Are we getting a new bundle in 2 hours?

are we getting a new bundle in 2 hours?

Other urls found in this thread:

there will be 2 running after this one wears out so probably not

Yes but it will be shit

Is the Gem bundle worth anything?

friendo, none of the avaible bundles are worth the money


it's gonna be literally nothing, we already have that shitty le gems bundle and monthly is dropping this friday

Humble Bundle not so humble anymore.

5 and it's weebshit
7 and it's nintendo bundle

>what are you hopping
>what are you expecting

post em

Why would I still buy bundles when I can look in my steam account and find 100 games I've never played?

for the same reason you bought those 100 other games you are probably never going to play


If I buy today's bundle, I'll be posting some keys here. I hope it is a good one though.

the last 6 bundles or so were stuff I didnt like, I hope this ones better

they've been shit since like 2015-16 ish, i remember when like SMB and games like that were in it

>good bundles go to biased, politically motivated charities that namedrop right-wing politicians negatively
>bad bundles go to actually kinda nice things like Child's Play

no, its going to be literally nothing this time not figuratively

the humble bundle site is going to offer free copies of fallout: new vegas because of what happened

What is this a list for?

>Video Game Codes.png

jeez I wonder

Yeah, but ones you're looking for or ones you're giving away?

Giving away user

>Humble "nothing again" Bundle

Probably nothing again. Still I hope that one day we will have Call of Duty bundle or bundle with Crysis 1 in it.

It will be shit just like last one.

May I get TWD S2? A hot commodity.

This one will be a good bundle

You certainly may

This 2 says it's a Halloween themed bundle

spooky halloween bundle will on halloween numbskull.

if 4 then it's an Xbox One bundle only available in South America

Probably not.

No idea what this is, but I got it, thanks.
I'll post a couple of keys in return:

4 and it's Cuphead


Now I have something to play in Halloween, thanks!


You're welcome. Guess that was Outlast, huh. Here's the DLC too:

That's my last key. Enjoy.

Original Star Wars Battlefront 2 in tier 1, this 9 confirms it

HB has been so bad/repetitive this year. I think the Gem (tier 1) bundle was the first I bought in 2017.

Yes it was (Couldn't get the dlc tho). But I can go without it, thanks again.

Bastion NJY2A-Q9BPM-445E2
Cave Story+ 3FXNT-LGJNQ-74WN0
Samorost 2 9PKDH-NI46E-MQAQC

Also pic related, but who uses origin :^)

if 22 then its nothing

lol I managed to get 3 outta 4. Not bad. I'm getting good at this.

Never mind, bought 2 others. Still, nothing like it was years ago.

I think that everybody has this game, but there it is anyway


Damn, apparently already have this game on my account (but thank you). No idea which one, so must have it already installed. What was it?

Let's make up for it with (I think) the second Humble Bundle from years back.

>Cortex Command
>Revenge of the Titans

These things were a dime a dozen on Humble Bundle, it's more weird you lack these to begin with.

all these and i still haven't played braid

Well damn thanks user, this was a great game you dropped

what was it

It was Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee

I don't buy games, I rarely even play them, I just like grabbing keys. It's fun to compete against other anons and try to be the quickest. It's like gambling.

i'd like burnout

>found the origin user


Didn't realize it was for spyware. Fucking dropped.

>Sacred franchise pack
>no Sacred Gold
Still fuming

>because of what happened
What have I missed?

Yeah, the Origin bundle gave out both Steam and Origin keys. Guess which ones I used. The other spyware.

Enjoy it

Another game


i thought they don't bundle sacred gold because it doesn't work on modern computers.

Does it not? Fug, I'll install from disc at some point and see if it's memery

>What have I missed?

It's a joke from the L.A. mass shooting

Gonna be fuck all as usual?

Las Vegas shooting, sorry

please let it be a good one

come on guys. last time no one rolled correctly and the bundle was literally nothing, exclusive for Amerifat and HUEHUE consolefags. let's do this right this time.

if 8 it's spook games

add humble bundle on the title or the post next time, you can't find it with the filter

Should have realised

If someone gives me a game that kills my fucking boredom I'll post my spare humble bundle keys too. It's like 15 games dunno

fuck your mom and cry noobs you racıst son of a bitch :)

samefagging this hard

Get some anime games in your life

0 - Hentai
1 - Shovelware
2 - Phone shovelware
3 - Programming books
4 - Game Maker JRPGs (made by non-japanese)
5 - Vagina Powercode bundle (games made by women)
6 - Absolutely average games
7 - Actually Good games
8 - One big fucking nothing
9 - Games for Uplay

I really like those massages thats why I keep them. Good ol Counterstrike and dota days

Halloween bundle pls


>he bought watch dogs

Is Vermintide worth 4 bucks? I've heard you need friends and I lack those.

it was like 7 bucks dunno man

It's not like he has all the DLCs bought too, r-right?

I dont believe it


thank you, user



Posts that include multiple roll answers don't count. This is how you do it:
if 9 it's gonna be good games.

gib mirrors edge pls

Thank you user

do you use origin?

what was it?

if i have to

0 and is pixelshit.

nekopara vol 1

Nigga that doesn't count. Check this 4 for a Humble Platformer Bundle.

Nekopara Vol. 1

let see

2 and it's shit

add me if you want it for steam or origin

Gonna need more commitment than that

kill yourself beggar

Current one will die and no new bundle until the playstation dies.