
>easy as dirt
>stages are long and boring and drone on forever
>awful morph bubble power-ups that don't offer any unique or fun gameplay like the Mole and submarine that make an already slow-ass game even fucking slower
>game is designed as a boring collect-a-thon where you get no rewards for collecting all the useless red coins, flowers, and stars throughout the levels except for a few measly extra stages that aren't fun, challenging, or anything rewarding whatsoever
>you actively try to avoid collecting shit in the levels or be punished with a boring as fuck bonus game where the only purpose is to gain useless extra lives
>platforming is inconsequential due to hovering mechanic
>no momentum based physics at all, which is standard for Mario games
>shooting mechanic barely comes into play and almost never in inventive or challenging ways
>only genuinely fun moments are when you fight one of the easy as fuck bosses (which are only fun because at least it gives you an opportunity to break up the endless monotony) or when you control the goddamn annoying baby by grabbing an invincibility star

Why do people like this game again?

Other urls found in this thread:

Why does anyone like Nintendo?

Donkey Kong Country was better. Fite me, faggots.

It did kind of bother me that a lot of the powers were 'instanced' and there weren't more that worked well across a broader scope of a level.
>shooting mechanic barely comes into play and almost never in inventive or challenging ways
Disagreed. The inventiveness does wear off after a while though.

Eclosed Grand Dad is way smarter than that literally who faggot.


even Ninty knew that it was probably the best platformer they'll ever make

It's the greatest platformer ever made!

No, it isn't. But I've heard that so many times.

It's not even in the top 50.

Yoshi's Island is an absolutely gorgeous, exquisitely made, refined, inventive, beautiful bore.

It's the 2nd greatest platformer ever made for people who are terrible at video games. The first is Sonic 3 & Knuckles.

literally dark souls of platforming

So it's not just me then. Made it to like world 4 of this game and I just got tired of it and dropped it. It was okay but definitely not worthy of its reputation.

I'm old enough to have played this at release and even then I did not see what other people saw in it. Never really cared for it from day one.

I have never made it to World 4 a second time. I beat Yoshi's Island all the way through back in 1995 and the only thing that kept me going was the curiosity of seeing what else the game had in store. 100%ed it and everything. I've started a new save file on this game dozens of times and I just can't force myself to play through it again. The dullness of the game stops me from ever making it past World 2. It's just not fun to play.

itt niggs

I like the game a lot for it's charm, but it's hard to dispute any of those points.

NeoGAF likes the game a lot.

Gaf likes a piss-easy game with cutesy graphics? You don't say.

You dropped your 2.

I love this game, but maybe it's because I played it on release, and I was 11 yo.

Don't pretend this wasn't awesome.

Who cares?
They also worship Dark Souls, not sure what you're trying to say here.

NeoGAF are notoriously bad at playing video games.

I remember playing this game with my brother. I sucked ass and he was the shit. Still had fun. Playing super Mario world and all Stars with my mom late at night in the summers

Nice to see Josh bitch boy Thomas still SEETHING

Not a fan of Jeff Gertsmann's reasoning for disliking it. It's all superficial reasons. I'm not a fan of the game either, but at least I'm good at the game and not turned off my the cutesy graphics or something equally dumb.

Yoshi's Island is the anti-Mario game.

In standard Mario games, everything is awesome except for the boss fights. In Yoshi's Island, everything sucks except for the boss fights.

is woolly world supposed to kick my ass

This game is my number one favorite game. solely on how much I love the art style.

I get the appeal of the game, it's just not for me. I need a little more expediency in my games. It reminds me of Kirby in that way, it's too leisurely paced for its own good.

Entirely this, sadly the regular stages make up most of the game.

The game is painfully mediocre. I'm glad the Yoshi series is in the gutter. Miyamoto is an egotistical maniac who was mad because Rare dared to make a better game than he ever did.

That claim is overblown. Besides, Miyamoto didn't make Yoshi's Island, he was busy with Mario 64 at the time. In fact, he's not overly fond of the game. He's very critical of the scoring system in the game.


Thank you for ruining that game for me, bastard.

I thought it was 10/10 now I only think it's 7/10.

It was in a recent interview. You can check it out here

it's fun

Depends on your skill level. I have a hard time believing any gamer with a high skill level would get very much out of Yoshi's Island outside of it's aesthetic charms.

>awful morph bubble power-ups that don't offer any unique or fun gameplay like the Mole and submarine that make an already slow-ass game even fucking slower

OP is a faggot except for this part, the morph minigames suck

what about trihex. his skill ceiling is very high and he still enjoys it.


Speedrunners love dull repetition. They live for it.

False, miyamoto worked closely with rare on dkc. He was the game's producer for fuck's sake.

Summer is still a thing I see.

He's also dead-on about the collectathon aspect. Shit just isn't fun at all. It's a rare example of shitty european game design influencing Japanese games. Probably due to the popularity of Donkey Kong Country.

The collecting aspect is the entire point of the game, though. Without it, the game is just a walk in the park. It's like a mario game without obstacles or adversity. If you're not going for the 100%, there is no reason to play it. And collecting shit is tedious.

reminder snes classic is not worth it because these games are simple as shit. You had to play them before psn/xbox/gamecube or else you will be bored of them

I know it's easy, but the game is still a game. It was literally developed for your amusement. It can have it's flaws but still be enjoyable. If you're not getting any enjoyment out of a game because it has flaws, you need to stop playing video games.

Funny bar on interviews it seem a lot of DKC influenced Yoshi's Island. One being the style was their response to what they thought was one of there's worse looking snes game DKC and what they thought was one of the best looking.

Yoshi's Island is like a weird amalgamation of Mario, Sonic, and Donkey Kong Country. In some ways it works pretty well, but not always.

I would argue that Yoshi's Island doesn't have that many flaws. It's just not very fun. It's a very finely polished turd.

Collectables are the only thing I feel it fails at. And really only the red coins. Health/stars are fine since its a punishment for getting hurt. And the flowers are just hidden in places you should be exploring anyways. Red coins however are just tedious where there's too many and hidden behind coins so you are just doing to collect all the coins when you just want to quickly run through them like in Mario.

You forgot its greatest sin:
>sprite rotation

I liked it because I was autistic and I didn't like playing as human characters, playing a dinosaur or robot was better to me

>unique bosses
>tight gameplay
>memorable soundtrack
>levels are varied
See anyone can make a list.

>Red coins however are just tedious where there's too many and hidden behind coins so you are just doing to collect all the coins when you just want to quickly run through them like in Mario.
Coins actually have a slightly darker color

If you payed attention to the game you would have realized that. No need to use items. You can tell which coin is red simply by looking at them. Can you tell in that image which coins are the red coins? The ones with the sun or the ones below?

I stopped reading after the first three "points". Yoshi's Island is a fantastic game, and will always be one of my favorites.

You haven't played it and have no opinion of it if you didn't 100% the entire game.

OP here. I did 100% it. I collected every shitty coin and useless flower in the game, including the "extra" stages. If you'd read past my first three points you would have figured that out. But you were too busy being angry that somebody would dare criticize your precious nostalgic sacred cow to gather that information.

It's a video game from the 90s made for children, not mid 20s NEETs that min/max everything in 2017

While nice feel it's not completely reliable. Add for the items they are good to have but the feeling you even need help to find 20 red coins in each level is just too much. Flowers at least felt like the dinosaur coins in World. Small number and hidden in just fart enough spaces that you feel like the levels have exploratory gameplay without being a chore.

The idea of having to collect everything in a stage isn't so bad if it's a linear game. Like, if SMB1 had gave you a score for collecting all of the coins in a stage, that would be fine. But Yoshi's Island is slow paced and gives you large stages you have to explore. At most, they should make you collect 3 or 5 bafmodads or whatever. But not 30 + 20 stars. That's just overkill.

Stars are fine since the levels gives you enough as long as you don't get hit. Like how checkpoints always gives you 10.

Yoshi's Island is a legit 10/10 though. Objectively one of the best platformers ever made, if not the best. OP is a faggot.

>muh too easy
>says this about every game in existence
>meanwhile wouldn't even dare to touch something like DoDonPachi

The joke's on you, dumb frogposter, it's sitting right on my shelf with the rest of my Saturn games.

post pic

If you aren't ignoring coins and/or only just bumrushing to the end of a stage it's really hard to not get all the red coins in each level.

They are way easier to find than the flowers, usually.


I disagree.

>objectively one of the best platformers ever made

Objectively false, since it barely has much in the way of challenging platforming. In order to be one of the "best platformers ever", there needs to be more of a focus on platforming. And the challenge shouldn't lie in having the patience to search out and find every useless trinket in the level. That's terrible game design implemented to artificially enhance the length of the game. And it's not fun.

>Yoshi's Island is a legit 10/10 though

Is that your actual opinion or are you just being a typical parroting faggot who doesn't have an original opinion of his own? How do you feel about Ocarina of Time? I'm sure you think it's the "Greatest game of all-time".

You are entitled to, but you are still wrong.

The red coins tend to just be annoying. With them being behind actual coins and worse when flying Shyguy has them. Flowers just normal need you to just do basic quick exploring that you should be doing anyways.

>With them being behind actual coins
They are visually distinct, clearly distinct, from regular coins.

> and worse when flying Shyguy has them
You have a HUGE window of opportunity to get them before they fly away. HUGE. Your reaction time would have to be cripplingly slow to continually miss these.

I'm not. Read
These flying Shyguy really need to fucking die, because guess what? If they fly away the red coin is lost for the rest of the entire level. Nothing is more frustrating than getting everything in the last 3 screens and collecting all suns and then having a shyguy fly away.

Suns always stay in one place.

>hur dur i am so fucking bad at the game

You still haven't explain how Flowers are somehow the worse off the two.

You are, read

Plus there are also eggs which give you red coins if you hit an enemy, but if you fuck that up the coin is also lost.

TL;DR: It is impossible to fuck up suns, but there are many ways to permanently lose red coins.

Just admit that I was right.

Flowers are often primarily hidden off the regular path and have more unique triggers to make them appear than red coins do, like killing all the enemies in a room, or finding an invisible item cloud.

The worst red coins ever get are the ones where you ground pound a post, but once you know they can be there you will NEVER miss them.

You forgot to mention how the damage system is so fucked up it's basically impossible to die to enemies unless Baby Mario gets stuck on something

>People think Fly Guys with coins are too difficult

Good lord, the game is already easy but you guys can't deal with an enemy you have like 4-5 seconds to hit in any way you want?

You are only right if the level is flat. If there are sink holes and spikes and balloons which drop bombs and other shyguys, then you are fucked. And this is often the case. Sometimes there are even 3 flying shyguys and they don't hover the ground - oh no - the hover of fucking spikes.

But explain how suns are harder to get?

You need to explore to find the stupid coins too. As for the Flower appearing I can't think of one where it's impossible to find. Red coins however can always be easily missed.

I thought it was commonly accepted that this is one of the best platformers ever made?

>game is designed as a boring collect-a-thon where you get no rewards for collecting all the useless red coins, flowers, and stars throughout the levels except for a few measly extra stages that aren't fun, challenging, or anything rewarding whatsoever

confirmed for not playing the game

>If there are sink holes and spikes
Then don't hit those?

The game never puts the fly guys in a position where you risk INSTANT death to get them, and you can just tongue grab the coin without ever stopping or losing speed.

>But explain how suns are harder to get?
You don't even know what shit is called in this game.

Because it's the best

Lol this guy is the most perpetually butthurt person I've ever seen

>Red coins however can always be easily missed.
Everything can always be missed. Nothing in the game is impossible to get, and certainly not fucking red coins.

How bad are you guys at this game?

Best platformer ever. Deal with it faggot.

Clearly, the only reason you think it's one of the best platformers ever made is because it's "commonly accepted that this is one of the best platformers ever made".

Confirmed for not playing the game.

>best platformer ever

For autistic spergs who can't play actual platformers like yourself, perhaps.

>no argument

It is my actual opinion. Yoshi's Island is my favorite game of all time. It has an awesome level design, comfy art style and tons of innovations for its time.

Ocarina of Time is okay.

you raise good points but the game is comfy

believe it or not it's a game intended for children, and it inspired joy within me as a child. that is why it's good.


found the 12 year old

This is the perfect game for a 6 year old. The old SMB games are too hard but this one was perfect.