This is the only hard boss in Dark Souls III. Say hi. I haven't played the DLC yet

This is the only hard boss in Dark Souls III. Say hi. I haven't played the DLC yet.

Out of the core game I'd say nameless king is the hardest. Of the DLC it's darkeater midir hands down. Both hard and fun once you've beaten him

dancer is ez as shit with bandit knife + carthus rouge

I had a bit of trouble with Nameless King, but holy shit did Dancer fuck my life up. Granted, I did do him a bit early to rush for the Dragon Tooth but still

If you think Dancer is hard, wait until you play the hidden boss from the second DLC.

The hardest boss in Souls-series history is in the Ariandel DLC. The third best (behind Ludwig and O&S) is in Ringed City DLC. Enjoy.

>thinks dancer is hard
Have you even fought the nameless king?
Also just wait til the DLCs, you'll get your shit pushed in.

DESU the only base game boss that gave me much trouble was Pontiff Sulyvahn and to a lesser extent Soul of Cinder because I can't fucking parry (PvE fag)

In the DLC I'd say the one that gave me the most trouble was Friede. Midir had a lot of hp and some one shot attacks but his pattern was very readable. I almost beat Uncle Gael on the first try as well, it was kind of a fluke but it didn't take me long to beat him.

Darkeater Midir was one of the best fights in the series indeed

>there's a hard boss in Dark Souls 3

Wait what? I think I missed him.

Dancer was the only one I beat first try, fuck off.

She's the easiest of the "hard" bosses though.

I always hold off on nameless king and he still gives me trouble. Dancer i generally kill around the same time as vordt. Use fire or lightning and dancer is ez mode.

Have fun with darkeater midir

>beat dancer on first try but not dragon armour, vordt, and crystal sage

Dancer is only hard in the sense that her attacks are telegraphed badly.

>Elite set
>vigor gouge
Unironically kys you're self

>after 2 dozen tries and summons beat him
>had a summon but he didn't last the first phase
>fucking love his ost so i listen to it on youtube
>most the comments are "oh thats what the second phase sounds like" qnd "whoa hey the second half sounds intense"

In all my attepts i got him to 2nd phase do people just suck?


elite set is goat fuck you

>42 vigor
Is it possible to die at all?

no one has ever been able to prove otherwise in my case.

First try ez gz

>This is the only hard boss in Dark Souls III.
I just blocked it with my shield. One of the easiest bosses of Dark Souls III.

>zweihander 50vig buffmachine niggerfaggot

you're so cool, i want to be like you. you're the coolest

god fucking help this dude if he tried to do a SL1 run ahahaha

read the stat sheet, loser.

Buff machine, sure. But, that aint what 50 vig looks like.

Went into the fight with no estus, still beat it on first attempt.
Took three minutes and that included the cutscenes.

>42 vig

Midir isn't "hard" per se. The real challenge with him is he's got a metric fuck ton of health and that battle is a true endurance test. His patterns are pretty easy to read once you get them down.
Kind of a shame, honestly. Easily the best dragon fight in Souls is also the most obnoxiously tedious.

just e-nough to give me an extra hit to tank before tears pops and I run off to full heal with my 60 fth.


What's up with the fetishizing of difficulty in muh fun vidya?

>best dragon fight
>not kalameet

no boss is hard if you have dorhys gnawing ;)

>The hardest boss in Souls-series history is in the Ariandel DLC. The third bes

Wrong, shit boss that needs to have a HP revival 3 times. Gael was objectively better and didn't have bloodborne copy and pasted movesets

Midir is more aggressive than Kalameet, so he's better

Activate Poise.

All the dragon fights are repetitive and tedious.
Kalameet, you wait until he's done shooting flames to rush in when he's doing his eye attack.
Sinh, you wait an hour for him to stop fucking flying.
Ancient Dragon, you give him a fucking pedicure.
Midir is awesome from the design, to the music, to the fight itself. I wouldn't have a problem with him if he had 1/4th less health.

The only thing hard about this boss fight was my dick
Dat flexibility

You mean Pestilent Mercury

Gael is fun, but he's just Artorias redux.

Only boss I've really struggled with is that zombie whore in the first DS2 DLC who summons skellingtons and Velstadt. Fuck that bitch.

What's the lore behind her summoning a manlet version of Vestaldt?