For YEARS, Sup Forums considered Metroid II to be an excellent, horrifying game

Suddenly the remakes come out and everyone talks about how broken Metroid II is and how GB games can't be scary.

Explain this hypocrisy?

Other urls found in this thread:

It's almost like Sup Forums isn't one person


what the fuck are you talking about

Do you not remember? Metroid II comes up in every thread about horror games and horror game influences. Very few games achieved the type of terror that it does. Especially at that time. But I guess that doesn't matter now that AM2R is out...

Fucking piss off.

You didn't even read my post.
>It's almost like Sup Forums isn't one person
Different people come here. People come and go. Opinions change.
Your "general concensus" is an ilusion.

The only reason that people wouldn't think Metroid II is terrifying is if they're underaged or brainwashed by Youtubers. Did you even think of that?

It was just atmospheric and that's it.

Did JonTron tell you to think that?


Did fucking Brown tell you that this game is a horror game?

metroid 2 was crafted to be a specific experience but it did too many things wrong. it just wasn't as fun as it could have been and that was kind of the point of the game

I played II before AM2R and SR

not once did I think it was a horror game.

He's not a "Youtuber". He's an actual video game essayist who genuinely analyzes and argues with evidence. He's revealed his IQ before and heads up it's higher than yours...

>video game essayist
That's arguably even more pathetic. That's goddamn stupid.
YOU'RE stupid for bringing a faggot who makes essays out of Gameboy Prime games out as right. Go away.

You're probably just butthurt that people like Brown fight for justice and equality in gaming. I know you're type

I have no goddamn time who this Brown person even WAS until you retards started expositing what he apparently said if you are indication, its some goddamn retarded ass shit




Shut up with your goddamn caps lock speech.

The first Metroid was based off alien.

I bet half of this thread didn't even watch alien
That's the reason that this is happening


Yeah its true that Alien was a basis on it but that doesn't make it a horror game.

I think the problem with op is he wants a more realistic scary metroid and the only way to deal with that is make it yourself

>threads are going to be made just to shitpost about how metroid 2 was a horror game thanks to some youtube video

Sup Forums is full of jackasses who want to be disruptive and annoying because they think its funny, surprise.

Where have you been? This meme has been going on for at least a week. No one ever comes up with a rebuttal to the claim though. Just anger about Mark Brown. Brown is a grade A retard to be fair.

>Metroid II comes up in every thread about horror games and horror game influences.
Revisionist history is dangerous, OP. You might make newfags actually believe you.

I think this is from a hurt Metroid fan. He wanted the series to evolve into more horror

Metroid came around after alien dumbass

>unfunny 16 year old memelords make shitty threads
just ignore&report

It started going that way with Fusion desu, but if you all think Sup Forums isn't full of impressionable underages who believe everything Youtubers tell them, well then you're the retard.

No shit. Alien is an inspiration. That doesn't make Metroid an horror game.

Someone post the Rick and Morty IQ pasta.

Link to vid please

>No one ever comes up with a rebuttal to the claim though
I don't fucking NEED to make a rebuttal, he is an idiot, and unlike people who think 06 is a shitty game, HE IS ACTUALLY just expositing what this Mark Brown retard is saying and there was no if extremely few opinions that matched this prior to this 'video game essayist'

I think it's this one:

>reporting on topic threads that hurt your feelings
enjoy your counterban, dicksuck

People should realise that IQ is made up to be more than it actually is. It determines your capacity, sure, but what really matters is how knowledgeable you actually are.

>Sup Forums considered Metroid II to be an excellent, horrifying game

Nice revisionism. Metroid 2 was always considered a shit game, and it always will be.

Are you 12? Or just retarded?

You don't know what you're talking about. IQ measures crystallized (acquired) and fluid (natural capacity) together and combined them into a full scale score. IQ may not be the be all end all, but it is an excellent metric for determining success in school, job, the military, etc.

Tell me more

Not a argudent

What if society does not create a resolve for this person.

Then they have depression and emotional problems

Our society is very restrictive

I don't disagree. That doesn't affect the validity of IQ as a metric however.

Hey you're the idiot who thought 'dicksuck' was a valid insult

Explain how it is not? Or are you just changing the subject because you know Metroid II is a horror game? Buttlicker.

It's not THAT scary. There's some surprising boss segments in the game and the music isn't actually all that upbeat than 1 but to call 2 horrifying is kinda stretching it.

A giant influx of faggots were added over the span of years to the faggots you once knew, old man.

>Metroid 2

Literally nobody thought this and whoever does is a fucking retard.

Matt Brown thinks it is.

literally who

He's a video game essayist and critic.

I honestly mostly forgot that 2 existed.
It is a fucking chore to play compared to every single other 2D Metroid.

Literally nobody did this.

Even Stephen Hawking has said that IQ is basically meaningless.

Is he a psychologist? Or is he a faggot speaking outside of his area of expertise?

he doesn't say shit
he slaps his hand around his armrest and the jewish media machine spits out some nonsense to fit the current narrative

It was only scary for kids that played it when it was new and pushing boundaries. Nothing it does could be considered scary now due to the rising standards in what makes a game.

you mean typed
also, he's wrong

wow it's almost like Sup Forums is reddit now and full of underage

Sup Forums changed heavily in the last couple of years.
You know what caused this, and it's got nothing to do with metroid 2.

What caused this?

For anyone curious as to how Metroid 2 began being interpreted as this dark and moody game, the trend kinda started with this article that Mark Brown cited in one of his videos recently.
>This ritual is performed daily as I try to make sense of the way it makes me think and feel about myself and the world around me. I can dismantle the software and the hardware, analyze them, write about the technical aspects of them after great study, but that way of summing them up doesn’t quite actualize how they affected me—what it all meant that first time, in the moment. Our experiences are ineffable, even when we seem to be simply pressing buttons to move light on a cave wall. As feelings atrophy with time’s passage, we try to resuscitate or exorcise them by telling others so they might understand, so that they may try out this thing we’re excited about. To talk about our experiences is to talk about the ghosts of feelings, because sometimes it’s worth keeping the spirit alive.
Jesus Christ Mark. What were you thinking?

The environments in Metroid II are very claustrophobic, in a way that reminds me of the first short story that is part of HP Lovecraft's juvenilia, called "The Beast in the Cave". It speaks to a common fear of mankind; the feeling of being lost, in this case - and in Lovecraft's story - the fear of going deeper and deeper in a cave and forgetting how to get out.

If you see Metroid II as just one of your usual 'bing bing wahoo' games of the time, think again. It doesn't have a score tracker for a reason, it's very atmospheric and its horror tendencies are clear to anyone looking for context.

This is fucking painful to read.

You touching yourself at night


No it doesn't. It's just a meme started by some 2deep4u journalist. Metroid 2 was never horror and never discussed as horror until the remake happened now everyone's spamming omg so scarreyy xD

The people on Sup Forums back then weren't huge faggots and actually liked games more than shitposting.

He was accused of plagiarizing it by the author. Not sure why he'd do that. Maybe he's more retarded than this person is LOL

Hahahahahahaha faggot

dude haha le epic mark reference ftw

Ecco the Dolphin is more horrifying than Metroid II. Metriod II is baby talk.

Metroid 2 has always been looked at as the worst Metroid, you fucking newfag.

You mean
>t. mark
He's well known to shill for himself on this board.

>Metroid 2 has always been looked at as the worst Metroid, you fucking newfag.
Thats not how you spell Fusion

That's more because most people never played 2, EVERYONE played Fusion, and everyone knew it's flaws.

I'm revealing my IQ right now, it's 280
Suck my cock, you unintelligent nigger

>That's more because most people never played 2
Thats a damn shame too, I had Metroid 2 as a kid and really liked it
Sure it was no Super, but it was a fucking gameboy game, you'd have to be a bit of a sperg to compare them directly. It'd be like calling Link's Awakening shit because its not as good as Link to the Past. Those early gameboy games were really weird.

>video game essayist

>It determines your capacity, sure
Actually, all IQ determines is how good you are at recognizing patterns.




Have they changed the tests recently?
I was tested to see if I was "gifted" as a kid and the IQ seemed to mostly be patterns of shapes, numbers and words and they had you try to figure out the patterns while timing you to see how quickly you figure it out.

>poster count went up every time
Why is Sup Forums so full of assholes?

where can i read this piece of horror kino

>read this piece of horror kino
Don't use words you don't understand.

Fucking Gamasutra of course.

Don't worry. Saying wrong without explaining doesn't mean anything.


>"I took an online IQ test and it said I was smart! IQ IS REAL!!! REEEEEEE"

IQ tests are widely regarded as ineffective and even incapable means of measuring capability and intelligence in contemporary times. It's outdated, antiquated crap, that oversimplifies and underwhelms.

who exactly? i want to activate my almonds

>consensus doesn't exist

Metroid 2 is just as scary as any other Game Boy game of its time. Just because every sound that comes out of GB's lips goes through a nightmare fuel filter.

And those ascetic graphics with that black background and grotesque pixel characters sure adds to the mix.

Metroid II was a piece of crap. It had some neat ideas that would be used for Super Metroid and beyond, but it's hardly a good game on its own. The reason people talked about atmosphere is because there's no map, you'd be wandering through black-background tunnels with little sense of direction, and when the game isn't playing the tunnel theme, you'd have some bass-y bleeps and bloops and the occasional monster or Metroid attack.

Yeah sure, it captures the feeling of isolation in a dangerous environments, but it's rudimentary by now and not some sort of god's blessing of game design. Even other Metroid games have done it better.

Anime posters and trannies.


I'm playing the game with a color hack. Did i fuck myself over from getting the real experience or fixed a hardware limitation issue the developers had