsequent pepe thread has had more and more people telling the facebook frog to get lost.

The fire rises.

you think overly highly of yourself, is this your first shitposting spree?

the only thing that vaugely annoys me about fanbases and their fan art/fictions is they tend to completely flanderized the characters down to their most basic points and they become their jokes rather than what they were between the jokes.

>the facebook frog
Pepe did nothing wrong

>Implying Pepe wasn't intentionally pushed into the main stream
WE fucking killed pepe and now were sitting here pretending that the corpse is just as good as the real thing.

This stupid reaction image jumped the shark back at rare pepes, it's time to let it die and let something else take it's place.

when a meme becomes part of the presidential election that's the sign it needed to be dumped a long time ago

pepe won't be gone any time soon, friendo, no matter how much you pretend to be an authority on the subject

>more trajectory
do you mean traction?