Does the pickiness of PC gamers lead to overall better quality games at the top end (I know there is a lot of...

Does the pickiness of PC gamers lead to overall better quality games at the top end (I know there is a lot of shovelware, but I'm talking about the good ones)

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What top end? There's no such thing as a PC "top end" anymore, only console ports and early access shit.

>pickiness of PC gamers


No, because most games are made with Multiplatform in mind and the only upgrade on pc comes from a minor increase in graphics. Ten years ago people made pc games which simply were not designed to ever be ported to console, those days are long gone.


given how much begging there is for ports I'd say they're really not all that picky, quite the opposite in fact

At least we there are less of us that praise shit.

my dick tho

Not really. The Witcher 3 is a perfect example of how PC games are designed to make use of the platform's strengths but still need to work on consoles to make their money back. Games that are only on PC tend to be small studio games like Tarkov that are good but not high quality.

>just downloading everything since it's free
Buyfaggotry is a console decease.



>Witcher 3
>PC game
user. The game was downgraded because consoles couldn't handle it.

I don't even have time for all the new releases since I'm busy with porn games, replaying old games and catching up on the releases from last year.

I want to make babies with those hips.

PC gamers aren't picky. They buy all kinds of bad shit.

You know that's a guy right?


What a pleasant surprise that would be, but I think you're full of shit.

No, their """""pickiness"""""" is a defense mechanism to convince themselves that they don't need other games.
It's just saying "huh I dont need that, it's probably shit" followed by entering threads to say we're being tricked into fun and that their taste is too good to succumb to such standards.

However, PC gaming is notorious for backlogging games because they buy/pirate more than they can chew which contradicts with the previous statement.

As you can see, it's nothing more than a weak shield made out of leaves and at the first sign of PC getting good games they try to rub it into our noses.

there hasn't been a good PC game in 10 years. If anything PC gamers are too quick to accept shit and praise it to high heavens.

>no bulge
Yeah, nah.

Best tuck job I've ever seen.

It is a russian girl you dumb memster.

> Now have to fap to Asuka again.

Thanks, user.

Asuka's feets!

Last time I checked Xbox started porting everything and PS4 exclusive makers were begging to release their games on PC


I don't see any link in there mate.

ah yes, developers are begging, just desperate for 25% of their total sales to be from a market that requires the most attention resulting in expensive work for shitty returns. and god knows there's no meaningful support from nvidia/amd/intel/microsoft for PC projects. They're desperate to get away from a market that consists of 75% of sales.

Why does she look retarded

She's a cosplayer, duh.

>ywn fuck a girl who looks like a passable 10 year old boy
why even live?

>what is Thailand

dark souls has 45% of its copies on pc

and they were all sold at a bigger than 50% discount. Valuing it at more like 20% of all sales.

shitskins aren't my type

Rei > Asuka.

That's not what he meant by pickiness, you retard.
This is the price you have to pay for anime looks.

can't you read? she's russian

>most sold game in a decade is a walking simulator that looks like a PS2 game and runs at 40fps on a $800 GPU


I don't see the connection user.

On a deep discount, after the series became a cult hit on PS3 with Demon's Souls and later on a mainstream hit with DaS on consoles for almost an entire year before the PC version came out.

Also PC versions selling as much as consoles are the small exception rather than the rule. AND DaS1 is the only good Souls game on PC to date, while the other two good ones (DeS and BB) are still console exclusive. It's no wonder DaS1 got so much attention on PC, it's the only good option.

the only games that are noteworthy successes on PC are exclusive franchises like RTS or MMO, facebook shit, or free to play shit. Apart from a handful of shooters with an artificially inflated e-sports scene like cs:go, the market is very small. That said, even those millions of CSGO players are pretty much exclusively CSGO players and are not a reliable market to judge anything by. Those are the kinds of players that play one game for that platform and play that one game exclusively.

Publishers clearly don't give a damn about quality, and having PC users capable of fixing their mistakes only validates their laziness. They'll port a game to PC and overlook something as basic as full controller input options, which should be in every single PC release, and leave it to the consumers to find a solution rather than fix it themselves.

mostly because PC games sell fuck all. Audience is just too fucking small to matter, and PC gamers delude themselves that it's larger than it is and it's more important than it is.

Yeah PC gamers sure are picky, which is why the top games are early access survival and MOBA garbage.

I wished what you're saying wasn't full of shit.


fixed your image for you sweetie bye ;)

>thick fags
not even once

She should do Aloy cosplay

Too bad Asuka is a coalburner.


>Pickiness of PC gamers
Nigger, I've played nothing but old flash games for the last three days.



literally me

>no penis

You didn't fix anything

I would have bought Nier Automata if it wouldn't infect my system with denuvo.

You're absolutely correct but Sup Forums is a hive for MASTERRACE PC-console-warrior faggots and they'll pretend you're wrong.

even console ports are better with highe res, fps and fixes... all this only because pc players are so "picky". your point?

That's Rei.

That's not what OP was saying. Of course you can just maximize an already existing setting, but it's not like new physics or extensive rendering techniques are created exclusively for the PC version because "PC gamurs R picky". In fact the exact opposite happens, Witcher3 had amazing water physics but they had to scratch all that to make it run on consoles and they simply used that downgraded version for PC too, instead of going back to that "perfect" build they had before.

>even console ports are better with highe res, fps
>all this only because pc players are so "picky"
sorry to burst your bubble but console games aren't developed at 720p 30fps. they make them on PC first and then downscale for performance

because good luck running "the perfect build" on a machine that doesnt cost 5k


I could understand it with americans, but with russians ? nah


Its kinda thin.

No. Console gamers cheer with glee when their prices go up and games get smaller and start including micro transactions for basic content.

Even a lot of people on PC are like that, and these people are in the majority.

All this is because PC's aren't limited like consoles are. Consoles are holding gaming back technologically.