Game has multiple endings

>game has multiple endings
>the only thing that decides which ending you get is a menu choice at the very last second of the game

>Posting the normalfag frog
Get the fuck off my board and go back to twitter

>Posting the normalfag frog
Get the fuck off my board and go back to twitter

>user posts frog

Normies unironically think Pepe is a hate symbol. I posted one in a group chat with some close friends and one of them said "sure is white supremacist in here." Yeah senpai, a fucking cartoon frog is gonna getcha

There is only one ending.
The bad one was just an extra.

>Normies unironically think Pepe is a hate symbol.
You're a delusional faggot. Nobody besides the most diehard leftist ideologue genuinely thinks that. Pepe being a declared a hate symbol did more to boost his exposure to the average joe then anything else.

He is a level beyond the most cancerous rage comic, and yet you fuckers still post the very fucking symbol of the normalfag migrant that ruins every board on this website.

Fuck you. Get better reaction images.

>normalfaggot frog
throw yourself off a bridge

I have to agree people need to use apu more

Make it less obvious that you're samefagging you autist.

>posting the frog because people get upset for no reason

>posters: 9
>replies: 9
What did the normalfag mean by this? Do you seriously think only one person hates that fucking frog by now? When it's become a fucking symbol of the websites death?

>put frog in your OP
>guaranteed replies

>9 posts
>9 posters
>same fagging

Can someone explain the Pepe meme to me, I never really paid attention to any of it and now suddenly it's a hate crime or some shit. I always just thought it was some artists work that was awful and became a meme for reactions.


>Lets out ourselves as serial shitposters who contribute nothing to the board
>That'll make people re-like this stupid fucking frog

Jesus christ, fucking lurk more and learn to be more subtle.

talk shit get hit

>Social media migrants pretending like their longtime Sup Forums users

I hate polposting but since you asked...
pepe was pretty popular on Sup Forums during the 2016 elections, hillary and her campaign made pepe a "hate symbol" to try to weaken Sup Forums and now you have newfags thinking it represents Sup Forums

DO NOT hit friend



>I contribute to the board by derailing threads because I don't like these images!

Can't we just bee friends ?

>was called a white supremacist for using Pepe
>I'm delusional

>and now you have newfags thinking it represents Sup Forums
Nobody here is fucking talking about Sup Forums you shitstain. Pepe is the symbol of the normalfag these days.

He's the entire internets now and when that happens we ditch jokes so that we don't bring in those retards. But we didn't ditch pepe and now the sites filled with twitterfags, "weird facebook" faggots, ideologues from both sides, actual viral marketers, the list goes on.

Not letting go of Pepe absolutely ruined this fucking website.

This could have been my first day here and I would have known not to act like a complete fucking mong.

>You're ruining the thread!
>When the thread was started with a fucking pepe image
How can I ruin that which never had worth to begin with?

Pepe was far more popular during the rare collectible pepes meme era, how new are you?
Fuck off to reddit.

ok, just this once

>game has multiple endings
>ending relies on one or more specific stats, forcing you slowly change it over the course of the game to get a specific ending
>have to replay the entire fucking game to get a different ending, instead of simply being able to save before the end, and reload to see a different ending

kek, thanks for the lol

By not posting in the thread if you don't like it and making it die faster. Report it if you think it breaks any rules. If you think that there is a problem you are only making it worse. How about you bump legitimate thread about games? No, you just want to shitpost all day about politics. You are part of the problem.


I know exactly how long Sup Forums has been beating that dead horse of a joke user. Pepe jumped the shark at the rare pepe joke and that should've been the end of it.

>No, you just want to shitpost all day about politics.
I have no political alignment. Im here to kill pepe, plain and simple.

are you ok sir?

Okay, let's assume you are not bullshitting me. Do you think you are having any success? Do you think you are improving the quality of the board which you supposedly care about?

My 50 year old mother who spends too much time on twitter knows who "Pepe the internet frog" is.
It's time for pepe to be thrown to the normalfags for good. He's poisoned and just attracted more swarms of those faggots to here.

Fucking Deus Ex 3 does this and I'm still pissed

Then enjoy your Pepes user

I also know a guy with a bunch of fucking disgusting patches of pepe all over the backpack that he wears everywhere. I honestly think if I got a picture of it and posted it on Sup Forums that little bit of perspective into the type of people that frogposters are would be the end of the frog menace entirely.

People have been saying that for months now, even years, but pepe and wojak always evolve enough to make real normies leave. If anything, we should be encouraging the racist connection, as I think it would estrange normies from pepe even further.

Hey guys

>but pepe and wojak always evolve enough to make real normies leave
I think you mean "Act like honey to the normalfag flies"