Who's ready to apologise to eothas on behalf of humanity for blowing him?

who's ready to apologise to eothas on behalf of humanity for blowing him?

fuck the dyrwood

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm ready for an all paladin party hellbent on taking him down.

>hellbent on taking him down.
why though? even eder said eothas would be more likely to forgive you for blowing up rather than taking vengeance

Can't wait to kill this faggot. This is an Obsidian game, I guarantee he's gonna be an asshole that deserved to get nuked.

what if the watcher is the asshole?

Not mutually exclusive concepts

Honestly screw every single god that isn't Woedica and Abydon. ESPECIALLY Skaen. Rymrgand maybe can stay, I don't remember him being much of a cunt.

Fuck that. Rymrgand's deal is that he wants to end your existence. He's literally the worst god.

Been a while since I played the first game, but I'm pretty sure I remember Hylea being good.

Abydon = best god

>playing POE
>when divinity OS2 is out
lmao your trash

Freeing the souls of humanity from an artificial cycle created by artificial demiurges from a dead, necromancy-lite loving civilization =/= ending your existence

>playing video games in 2017
lmaoing at ur life

I could be wrong, but I believe the cycle is 100% natural to the world and the Engwithans just figured it out, rather than creating it.

However, either ways, I would rather reincarnate than face whatever awaits me after death (Probably absolutely nothing)

>I believe the cycle is 100% natural to the world and the Engwithans just figured it out, rather than creating it.
The first game doesn't adress it at all, but even though I was just playing devil's advocate with , and wasn't even the original poster your replied to, I believe Wael and Rym are up to something, and the cycle is articifial.

From Rym's ending
>"Though none in Dyrwood would ever know for certain what had become of the missing souls, many followers of the Beast of Winter were given visions of a mass exodus to a land of eternal peace. Solemn celebrations were held the following day among his faithful. "

Played OS1, adored it.
Playing OS2, currently adoring it but it's kicking my ass.

Have Pillars and played it for about ~50 minutes when I was still waiting for OS2 and it just did not grab me. Writing was terrible, combat was this real time wannabe mess and it was just ugly. Also the music wasn't great. Maybe I'll try it again some time but for the moment I have OS2.

Just because I'm so in love with OS2 at present, I'll probably skip PoW and pirate Deadfire at first just on crpg principal. Don't want another waste of money situation like with the first game.


I just wanna have a gay romance with Aloth and have threesomes with Yselmir.

>combat was this real time wannabe mess
what do you mean wannabe? have you even played baldur's gate?
>music wasn't great
the music is gorgeous

Nobody blows up my castle and gets away with it. Unless Eothas builds you a new castle at the end of the game he's going to die.

If I recall correctly somewhere in PoE1 someone mentions that souls are getting more and more fragmented, souls lose parts of themselves in their journey around the wheel.

Is this connected with the existence of the Engwhitan gods? is their existence the cause? Or is it just a side effect of the way the universe works?

Wael is my homeboy.

Abydon is a cool dude though.


Why is hylea so perfect?

I don't think anyone knows for sure.


>the pallid knight isn't pallid
>Hylea isn't rainbow-colored
>Magran doesn't look like a whore

An attempt was made.

Waifylea aside, Abydon is my god for sure.

why even bother when best girl is related to being a sidekick and not a fully fleshed out character?

Should've donated more cuckboi.

Fuck the Gods.

For me it was the other way around. The writing and story of PoE really grabbed me, while OS1 was lol so randumb tier to me.

i backed div os 2 and got original sin 1 but i haven't really felt like playing either. just been playing pillars again going through the white march for the first time.

The combat is Original Sin was amazing, but the story and world really felt uninteresting from what I experienced of it. Maybe because I don't have experience with the other Divinity games.
Conversely, the combat in Pillars doesn't hold a candle, but the world is so much better except we're stuck in literally the most boring nation in the world outside of the frozen ice shelf covered in dwarf tribals

i like the history that the dyrwood has. a lot seems to have happened in that country. i just hope deadfire manages to have as rich a history.

Please let's not do this PoE vs DivOS thing again. It's just going to attract trolls like every other thread.

Both games have their pros and cons, let's just leave it at that.

If PoE2 doesn't have a hidden Priest of Abydon subclass, which you can only play if you fully restored Abydon in White March and imported your save, I'm going to be very disappointed.

Birb goddess - best god. The fact that she's a literal birdbrain that can be persuaded that a dragon killing her followers en masse should continue doing so unoposed, because she's a birb and is just taking care of her young, makes her even cuter.

>when you betray her and she turns defiance bay into alfred hitchcock's The Birds

What's wrong with Wael? He seems like a cool dude that just wants to make fun adventures and mysteries

Best girl in the first game was a side character too.

Abydon is probably taking a back seat in 2, since he got the spotlight with Ondra(?) in White March.

My Watcher most definately is the asshole. A violent one.

I want to finish this game for PoE2, I have a l. 10 rogue, but I haven't really touched her since 1.0.
I'm stuck at the character screen again, I was a bit tempted on Priest, but 40hours of being underwhelming isnt too tempting, plus, I don't really care much for the Gods in PoE.
Cipher is anohter option, but I don't like the lore of the class, plus, I find it hard to think of a role to play it as.
Fighter seems a bit boring, same goes for ranger and Monk
Classes I flat out refuse to touch are Chanter, Druid and Paladin.

Is PoE better than OS1? Or apples to oranges?

>The combat is Original Sin was amazing
If you're a brainlet who has never played a SRPG in his life, then sure. Both DoS1 and 2 are trash when it comes to any and all game systems: combat mechanics, itemization, economy - it's all broken as all fuck. Larian can neither write nor make game systems, that would actually allow a game to be challenging, it's no wonder the normies have flocked to the casual shitfest that is DOS2 - a game completely devoid of any sort of challenge.

apples to oranges. what i've found is it really depends on what you most value in an rpg. you want combat, interactivity like ultima? then os1 might be for you. you want a strong narrative and world like baldur's gate 2? then pillars.

Hm, Well if you are interested in priest what you could do is also take Durance with you and make yourself a tank priest with all the deflection talents, and put most of your points in lore so you can cast offensive spells in combat. I mean, what else you are going to use scrolls on?

So you played a game you despise for almost 200 hours?

One is a RPG, the other - a h&s game. Both games focus on different things, but, unlike DoS games, PoE doesn't fail in aspects it focuses on: roleplaying and actually tactical, challenging combat.

Dyrwood certainly had a very fleshed out history, I just felt that most of its history outside the God's War could be summed up by "colonists fight natives regarding rights over the land". Basically a more fantastical version of colonial american history, which, adequately enough, I find really boring.

I can't help but feel the other nations would have far more interesting setups to explore. Readceras is this mix between the Papal States and Interbellum Germany, a nation who has had its god literally killed in front of their very eyes and forced to their knees in peace who has been brewing resentment for years.
The Republics are a high urbanized center of commerce full of political intrigue and fertile ground for backstabbing and scheming amongst its nobility.
The Empire is an ancient nation trying to deal with the less of its colonial possessions, and a story about how that loss affects its internal stability could easily be set there.
Even Rauatai, being a potential major naval power with very advanced technology going through a crisis and not sure wether or not to close itself off from the rest of the world, or establish relations with other powers either through trade or perhaps even imperialism.

Priests are great. They're mostly a support class but they can do some pretty good damage spells as well. You're probably going to want to use a Priest in any party you make, so making yourself a Priest isn't a bad choice if you don't like Durance.

Cipher is the most fun class in my opinion (Druid is my 2nd favorite). It's mostly a CC class with some of the best control options in the game, but they can also do good DPS and have a few really good buffs as well.

Monk is actually one of the most fun melee classes IMO, they're pretty tanky so you don't need to babysit them and they get some cool abilities.

Apples and oranges, really. OS1 is a turn-based game with a focus on combat and a tedious story, PoE is a real time game with a focus on story and tedious combat. OS1 is full of quips and jokes, while PoE1 takes itself more seriously. Both games suffer from shitty pacing.

I play most RPGs and turn based tactics games I can get my hands on and I always try to finish my games to completion, so yes. Make no mistake, I literally despise DOS games, they are fucking dogshit.


Seems very odd to me. If I hate something as much as you do, I don't do it.

Arcane Knight reporting in. Gonna go with the conjurer subclass of wizard so conjured weapons will be even more powerful.

Templar of Wael reporting in. Fuck you, mysteries!

>Barbarian/Paladin multiclass is actually a thing

Barbarian is weak at first because of low deflection but once you gain ways to up it (Eder's Guardian Stance, priest spells) they become weapons of mass destruction. And chanters are fucking awesome, fuck you.

>holy slayer

Either Brawler or Ravager.

oh boy this looks good

>with a focus on story
Equally tedious, i might add.

Doing a Chanter run now and it'll likely be my last (gotta get that PotD achievement) so might go with a Howler in Deadfire. She's heavily melee oriented and has that cross-class rage talent which actually works great.

Reminds me of Titan Quest multiclass system. There was a time when I couldn't stop playing that game. I hope PoE2 will be as fun when it comes to combining classes as TQ was.

only because they had to drop a lot of exposition on the player to build the world. they didn't have an existing world to set the game in

Fanatic as a class sounds so cool I might make one just for that reason alone.

Pillars ost is really boring let alone the battle music

Their world is a generic fantasy with names swapped around a bit and laughable concept of gods, user.
Literally the only interesting thing about the entire setting is Eothas getting blown the fuck out by Godhammer. Everything else feels like a mix of baldur's gate, neverwinter and mask of the betrayer with all elements being worse than originals.

Transcendent reporting in.

Imma punch niggas right in the soul.!

Wouldnt a tanky priest be the worst combination?
Also, I rella yonly want the old D&D cleric back.
Doing massive damage is always good, and I want to do that. How are Ciphers damage wise?
Every since I played a Mind/mind dominator in City of VIllains Ive got a huge hardon for control abilitites. I usually always go for it if I can (mind-themed). But somethings off with Ciphers.
I liked monks in D&D, but they were a lot more Wusha than in PoE. Here they seems like more punching flagelants, which is cool and all, but not what Im looking for.
Bards are way cooler, and that Chanter NPC was such a waste of a character.

>Wouldnt a tanky priest be the worst combination?
a tanky anything works alright for the first half of the game, I suggest it until he gets the spells he wants unlocked and then respec.

Obsidian has launched a survey on DLC and other post-launch content. Prefer expansions to daily challanges? Make your voice heard.


If you've answered in any other way, then you are the cancer that is killing the RPG genre.

You're a pretty alright dude, user

>sountrack not important

Fucking pleb

I had them ion a different order. I don't care much for New game+ or roguelike lements, but I can understand with people that do. I answered pretty similar.

I decided to take a look and it was fucking password protected.

do we have webms of the game? because these threads lack substance

What is this. gib link plox

>Doing massive damage is always good, and I want to do that. How are Ciphers damage wise?
Ciphers are pretty good with damage. They get a passive ability that raises the damage of all their weapon attacks, and they get some amazing damage spells as well. The only issue is that their best damage spell requires you to be good with positioning, but if you can consistently catch multiple enemies in the AoE you can use stuff like Antipathetic Field and Ectopsychic Echo to do great DPS.

Literally one post above, you literal birdbrain:

>voting for roguelike memes and muh crafting

Fuck off.

By "roguelike" I'm assuming they mean ironman mode, which is a must for any non babby tier RPG.

Why would they add ironman DLC when it's already going to be part of the base game?

because 2 are better than 1

Then what the fuck is a "roguelike mode" in a RPG? A megadungeon like the Endless Paths of Od Nua? That wasn't so bad.


the only true way

I imagine it would be a separate mode where you fight random enemies on random maps for a score.

>soundtrack above post-game reactivity
>multiplayer gimmicks

According to Obsidian:

>Procedurally generated would potentially be a part of it, along with permadeath, and other "roguelike" elements.

>Competitive Single-Player Content (e.q., Daily Challenge)
With this No-Fun-Josh will actually have plausible reason to keep making the game not fun and balancing everything. God no.

cantor and herald look neat

Permadeath mode is a must, procedural generation is a gimmick that needs to be kept away from RPGs, though.

>not putting soundtrack and story above everything

It might be ok if it was something like a bonus dungeon with procedurally generated levels. Kind of like the Endless Paths except literally endless. No story, just infinite levels where the point is to see how deep you can get before getting BTFO or retreating.

Daily challenge seems stupid desu

I think the same, It'd be better to put that effort towards story/dlc

Not him but I played 1,000 hours of CS:GO before quitting three years ago, and I hated every second of it.

I quit because I spent so much time improving my aim/map knowledge etc, only to realize that once you're good enough to hit 90% of the headshots you aim for and are playing only with people who can do the same, almost all encounters come down to server hitreg RNG instead of your actual aiming and reactions. I honestly don't know why I stuck with it that long, I guess I had this feeling like if I got to high rank play the game would suddenly be fun or something.