Discuss which one of these is better

discuss which one of these is better

It's like trying to pick between two massive pieces of shit.

Mass Effect Andromeda isn't worse than Mass Effect 3.

Inquisition has better characters, acting and overall writing, but andromeda has better leveling and combat. Both have great world design. Andromeda has shit for romance options.

>food analogy

piss off

At least Inquisition had some decent characters. Andromeda had a terrible story with voice acting to match. Really no contest.

Inquisition is better, even if it's got too little meaningful content in its wide empty zones and some absolutely ridiculous moments like singing on a mountain.

Inquisition is a fine game, a bit boring but something you can sit down and play.

Solas did nothing wrong and I would join him.

>food = shit

It used to be food once.

the ONLY good thing about andromeda is the gameplay 2bh

don't knock it until you've tried it user

DAO >>>>>>>>> ME2 > ME1 >>> [the faggy ass DAO expansion aka DA2 lite, STOP fucking talking about this piece of turd like it's actually not complete garbage] > DAI = MEA >>> DA2 = ME3

Inquisition easily.

>It actually has a decent character creator.
>The pc and npcs also look much better.
>The companions (barring a few) are much more interesting

kill yourself

I actually enjoyed inquisition in an unironic sense wheras i just couldn't take mass effect seriously.
Mind you at least you can put bullets in things in real time on MEA rather than DA's turn based "real time" combat

inquisition, easily. for one, it was working as intended, even if the intent was bad.
andromeda was bad in concept AND execution.

Inquisition, BY FAR. It's better than ME3. Fun combat, has beautiful environments that aren't incredibly tiresome to slog through, has a great chracter creator and an MC who can actually be played as a bad motherfucker, not a beta pussy like Ryder. You actually can pick your dialogue, unlike Ryder who varies between 4 different tones of "good".

I was actually thinking of replaying Inquisition, whereas I couldn't bare to play Andromeda beyond that pirate town you arrive to.

And even that was a downgrade in some aspects.

when you say gameplay you mean combat, right?
because most gameplay was also bad, except for the combat, which was still not great, and gimped compared to the trilogy. jumping is no replacement for squad control.

Inquisition had several cool set pieces like that masquerade ball you go to. Andromeda was just about shooting dozens of kett at every corner over and over again.

DAO > ME1 > Awakening > ME3 >>> ME2 >>>> DAI >>>> DA2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> MEA

>I couldn't bare to play Andromeda beyond that pirate town you arrive to
Its so weird that place seems to be the common stopping point for people who played and couldn't be assed to beat the game. Five of friends all stopped there.

DA:I has a better cast, though I had more fun with ME:A as one didn't need to complete awful sidequests in order to progress through the main story.

It was a make or break point from the get go for me. I mean, if you arrive at a wild west-type town full of criminals a la Firefly and the game STILL doesn't get interesting, it never will, so what's the point of continuing.

I was also fed up at how much of a pushover Ryder was. This isn't the character I want to play as. I'm not concerned with seeing him overcome odds like I was with Shepard.


This is a mess to read and it's not the question OP asked now is it??

Andromeda because DA:I was a fucking singleplayer MMO.
At least the shooting part of Andromeda was midly entertaining, there's literally nothing good about DA:I.
Story is shit, graphics are shit, gameplay is shit, universe is shit.

The characters are better written in I than A. Also, explain how the graphics are shit.

Yeah thats my biggest problem with Ryder not matter how "logical" or "professional" you are, everyone always treats like you're their bitch, even when you help random side quest npcs. And the faction leader reveal on the exile planet was something everyone knew immediately too.

Very odd, I gave up on that planet too.

>The characters are better written in I than A.
So what?
You are comparing a 0.5/10 with a 0.1/10, it's garbage that's not worth experiencing in any way, while the changes between DA:I's shitty MMO grindfest gameplay, garbage combat system and ME:A's functional TPS system is actually a noteworthy difference.

>explain how the graphics are shit.
Do I need to remind you of how fucking everyone looked like they were made of plastic or caked in oil?
Specially the hair, which was straight up plastic.
And overall it just didn't look good, it was completely average looking.

Didn't play Andromeda but since Inquisition was one of the worst games I ever played it's pretty likely Andromeda.

Inquisition at least gets interesting halfway through, Andromeda was a trainwreck that should've gotten way more shit than it did.

Don't remember much, but I remember how even on PC there was a fuckload of MEGATEXTURE-tier popping and that the textures were mostly pretty low res.

>ME2 > ME1
>Inq > ME3
>Inq has fun combat

Wew, this thread is doomed

>Inquisition at least gets interesting halfway through
Not really, it's still the same grindy boring piece of shit that forces you to do constant grindfest quests.
And not like I could ever give a fuck about the story of a fucking Dragon Age, it's the most generic fantasy universe ever created without a single trace of personality.

Like I said its the stopping point for most people.

That is the console version or someone with the settings lowered.

Next, that video shows screen tearing and poor animations more than provides any compelling evidence to your comments about the "plastic" nature of the objects/characters.

I've just never heard that until now, I'd wanna see a survey on this theory because there could be something to it.

Here you go, then.
Bioware never had any idea of how to use Frostbite.

What platform and what settings? Is it using Mantel or DX11?

I think by the exile world most people finally just give up any hope they had and realize is not going to get any better. I am probably more forgiving to the series than other anons but even had to stop playing the game for nearly two weeks before I slogged through it.

>ME3 before ME2
Objectively wrong

Changing the settings didn't affect the greasy characters.
The reflections on characters were just fucked up.
Constantly sweaty at best, mattel figurine at it's worst.

Is this on the final patch? And the graphics API will affect the rendering of certain assets.

Because what would be an incredibly exciting stretch in any competently made game turns out to be just as dull, boring and cringy as the rest of the game before.

I just went and got my own screen shots.


had to crop this one because of file size

Hey thats the haircut I go with

This is one on lower settings from early on in my playthrough, from earlier in Sept.

Inquisition was at least functional, and not a lot buggier than these open-world games tend to be. Sure, the animations were bad, but only Bioware-bad, not bad-even-for-Bioware.

The gameplay was boring shite trying to be some kind of offline MMO and obviously the characters were unanimously awful to the point where FULLY-GAY man was actually among the more tolerable ones, but at least it was made by a team who knew how to make a videogame. Andromeda, on the other hand, seems to have been made by a clueless band of indie devs.

It's like comparing Transformers movies to something like The Room. Sure, they're both bad films, but one is a professionally made proper movie with structure and actual work put into its awfulness and the other is only a feature film because it was filmed in cameras and has more than 45 minutes of running time.

Also, that character creator for Inquisition was actually good. Compare that to the buttface simulator that was the Andromeda creator.

It's the only non-strange looking one, also the hair I have more or less.

Had to crop again for size.

I need to clarify I am not blindly defending BioWare, I dislike them a great deal actually. But you can't just flatout lie or exaggerate without being called on it. The game looks pretty bad in the open world, which I will show. This is because of how it handles the rendering of the picture, when taken in still image it is very blurry. They down sample the gameplay portions.

You could sentence people to death/prison/exile in Inquisition.


Yes, there are a number of judgements to do just that. Or to have them serve the Inquisition.

both are fucking trash and should be avoided.

i have no idea why people like Inquisition when its a empty world of nothing and has a story so awful it makes dragon age 2 story look decent.

are there any decent mods for DA:I that make the female companions not ugly?

I assume you just have nothing to say. You are wrong and I assume the image you posted was pre-patching on the console version.

DAO > ME2 > ME1 > ME3 > DA2 > DA:I >>> ME:A

>modding Frostbite

Really not worth the effort.

Inquisition, quite clearly.


Not at all

ME1 >>>>> Origins >> Inquisition >>>>>>>> Worthless garbage > everything else in ME/DA universe.

Would switch the first two ME games with DAO because I think it's really overrated, but outside of that this is pretty spot-on.

DA:O is just standard fare RPG setting. Because of the many dialogue options and moral ambiguity it often feels like it's trying to be Planescape, but the dialogue branches don't actually change much and there are no personality traits or alignment, so it often feels pointless, like the outright thuggery you can engage on sometimes only works to gain you points with this and that follower and not to actually define your otherwise bland player character.