How are you enjoying your SNES mini Sup Forums?
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My snes mini is called PSP
I have a problem, my monitor shows the screen to be tiny.
Like, it won't upscale it.
It's probably a problem with my monitor right?
My custom build SNES classic parts are arriving today. I'll let you know once I install retropi
I already got all games on PC for free.
Why should I buy this?
Waiting to see if there's any problems with hacking it before I open it, like incompatibilities or something. Apparently the roms have to be converted to a different format.
Also waiting to see if the anti-seizure measures can be removed.
Waiting for hakchi to put some STGs on it.
Heads up anyone near high Wycombe. The local GAME store has TONS of these things in stock.
im enjoying it. I took a good shit this morning
no just sell it for 190€ lol
played the games 20 years ago when they were revelant
i've played it for about 20 seconds total
waiting until i can add some decent games to it
>playing snes games on a psp
Does that make you feel superior ?
can you buy the controllers by themselves?
I'm going to gift it to my (wife's) son for christmas, so right now it's just a decorative box in my office.
>The only games on a Sony handheld are Nintendo games
What, you think I could find one? No.
Nintendo loves watching us suffer.
>2008 portable doesn't get games anymore
Does buying 21 roms for that official Nintendo license logo make you?
sony only serves to play Nintendo games
nice shoop
Actually yes
Nintendo is like the chad game developer that Sup Forums can't help going back to even though he keeps getting abused. You fags are literally paying £80 for roms. You'd buy a fucking turd if it had the offical Nintendo seal of quality on it.
to someone who shells out money for something that's basically free, then YES i am superior to some cuck who lets his girlfriend get fucked by a black guy while he plays on his mini snes that makes him feel cool
Being this butthurt about what people do with their money
i love my super everdrive, thanks for asking!
>dude, just steal everything lol
as long as you can get away with it easily, yes
I´ve stolen a ton of stuff over the years from stores, supermarkets, employers, the thrill is awesome
never got caught, not once, being white, good looking and nicely dressed feels like cheating
>buy snes mini
>play Star Fox 1 and 2, Yoshi's Island and SMRPG on officially sanctioned hardware
>sell it and maybe make a profit
Breddy gud.
Should be shipping to me soon, I dont even want it, just giving it to my girlfriend since she had one as a kid. I already have 2/3 of the library and could emulate it all anyways if I wanted
Just go Retropie you double dolt
Saw one in my local citymarket and was gonna buy it until I noticed the 150€ price tag.
Fuck that.
>giving money to GAME
Has it been hacked to play other ROMs yet?
Bad, use Lakka instead. It has a two-minute setup time and can load from USB.
You mean my SNES emulator that I got for free? It's great.
won't get it unless/until the price is down to reasonable levels, which is below 100$
Nothing in life is free user. You got that by first spending >$1000 on a pc, then by going on the internet and stealing intellectual property.
Absolutely won't get one with prices around 150-200$.
You can get a brand new Nintendo New 3DS XL 199$ ffs.
Sold four of the five I bought for $200 a piece.
Try $200
Superior? No.
I just don't understand why anyone would pay for something that you can get for free easily.
>imb4 stealing
No it's not.
>and stealing intellectual property
I always wondered how does corporate cock taste? You seem to be an expert.
>no cartridge slot
Why? There's no excuses.
Tastes a lot better than marxist cock.
Too small for actual SNES carts
Compatibility seems to be surprisingly good for the built in emulator.
They have got other Super FX games like Stunt Race FX working, translated jap games, Terranigma, and apparently Megaman X2 and X3 works too.
Not all games are likely to work though. Some special chipsets might not be supported. But they'll likely get Retroarch running those with a snes9x core though.
Try $50
I just use emulators, I could set up my SNES if I wanted to
Try free
You can't get two top quality SNES controllers for free
Try -$100
Because money is not a concern
What’s this GUI?
Still waiting on Amazon to give me the shipment email.
You can if you pirate them
Yes, it's stealing you scum.
LaunchBox in BigBox mode. LaunchBox is free, but you need to drop $20 for BigBox.
i really enjoy it.
My last paycheck was pretty huge so i had a lot to spend.
Its a neat little thing. Getting all comfy on the couch senpai.
i want a snes EU version it's not fair!
Just import one?
So, in Yoshi's Island you need to get all the stars, the flowers and the coins at the same time to get a 100? Or can you just get the thing that you're missing? Cause I just missed one single star in a stage, and I don't feel like going back to collect everything else.
>>mfw you can just get a rasberry pi pc for 5$ and a snes usb controller for another 5$ and have the whole thing be 1/8 of the price
I'm liking it a lot. I already beat Mega Man X and Donkey Kong Country on it, and I'm about 70% done with Super Mario World on it.
I'm most excited to play Final Fantasy VI, since that's the biggest core game I've missed out on.
I wish it had DKC2 and Chrono Trigger, but it feels so good to be playing on authentic SNES controllers again. Definitely gonna keep an eye on the modding scene.
I have a modded PSP. SNES games are great on it, barring slightly garbled pixels/sound, but I went back to play it after playing SNES Mini, and the screen size really makes a difference.
Yes, you need all stars/coins/flowers.
I already ordered one from a belgian fella. I dont know what noa was thinking with the blocky design. The jap/eu version looks so much nicer
I can live without the PAL unit, but the colored buttons on the controllers are great. Wish we got that.
Well, fuck me. That's annoying. Guess I'll leave that stage for later on. Thanks, anyway.
Already emulate the entire SNES library on my computer through Retroarch.
Far superior in every way, only value the SNES mini has is as a collectible item.
I got a library of nes, snes, gba, ds,and 3ds games all in my pocket comes with me everywhere...
I was only gonna buy one for Star Fox 2, don't have to now that the rom has been leaked. Honestly I think it would feel weird to NOT play SF2 via emulator at this point.
SNES library on New 3DS is pretty small though.
>"you must pay for it"
>yes i'll do whatever you want
>"you must pay for it"
>"because otherwise you can't have it
>yes i can, look at this
>"s-stop doing it!"
Being technologically illiterate isn't a good thing user.
Can I buy those SNES classic controllers separately? I'd like one for Wii U
Why don't you just wipe your ass with your money then, you've apparently got quite a bit of it.
Oh my young Sup Forumstard you got lots to learn
I've been playing it pretty constantly since I got it.
Got tipped off by a friend who works at EB when the preorders went live so I had no issue reserving one.
I've enjoyed playing most of the games primarily because when I was a kid, we only had a Sega Genesis with like 3 games so I pretty much completely missed out on SNES.
Most of what's in this thing is new to me so I'm not as jaded as all the autists pirating it and saying it's full of old shit no one cares about.
don't have one because i have the entire english-language SNES library on my nintendo DS already
End your life.
>i'm too smart for emulation charge me 90€ my good sir and fuck my ass pls !
Mine is still in the mail. Downside of living on an island.
Nope. Gotta buy a Mini.
>dude, just continue buying nonphysical media that's already existed for like 30 years and is practically public domain it's been referenced so much
I bet you payed for your copy of Star Wars.
I've been SNES games for over a decade.
I'm just a fully functional adult that likes to have nice things.
I've been emulating SNES games for over a decade*
nothing wrong with sodomy man do what you want with your anus
No one was harmed after the emulation process.
SNES isn't part of current generation of consoles.
But keep shilling and sucking nintendo cock, i guess it makes you sleep better at night.
It's pretty great, as a college student it's nice to bring with me, hook it up in the game room and grab a buddy to play with. The controllers feel nice too, the only thing I wish is that there were some kind of carrying case for it so I don't have to play Tetris with the cables everytime I put it back in the box.
Also that the cables for the controllers were longer and you didn't need to push RESET to go back to the main menu but I felt those flaws went without saying
may be the the nes classic but both systems have the same dimension. Your welcome
i like it a lot, my first console as a boy was gamecube so i never played anything n64 or before, or sony or xbox stuff. nice to finally get to play all this shit i've heard so much good stuff about 16 years later. a good amount of the games on here still hold up
why did they put super ghouls and ghosts on this? I've beaten all kinds of dark souls cuphead kaizo shit but this game is fucking hard. In all those game you can git gud but super ghouls and ghosts actually just seems bad/unfair
maybe this is how people who say souls and cuphead are unfairly difficult feel
Well luckily as a proud Sup Forumsirgin and not some sissy nu-male game reviewer you presumably have the drive to git gud, which will enhance the experience for you.
but how do i get good in this game? since you cant aim attacks in any direction and can't change directions or velocity after a jump, certain obstacles are just awful to get through, and that isn't mentioning the enemies occasionally spawning directly on top of you