>A New Layton
After how awful Katrielle was, i'm skeptical if I even want this.
>A New Layton
After how awful Katrielle was, i'm skeptical if I even want this.
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This isn't new, we've known about waifu layton for over a year now
>We've known about waifu layton for over a year now
Maybe you should try reading? Its not katrielle. Katrielle already came out two months ago, this is ANOTHER Layton (likely katrielle 2) slated for 2018.
Is the phone one good?
Mystery room or Mystery journey?
If you're talking Alfendi, then yes. Its not traditional Layton, but its a good standalone title with investigative crime scenes and murders. If you're talking Katrielle, avoid at all costs if you're an actual Layton fan. Its hollow, shallow, and boring, with very mediocre cases that range from finding a lost pet, to accusing someone of "doing a poo". And its puzzle quality is bottom of the barrel tier trick questions that require no thoguht behind the answers. I know Akira died, but the fact they couldn't get a good puzzle writer to replace him is worrisome for the future of the series.
Jesus, I had no idea. Dodged a bullet. Thanks user.
So, how many people did he kill?
Half of thames, so probably a good couple hundered who didnt evacuate.
Mystery rooms 2 fucking when?
never because japan hates Alfendi.
Wait, so lady Layton is shit? I never see people mentioning it, forgot it came out
Came out on iOS. The important release, 3DS, is this Friday.
>Hating a guy who gets a kick out of dealing with criminals and to fuck with em
Once again japan with shit taste.
Then again mystery rooms could've been a lot more fleshed out. The game was more of a vn where you just selected the thing the game wants to move on.
Its mediocre and trite. Its worth maybe a play at best, but its not worth the $40 pricetag nintendo is pushing. its barely worth the $15 initially.
Problem is L-5 is trying to incorporate Yokai-watch into everything because of how well it sold, and its very apparent with katrielle
>Young kid
>Slice of life
>Talking animal companions
>Tons of fart/poot humor
>literal memes
They're trying to gear it to kids more-so then ever, which completely conflicts with what Layton's playerbase became. Curious vilalge was directed towards kids, but the darker themes brought in an older audience.
Problem is The 3DS version has nothing to gain. Its only draw is one costume, and the game is over double the price for it. I actually wanted to pick up katrielle despite all this, even after playing it. But I'm not going to justify spending $40 out the door for it. Maybe $15 on clearence in a few years just to put it in the collection.
>I never see people mentioning it, forgot it came out
That should be telling enough.
inb4 the IOS version come out months before the 3DS version and the 3DS version costs half as much
More like double
>the game is over double the price for it
All 3DS games are free, my friend.
C'mon put him in Smash already
>All 3Ds games are free
And your time is not. I wont tell you don't play it if you really want to, just be warned its nothing like its mainline. Worst even, the ONE question everyone wanted to know more than anything, gets cut off by a cryptic clifhanger
If you're not a Layton, then what are you?
By your logic blustacks exists, and you could've played it months ago.
Are you telling me she's not even blood related to Layton?
We don't know. But the note is allegedyl from herschel
I meant to say double, said half by accident
Layton Bros ended similarly. This just sounds like Layton hit up an orphanage and adopted kids with something special just to educate them
It means she's adopted, right? Either that or Layton did what all true "gentlemen" do and fucked around with some woman after his gf died.
I heff 12 matchsteek
I'm aware, and i'm annoyed because LB has so much potential to continue and never will.
Supposedly. its obviously set up for a sequel, buit depending how well it does will depend on a sequel. This "NEW" Layton could also be another herschel story just because katrielle backfired.
>tfw only ever played the first
cool game, but I swear there's about 6 now
are the others good?
Mystery Room is good.
Mystery Journey has an absolute trash plot that’s literally romcom levels of “take no risks” writing. Fuck, even the last two chapters where something is actually at stake have absolutely flacid payoffs.
Puzzles are OK though if that’s what you’re there for.
Also the big post credits reveal was laughably bad.
[Spoiler]she’s adopted[/spoiler]
No fucking shit, sherlock.
>Curious village
>Diabolical Box
>Unwound Future
>Last Spectre (Acts as Layton Zero)
>Eternal Diva (Movie)
>Miracle Mask
>Azran Legacy
Layton bros is not related at all but a fun little spinoff, its really short though. check it out if you have time. To sum up: Play first trilogy, Decide on second trilogy if you want more layton.
>Puzles are okay
Need I remind you of the "You need to keep a fish fresh for X amount of days, how many days do you need to keep it in the freezer?" Puzzle?
The ones with Layton are good to okay because you get tired of the puzzles after beating the first few games and some of them just start to feel lack luster. I know the later ones get some pretty neat bonus modes, like that one with the RPG like mode where you live in a town and talk to the characters and do stuff to customize your room and appearance.
The Layton Brothers on mobile devices is good because its like Ace Attorney Lite.
Everything else, not so good
First 3 are fantastic, 2 and 3 both have endings that will make you cry like a bitch.
4,5,6 are not nearly as good as the original trilogy but still enjoyable.
Mystery Room is bretty good but has an absolute shitshow of an asspull at the end that taints the whole experience.
Mystery Journey is shockingly bad.
Can you pirate android shit without rooting?
Bluestacks is good.
>can i play games that im supposed to pay for without doing illegal thing?
Nigga, just get an emulator, theres like 3 of them.
>I just remember the ending of Pandora's Box
Layton 3 was good tho.
thanks all, I'm on it
My GF and I were talking a few weeks ago about the series and we came to a conclusion:
Does anyone feel like Miracle mask has no reason to exist? Like, game wise and puzzle wise sure, but when you look at the flow of the second trilogy, Miracle mask seems horribly out of place.
>Last spectre sets up the healing gardens of misthallery, and the Azran legacies
>Miracle mask deals with angry amnesiac randal, herschels past, and has nothing to really do with uncovering any relics other then descole silently snickering in the distance at an unrelated nautalis chamber.
MEANWHILE, The actual important relic of Ambrosia, is left to a movie that most people will never even watch.
I feel as though Eternal Diva should've been the game, and Miracle Mask should've been the movie. It would've also been a better adventure, where as MM is literally just Diabolical box retold.
Forgive me
Yeah, just go into settings and allow apk's from unknown sources then search for "[blank] apk download"
I agree, although it's the best in the second trilogy, much better than forced emotion Last Spectre and literally retarded Azran Legacy.
The movie is pretty decent too. The Eternal Diva i think its called, it got an English release to so you can pick your dub.
Unwound Future is the best Layton game, I won't tell you to prove me wrong because this time it's actually impossible.
For the love of god just give us a game that isn't about the professor's kids or anther fucking prequel.
I just want something after Unwound Future where I play as the professor. Just make it a neat mystery without all the grandiose "epic" shit that made Azran unbearable, have the professor and Flora investigate some weird village, or the professor teaming up with reformed Don Paolo for a mystery. Hell I'll even accept that fuccboi Luke back at this point.
Where does vs. Phoenix Wright go on this list?
>wanting them to ruin Lost Future's excellent ending
I'd personally say manadatory because its a great crossover and I love both series' but without my bias, maybe in suggested, because it is universally different from both games for a new player to try and get into.
I didn't like it, both the trials and puzzles were watered down, and the twist is one of the most stupid ones.
The problem is UF/LF set up the perfect end to the series. Theres no point moving forward, its like trying to push 7/8/9 when star wars really ends at Jedi. All you're doing is pushing and prolonging something that doesn't need to be.
Last spectre was welcomed because it was a throwback, to how luke met layton, nobody expected a whole grandiose trilogy with the legacies, and it just spiraled down from there because they tried to go for so many twists that it lost its magic. The only thing that COULD work, would be a rouge one like story where it takes place during/between the events of, but doesn't actually change the core trilogy.
Optional. Simple puzzles most of the time, simple cross examinations, only slightly getting average around the end. Layton-style plot twist. Watching them talk and interact was good, but it wouldn't do much unless you're a fan of both AA and Layton.
So really, its good if you know both series, okayish if you don't.
Agreed, like all crossovers its great if you like, and know both series, otherwise its pretty basic