Elder Scrolls Morrowind lore thread

Lets talk about lore. Humanity's metaphysical genesis on Tamriel in a way starts with Solstheim. It's there where The First Dragonborn resisted dragons, devoured and ruled them. It was there that Snow Elves were decisively beaten and slaughtered into Oblivion. It was exactly Solstheim where the last remnants of pure Nordic culture, untainted by modernity, lived on. And is it not Solstheim where to this day Skaal hide secrets of the All-Maker from the greedy old man, Herma Mora? Yet, with time, Solstheim was lost to a rabid invasion of dark elves. Yet, local Solstheim nords still persevere in the north of the island, where elves are too weak to venture.

In the same vein, is Sancre Tor not the most mystical place in the whole of Tamriel for an Imperial? A desolate ruin, high up in the mountains where it rules over inaccessible mountain passes. Right at the border between Skyrim's cold grip, eastern Hammerfell's desolate wastes and northern Cyrodiil's infertile land, it reminds us that things were not always the same. Lost like the legendary city of Delodiil, it was the heart of Alessia's rebellion and later a temple from which Reman was born, right out of the Earth itself. And lastly, a sacred ground where Tiber Septim was buried. From the cradle of Heartland's humanity to a temple to a sacred ground, Sancre Tor now stands a mausoleum nobody visits from fear and respect. It's a place of countless holy ghosts and world warping powers sleeping, none daring to interrupt their rest atop an unapproachable mountain.

Many things that are important have been lost.

Other urls found in this thread:


Take it to /tg/ fucko.


Or let's discuss something important.
Imperial or Stormcloak?

Do Nords hang toilets rolls over or under?

In game, Stormcloak obviously because it's obvious that's what the narrative asks for. From the weak empire during Arena, to Talos in Morrowind saying it's time to Empire to go away and Oblivion's assassination of the last Emperor - end it now and allow secession to people in it. After all, they made it explicit - you are sent to the chopping block by Imperials and assassinate their emperor.

Regarding the lore itself, Ulfric, Tulius and Dragonborn make an Enantiomorph - just like Tiber Septim, Wulfhart and Zurin. History won't remember which one won because both sides are technically interchangeable, between the rebel and the king. So both endings are canon. Bravo Todd. Now sell me some of those sweet, sweet mods.

Rolls? They wipe with bear hands

Who is the Handmaiden in the Song of Pelinal? Is it Mara?

She talks about the concept of freedom as if she invented it. Then it must be Kyne, even though handmaiden is usually Mara.

But it also says a lot about humility which I'm fairly sure is heavily connected with Mara. How this humility is also beloved by Akatosh and it ends in death.

I guess legends intermixed the two? Remember, Song of Pelinal is a written down version of an oral tradition based on what was told to have happened, not actual history.

I just got really interested in this part of the lore because of VIGILANT. There was a memory of the handmaiden among other parts of the Song (like assault on the White Gold Tower). Is it explained anywhere how Pelinal traveled through time?

>Is it explained anywhere how Pelinal traveled through time?
In actual lore, no. Nu-Kirkbride post Skyrim, just a bit. But it doesn't matter since it's easy to assume the same thing - he doesn't age, meaning he wandered thru time until he got killed, only to be brought back again. How? Because Magna-Ge and Kyne rebuilt him and since he was rebuilt out of time, he knew what would transpire once put back at a certain point.

Alternatively (or complementary) he's a self aware Shezzarine, meaning he felt and knew things normal people didn't. Maybe he was connected to the Dreamsleve and recieved knowledge he shouldn't have.

Knowledge wouldn't really explain his battle prowess or supposed indestructibility. There must be more to him.

>we will never get a metaphysical TES game because most people expect TES games to be generic fantasy now

Great job Bethesda. First you make the most uninspired thing ever with Oblivion and the BIG NEW THING with TES5 was fucking dragons.
How creative

>tfw no scifi game set on the moon in the fifth era

Imagine the shitstorm if Bethesda came out with a Scifi game for TESVI, would be glorious to see but bound to be shit

>it's like fallout on moon

Considering how close the moons are to Tamriel, how big would Nirn look like on Masser's sky?

I don't don't want that shit. I like TES because it takes an interesting take on generic fantasy but fuck this god damn lasers and moon colonies shit and space ships.

I don't know. Hjalti, Wulfharth, and Zurin make that because they embody the "Thief, Warrior, and Mage" triangle. The Last Dragonborn can be anything but Ulfric and Tulius are both warrior-archetypes. Besides we both know Bethesda won't do that. It'll probably be some generic shit like the Last Dragonborn saving the Empire and then they died.

>Thief, Warrior, and Mage
I'm in the camp that primacy in Enantiomorph comes from Warrior - Rebel - Observer. Warrior and Rebel are interchangeable so Ulfric and Tulius do fit.

That's an interesting way of thinking about it, makes sense.

Why not try something inbetween? Like you can still have swords and all that stuff but in space, would be something original for once

Who would win in a fight

Hjalti or Reman Cyrodil?

How accurate is this series?


Not a whole fucking lot.

Why on earth would you need swords when you have laser guns? If TES ever went full sci-fi it may as well just be another Fallout game.

I'm kill myself before following his take on the lore. If you want good lore vids, check Zaric instead.c

thanks for the recommendation, I tried watching a few videos of Shoddyscast but I didn't like them in terms of presentation and already could make out some inaccuracies with my less than basic understanding of the lore so I was looking for an alternative

All I've ever played is the first dungeon in Arena, but for some reason I really enjoy reading the gibberish in TES lore threads.

I also only played the first dungeon in Arena. I don't enjoy those early TES games. Morrowind is that one hit wonder that I really love.

I don't know why they went full retard with Skyrim. Morrowind is pretty timeless in my opinion because it offers true sandbox gameplay. The later TES games do not allow you to be as creative. Here's hoping the next TES game is Black Marsh, I seriously do not want to see the "generuc sand kingdom" I know Hammerfell will be.

If you like unrestrained babbling about TES lore you need to watch the Selectives Lorecast.
It's the most informative and enjoyably confusing thing on the matter.

Take the CHIMpill

Not aware of most racial lore, can someone explain bretons to me?

>Selectives Lorecast is unrestrained babbling
That's right. But you need to keep in mind this is a cabal, a circlejerk of liberal faggots who suck dick with Kirkbride. It's good to get your nogging jogging, but it's not official lore in any capacity.


Fuck left
Kill right
Marry Vivec because he/she would take care of you

Fuck Vivec
Marry Sotha Sil
Kill Almalexia

absolutely based

Kill all three.

So where did the sload come from and where are they now? Will we ever get to see the other types of khajiit? How are the existence of akaviri species explained?

Kirk is literally everything wrong with the lore.

is multiplayer canon?

Not on consoles, it ain't. On PC, kind of since there are so many legends and stories, player character did everything and nothing at the same time by the virtue of heroes not being bound by common history.

It's important to appreciate that the metaphysical aspect of TES came in many ways from explaining player character without breaking the meta wall so "CHIM is console" shit doesn't fly even though it could be used to explain stuff done by console.


c0da makes it canon


Are there any maid mods made for larping, at least in the dialogue department and maybe a few changed quests? I don't wanna be the dragonborn. I wanna be an argonian maid.

Canon good TES games:
Daggerfall just so RPG crawler fans shut up already
Redguard because I'm a hipster
Morrowind since it's my religion
Skyrim has sexy argonians so it counts, too


Steal Ayem's makeup
Ignore Vehk
fuck off to the Clockwork City and have tea with Seht

>nigger in the pic
Redguards don't look like that

he looks traumatized
otherwise solid pic. sil needs more official art



What's that thing in the lower middle?

Imperial nobility is known for having mixed with Akaviri dragonguard after Reman picked them up in Pale Pass. Having face features not seen in Tamrielic humans is a sign of pure aristocratic blood now, some 1800 years after these men disappeared in the gene pool.



Shit man. Must be horrible to be fucked by damn near everyone and can do nothing but be conscious through all of it. Some real " I have no mouth and I must scream" shit.

Fuck Alma, kill Vivec, marry based cyborg elf.

Why not fuck Molag Bal instead?

You don't fuck Molag Bal.
Molag Bal rapes you.

The problem is to use Black Marsh they'd either have to completely shit on the lore or create some sjw tier plot were the white man burned down their forest and you must set out on a quest to get it back from their imperial oppressors.


haha man this is terrible
you don't have a source, do you?
you know, just so I can laugh at it more haha

Valsalia on FA.

Haha valsalia


This comic is truly an international treasure.

Fuck you Sup Forums now I have to choose between writing my essay or posting in a TES lore thread


He's actually going to draw fucking? I thought it was going to remain at sexy escapades while looking for a cure.

It dragged on for too long and became a bit too self-indulgent if you ask me.

>no [internal screaming]
how am i meant to fap to this?

I think the artist forgot the original plotline.

The thoughts slowly conform to the actions of the body over the course of the comic.

this is some horror movie shit right here. Slowly losing your original self to your new body

Without any hint of resistance there's not much going for it then.

But I'm guessing that in itself is the fetish.

He faded to black like a bitch and Orgnar got turned into a Khajiit