Check Japanese reviews for Cuphead

>Check Japanese reviews for Cuphead
>there are only 17 (SEVENTEEN) total out of 5735, or 0.3%.

What went wrong? Why gooks cannot appreciate such a brilliant game?

gooks are only nintenbros and sonyiggers, and cuckhead would not reach them.

It can run on any modern PC. Don't tell me they are too poor for PCs.

Japan is a console nation.

What's so weird about that? They're less than 0.3% of the world's population, so they're actually OVERrepresented in those reviews.

How many Japanese people game on the PC?
How many Japanese people know that 'Steam' exists?
Steam took a while to be translated into Japanese, didn't it?

Yes but they still won't know it exists at all.

Asians hate western shit don't they?

They're roughly 1.7% of world population you fucking retard.

no anime tits

Steam is not made in Japan therefore they're not using it.

Steam is still budding in Japan. Fire Pro Wrestling World, at one point, had a tutorial on their JP site instructing people how to even get Steam to buy their game.

because they have Metal Slug

You mean 0.17%. Check your decimal places, kid.

Japanese people mostly own Playstation and Nintendo consoles.
Unfortunately, Cuphead isn't on either.


dudes on my twitter/steam were pretty excited about it more people on my friends list bought it than didn't, which compelled me to buy it too i don't regret it either

Is this fucking bait?

Why do you even care what some alien bug people from across the globe think about the game you like?

why are you guys acting like japanese people dont play on PC?

I actually think cuphead is total shit. I was being facetious when I called it brilliant.

they probably do, but not on steam

>some alien bug people from across the globe
Excuse you, they literally saved gaming in the 80s and are a huge inspiration to almost every Western developer that doesn't exclusively make boring realistic shooters.

Japs don't leave feedback. Look at their youtube vids, videos with thousands of views have only a few likes, and probably more dislikes.

>This meme again

You do know that the most popular Japanese games are played on a PC right?

Phantasy Star Online 2 followed by Final Fantasy 14

Nips ain't shit better realize that already weeb retard

You're right, I'm sorry, I goofed that part up, let me correct myself: some soon-to-be extinct pedophile alien bug people with shit tastes from across the globe.

There's no lolis in the game.

yeah they do

Japanese MMOs...

>game sells 500.000 copies
>only 5000 reviews

the catch is that almost nobody fucking do Reviews games,

>PC game
>artsyle references 50's WESTERN animation
>basically no appeal whatsoever to japs
How is this a surprise?

Most gooks play FFXIV on PS4.

The console versions are still more popular for that shit too. There is a lot of weird PC shit there and doing shit can easily land you in hot water.

It's kind of a chicken and egg scenario where they usually don't care to play games made by non-Japanese, and as a whole they have very few people that make games for a PC. No JP games = no JP players = no JP devs = no JP games, etc. The main exceptions you see are computers that were limited to Japan like the PC=97/PC-98. The instant you remove those filthy gaijin from the equation, suddenly everyone's a smiling hobbyist coder.

No they don't. They played mostly on PS3 and migrated to PC while some went to PS4.

>dislike for 50's western animation
They're still salty that the world knows their "Father of Anime" kyped his style from Disney, and that Disney eventually turned around and kyped it right back for TLK.

There's a couple of let's plays on niconico and they're all pc version

the game isn't translated so that might be why

they're nips, idiot. gooks = koreans

>being able to tell them apart
found the gook

>some japanese guy added me on friends after playing on his Skullgirls lobby
>2 years later and it's still literally the only game he owns and plays on steam

He doesn't really console game either.

good lad, he should play a better fightan though
also imagine all the money he saves from just playing and getting good at one game

He's NEET as fuck so doubt he has much money in the first place.

No Japanese support. Most of them only buy and play the games if they are translated to japanese.

What the fuck would you want to read in Cuphead?

doesn't stop people here from buying shitty games just to bitch about them

Japanese people have higher IQs so they don't play cartoonish children's games.

Nips can't appreciate any animation that isn'ta slideshow and full of stills

Such a low IQ thing to say.


>japs have shit taste in literally everything
who could have thunk it

Gooks only care for endless grinds or lootbox gambling

>they usually don't care to play games made by non-Japanese
this. though i was really shocked too see how much they love The Witcher 3 over there. never would have guessed

Any vids of westaboos playing it?


Those slanty eyed fucks are all playing Pubg

japan loves anything with european medieval

the game is actually specfically refrencing 1930's Fleischer Studios cartoons. not 1950's Disney, theres a big difference in content and style. The Fleischer stuff was surreal and kinda weird/creepy.