VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action

Is this game a 100% normie-free masterpiece, or the usual weeb shit?

Other urls found in this thread:

Nah, it's good. Very comfy. It's basically a story about a lesbian bartender mixing drinks and changing lives, with little odds and ends depending on who you talk to and how much booze you give someone.
There's a bunch of cute girls, but in the end you find the main character to be the cutest girl of them all.

I like the fact that it nailed the visual style it was going for and the characters ate memorable, but other than that, it just seemed like an above average visual novel that was pretty to look at.

Neither really.

It's honestly pretty unremarkable. It's not very well written, none of it's characters are very memorable or interesting. OST is ok.

I mean it's not offensively bad or anything, but it's more "bored girlfriend" tier gaming than anything else.

it's a generic VN, its only quirk is to be in some kind of bad future, sadly you don't feel the dystopia world at all
still worth a read for the characters and the ost

Can you recommend me god tier VNs? Preferably a comfy one like this game.

But what about cute boys? Asking for a friend.

depend what you want
I love utawarerumono for the overwordly feeling for example

It's a fucking shitty western visual novel

Usual weeb shit

SJW pandering

Comfy but filled with normie 9gag memes and "today's" references, which ruined it for me despite being cute and nice.
Don't expect great gameplay either, this remains a VN.

Usual weeb shit, 100% visual novel, the "bartender gameplay" is just a excuse to click a couple times more before advancing dialogue, the "diialogue changes" for giving different drinks are at top 2 lines of dialogue before going back to te normal route.

only 2 endings: 1)you have enough money to end the game. 2)you don't have enough money and get a game over.

all the other "multiple endings" the game advertise are just extra scenes at the end that you get in a row for giving one specific drink one specific day.

game full of memes and references to shows like the simpsons.

If you like weeb shit, with no fanservice and a lgbt+ agenda plus a collaboration with Read Only Memories dev, go ahead.

If you like Cyberpunk better get Ruiner, an actual game.

Only the art is worth anything


God my pixel art is so shit compared to this guy

does it count at pixel art if it's just a drawing he then redraw over with a different tool in sai? the original drawings are out there and are the same. he just used a pixelated brush to draw over it in sai.


So are Ruiner shills going to be the posts that ruin every Va-11 Hall-A thread now? Seems like every game talked about on Sup Forums has to have at least one persistent autist who comes in screaming "NO THIS GAME IS SHIT PLAY *THIS* VAGUELY RELATED (or sometimes not) GAME INSTEAD". I've seen this exact thing several times now in multiple Va-11 Hall-A threads since Ruiner's release (and a few days before it).

I liked it
I with the story had more branches to it but it was fun, has great art and music, and was comfy as fuck.

I Ruined valhalla thread since before ruined was out, it's a shitty vn being advertised as a game. in an age where most good vns are coming to steam and getting translated, if you want to settle for a shitty weeb from the west vn go ahead, but don't promote your reddit game here. go shill there.

There are some quality boys in there

>none of its characters are very memorable
user i haven't even played this game and i know about the loli sex bot

I think so yeah, because you still need to zoom in on a pixel level for much of the fine detail aND colouring. What difference does it make how you set up your line work?

>it's a shitty vn being advertised as a game.

You're gonna have to point out where it tries to advertise itself as anything but a VN because literally every screenshot makes it incredibly obvious what it is.

>from the west

If you want to be technical the creator is actually from Venezuela, and last I'd heard his glorious communist government took basically everything he made off the game and also forced him to stay in the country besides.

VNS are not games take your shit to /jp/

shut the FUCK up

Choice between
>stale jpn VN with washed up cookie cutter cardboard moe characters that have no redeeming qualities, shit writing hamstrung by rushjob translation, everything is at least 5 years old and all references are to japanese "culture" which is notoriously shitty even to the japanese, 50 routes no one cares about, and costs $40 too much
>good music, interesting story and characters, fresh and interesting art, not bloated with unnecessary content, and references that mean something

hm, what a choice

This is not AT ALL what this thread is about though.

>Visual Novel with no romance
What's the point

Besides a couple comments on "body acceptance" it really wasn't.

I have it in my library but haven't touched it yet. Im saving it for when I want some comfy times.

Is it good? How much time could you spend playing it?

There was gender talk.

>read the thread
both these answers are answered..

>some retard mod who doesn't play games dictating to our board

I can't believe you actually tried to use that as an argument lmao, w/e as long as your lords and masters tell you it's OK right? Pathetic.

Weeb shit. It's very very mediocre.

VN are literally by definition video games though, how retarded are you exactly?

So is any walking simulator

Too much lesbianshit fr me to enjoy, no interesting male characters at all. Not much of a story either.
But modern cuckboys enjoy this kind of shit, so...

Yes, that is correct as well.
Looks like we're done here, stop posting anytime.

>he doesn't have a nice collection of yuri/lesbian romance mangas

Step your weeb-read game up.

Soundtrack is good

Considering the themes Cyberpunk tends to dip into it'd be nearly impossible for that kinda shit not to come up a couple times, but I really don't think it ever came close to being "pandering".

I like the game/VN, but you gotta get yourself set up for it. It's awesome to play late in the evening with a steady flow of whisky/beer/wine (not all at once) and snacks.

I'm going to marry Anna!

It's time to let it go denyal

Spotted the salty-ass pussy.

>it's a shitty vn being advertised as a game
nigger what

>I Ruined valhalla thread
Hi Sup Forums

I miss /dangeru/

Can we even live in a cyberpunk world anymore? All the analog stuff has died.

We are already pretty Cyberpunk and some people are literal cyborgs. Only thing left is actual augmentations (current mechanic limbs and eyes won't enhance your current body)

My only real complaints about the game is that it could've been longer, simply because I wanted to see more of the characters and where their stories were going, and that it did tend to be a bit heavy with internet references. The latter mostly being a problem because it makes it awkward to recommend to other people.

Other than that though I really enjoyed it, it did a good job of making you feel like a bartender who really only sees a small sliver of the lives of your clientele. I liked that you weren't the center of the universe and you weren't constantly roped into problems that for some reason only you are both willing and able to fix.

In the old fashioned Cyberpunk universe as it was originally imagined no, but those aspects weren't really central to it anyway. The tech may change and the numbers might be different (3mb of RAM, pfffft), but the themes central to it can easily go beyond that.

>So pixelated its nigh-unreadable


Well you like it or you don't. I did like it.

How do you post on Sup Forums if you're actually blind?

It's max comfy, which is critically and objectively the most important part of a video game

It's super comfy, the game has this grandiose setting with government conspiracies and civil unrest, but the story is very personal and focuses on a small cast of characters.

He asks his handler to type words

How can the most important part of a video game be objective? It's literally up to the person wtf.

weeb-pandering meme-game

After 2 hours this game just wasn't for me. So glad Steam allow refunds.


It is endorsed by the Queen of sjw
Its pretty shit unless you're into that sort of thing

The drink making gameplay is tedious and the script is lacking in proofreading; I don't know if they patched that up after release. The music is great, but you just put the whole song list on a jukebox and it plays through them, so there's no mood appropriate music like you get in most VNs.
Those issues aside the characters are pretty endearing and the art is great.

I believe the central theme to cyberpunk was hi-tech, low life... Our technology is constantly evolving for better or worse. The quality of life depends on several factors and could be taken differently with just about anyone.

So if we aren't already there then we are definitely moving in that direction. More cyberpunk themes probably take place in major cities as they are technologically advanced and the quality of life is fairly divided between the haves and the have nots

Neither. As with all things, it falls somewhere in the middle. It's aight if you like cyberpunk.

It seems to me like Cyberpunk is in this weird spot of being part aesthetic part thematic. A lot of what it deals with also appears in other types of stories, but people seem insistent on how Cyberpunk should "look" too.

Who's that?

The drink mixing replacing the usual VN choices are what kills replays for me. Like I would like to see some of the other endings, but the thought of mixing all those fucking drinks again just sounds so shitty. It's fun for the first playthrough at least.


One of the FemFreq interns played it on stream, Sukeban retweeted it while making fun of them in the game discord.

So this is the power of self-awareness...


I loved playing this game, mostly for the same reason as said. I think it's a game that anyone looking for comfyness would like.
Just as the MC says at some point "I'm just a personal stranger for the customer", even though we might be a bit more invested for some of them, the game is mostly about a following this world and some characters for couple of weeks in their life. Sounds kinda boring but isn't as long as you're not looking for action.

>Fan-dub means anything other than some thirsty fags are paying her to make mouth sounds.

She's bi

>falling for the bi meme

I think she said at some point that she fucked a guy one year earlier, also she had a crush on a guy.