How much is this game going to cost? It's out in 2 days and there is still no price on steam.
yooka-laylee was an 8/10 in my book but I do slightly regret paying full price with the sales its had.
How much is this game going to cost? It's out in 2 days and there is still no price on steam.
yooka-laylee was an 8/10 in my book but I do slightly regret paying full price with the sales its had.
Other urls found in this thread:
It doesn't come out in 2 days.
>checks the steam page
four hundred and ninety nine us dollars
>costing money
80$ for the deluxe edition adding a cosmetic hat
$30. Bottom of the official website.
stop lying. the game is 30$
>you can customize Hat Kid in-game
>hair, clothes, hat styles, etc
why didn't they mention this anywhere?
0$ on tpb
It's going to be a day one pirate for me. I already got burned with fucking Yooka Layle, one of the worst fucking games and crushing disappointments of my 20+ years of autismal addiction to gaming. Then if it's fucking amazing I will probably buy it unless it costs 40€ or some retarded amount like that.
At least the gameplay trailers and the music seem good in this one, unlike shitty Y-L.
>badges you get are permanently sewn to your hat of choice
I'm sold, cute platforming girl looks fun
>I do slightly regret paying full price with the sales its had
It was literally selling for $12 on certain websites. Heck, I bought it for $19.99 plus tax and felt ripped off eventually.
while I wait for mario odyssey this will be my platformer, I waited a lot of years and I know they polished it as much as they could in their power, I never fell for the kickstarter meme nor have I played yooka laylee but I'm having really good vibes from this game
josh is quite retarded about a lot of things but here he is completely right
>buying games
lmaoing at your life buyfags
Wait didn't that guy manage a Nintendo channel some time ago ? What made him go nuclear ?
What's this about? Some more JonTron drama like what happened with YL?
being a trump fan
being over 30
What's this all about? Is he a dev?
Wait, this actually got finished?
Shit, I remember seeing a bit of early footage years ago but assumed it was silently going to get plugged or something.
No you won't. You'll beat the game and convince yourself with some asinine reason as to why you're not buying it.
who's this cute girl
Yes. If you check the image hashes for the first few results of an upcoming/recently released game on Google in a Sup Forums archive, you'll find quite a few results.
what did he mean by this
post porn already
these pathetic shill threads ain't working, you gotta up your marketing strats
It means the developers hired him to draw some advertisements for their game
not cool
oh no
>Added a Camera mode bound to a specific Badge
Huh. This game honestly sounds almost too good to be true all the shit I've heard about it recently.
Still not sure it's $30 worth.
Jontron voiced a character in hat in time and neogaf is outraged they didn't cut him.
i don't know much about ecelebs, what did jontron do and why do people hate him?
He said that he understands why white people are upset about the left trying to replace and breed them out, thinks that there's obvious racial discrimination and hate for white people, he said some black people have it easier than some white people, and after everyone ate him alive for having an opinion he voted for Trump.
Went on some dude's podcast and expressed some controversial opinions about black crime rates if I remember correctly.
Was this game made by a literal pedophile?
The same thing pewdiepie did wore nazi shit in a video as a joke and now neofags and tumblr think he should be shunned from everything
They canned him from yooka and they praised the dev but didnt buy the game
Theyre mad he hasnt been canned but even if he was they wouldnt buy this game
>Jontron is an overly-political person and says non PC things openly sometimes
>Said some stuff and he got booted from voicing a toilet in Yooka Laylee as a result, just a few weeks from release IIRC
>Also voices a penguin in Hat in Time
>Didn't get the boot
>A bunch of people on Neogaf who are only happy at other people's misery are outraged Gears For Breakfast didn't pull him
Spoiler alert they were never going to buy either of these games they just needed the virtue signal points
Protect the smile. Hug, not fug.
>Justifying piracy
Just pirate it, we don't give a shit why. Especially being "burned" by a completely separate game.
I agree. They don't buy games cause it doesn't make them happy.
He unironically went full Sup Forums, do not be fooled by replies such as or He went pretty deep into genetic purity and race mixing and all that jazz. It wasn't just an off handed comment it came over as pretty insane.
t. conservative rational human being but you'll call me a SJW anyway
Does somebody have the edit where the text says "I hate anime"? Forgot to save it last time.
come on fucker I'm sure you bought shittier games for much more
>wore nazi shit in a video as a joke
That's not it at all bro. He talked about white genocide and race mixing in some interview.
Quote him, then.
>Sex dolls
>Walls covered in porn
no thank you
Yes, I totally loved Croc and Spyro
20 years ago
I also don't buy shit that looks 100 times better on the billboard that IRL
Perception of value is relative.
So you didn't buy PS1 games? NES? Genesis?
This kind of shit taste shouldnt be possible.
honestly it bothered me less the more I looked at her, I can just mod her face once the game releases if it becomes too much
you are pretty fucking autistic if you do not buy the game just because of this
>muh relative
I bet you bought orange juice for 1$ you cheap skate
>artwork looks different than the in-game model
wow who would've though
The only thing I dislike about the characters is the fact the faces look completely disjointed from the head.
I mean look at that shit. It's almost like they put anime faces, no nose and all, on faceless (but with a nose) 3D models
That's what they did, potentially sans anime, but point still stands.
At least he's right in something.
It doesn't help that they completely ignore the lighting while the actual model doesn't.
Well you are a SJW...
how has noone post lewd yet? am i on a blue board or something
>playing tumblr "precious smol child" memes, the game.
>An ode of the N64 era
>am i on a blue board or something
maybe if you turned off that tomorrow you would remember you goddamn faggot
Because he can.
>being an edgefaggot
he can also kill himself yet he doesn't
>shitting on tomorrow
>Not making all your Blue boards tomorrow
Faggot get off my board
"Mexican immigrants are setting up ethnic slaves to break off parts of the USA back into Mexico."
"White people in America are currently experiencing a demographic displacement similar to apartheid."
"Immigrants from incompatible places taint the gene pool."
I think there was something about never letting his daughter date a black guy in there too idk. Looking forward to you telling me that these are all perfectly reasonable viewpoints.
A 2 hour livestream on Steve Bonnell's twitch podcast from like half a year ago that has since been removed, there's probably mirrors of it somewhere. It got quite a bit of publicity so you'll find articles about it everywhere, and he made a statement in response here
OK then.
>posts cropped porn
really makes u think
Quit shilling your garbage, it's pathetic.
>ethnic slaves
you mean enclaves?
Pick one, please.
Not him, but:
Jafari: Yeah, but if they assimilated, they would enter the gene pool eventually and would just... you know...
While not flat out saying it, he's obviously going full race doctor here. More quotes from the debate and also some rebuttals to his claims here:
>40,000 backers
>Implying even 1 of them being a faggot loyalist isnt a remote possibility.
I agree but your shill meme is just as cringeworthy, if not more.
>Shopping images
Setting up enclaves*, which they are.
During Apartheid, which is a proper noun you ignorant fuck, blacks were treated as the but of jokes and the source of problems in South Africa. It was okay to insult and degrade them in publications and insist they were ignorant and unable to comment on the lives and needs of the white man. Did you just miss the Dear White People videos? The entire culture of blaming white people for violence, crime, and oppression?
His daughter can date whoever she wants, but the actual statistics make it clear that dating a minority is dangerous for a teenager:
"In 2015, the birth rate of Hispanic teens were still more than two times higher than the rate for non-Hispanic white teens. The birth rate of non-Hispanic black teens was almost twice as high as the rate among non-Hispanic white teens, and American Indian/Alaska Native teen birth rates remained more than one and a half times higher than the non-Hispanic white teen birth rate. (Martin JA, Hamilton BE, Osterman MJK, et al. Births: Final data for 2015. National vital statistics report; vol 66, no 1. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics. 2017.)"
With regard to the gene pool comment...
Enter into the gene pool and replace the white person an their families, culture, and national identity. This same thing happened to the Maori in New Zealand, where I'm from. They were bred to near extinction and aside from a few reservations every Maori has a large percentage of white blood in them. They are treated as second class citizens by both racist white people and racist Maori who hate the whites.
A mixed Anglo-Hispanic culture developing would displace the "native" white populations (yes I know you stole your country) and replace them with mixed races that don't fit in with either group. This has historical precedent in country after country. Denying it is just ignorant as it gets.
Can't wait for the r34.
Who invited Shadman!?
anime eyes ignore lighting AND hair
your point is null faggotron
that's right, this game is a lot more banjo kazooie and mario 64 than yooka laylee will ever be
This guy seriously lost his edge. Now he's just boring.
you can take your preshuz little chillun and go fuck yourself with it, it looks nothing like the shit you've been baiting us with for the past month and you're lucky your threads aren't getting autosaged yet