What's your opinion on Gen 3?
What's your opinion on Gen 3?
its good
Fuck that feebas bullshit
Literally the best gen
>The single broken link in a chain of compatibility
It'll always be shit tier for that alone. The fact that the games are also bad is just makes RSE extra shitty.
>The last gen i completed
>My second favorite behind 1
>The last gen that the majority of monsters had cool designs
>Last gen with a good map
>The last gen I played when I enjoyed life
Only good for hoenn babies
They fixed that though
I liked it. the water isn't even that bad, only the last 2 gyms are in the ocean and you spend like 85% of the game on land.
Emerald is best pokemon game behind Platinum
I had fun with it
Emerald is one of the best mainline games. Good spinoffs.
Oh really I can connect my Pokemon in my gameboy copy of gold and copy them up to Gen 7? Because I'm 1000% sure you fucking can't.
RSE is garbage.
The last good gen
post yfw you got Emerald
I actually liked the water a lot. Dive was a great addition.
>tfw you find the regi cave for the first time
>that fucking steelix fight in Pokemon Ranger
I had so much trouble with it.
>post yfw you got Emerald
T-thanks mom...
I liked it. Then again I didn't care about catching every pokemon so the lack of compatibility didn't really piss me off and I liked how for the most part you had to make a new team consisting of Hoenn Pokemon. Wish they did that for every game because it makes the newer Pokemon more significant instead of just sticking with what you know. The water complaints are more due to lack of variety in said routes. Every encounter is a tentacool or a wingull, if it varied more it wouldn't be a problem.
Should've posted Emerald, fampai. Hoenn was alright, but it's a love hate thing with the region. It seems people either love the water and trumpets, or hate the water and trumpets. I've got no problem with it myself, but the Johto will always be near and dear to my tight little asshole. Also, FR/LG was a nice nostalgia trip playing through the, at the time, updated Kanto region. Although, it kind of made you realize how empty the Kanto region is. Thankfully Crystal and HG/SS give you another region to explore too.
That's because gen 1 and gen 2 had shitty file systems. The filesystem in gen 3 was so robust you can still use original gen 3 pokemon in gen 7
I never really gave it a chance. Back then I was so into the gameboy advance and so excited about the possibility of what the new pokemon could be like, graphically speaking.
I remember arguing with a friend that the next gen of Pokemon would look like Golden Sun on the GBA.
When it came out and was barely a step up from the GBC G/S games, I was completely disappointed and confused.
Why was it still on a grid? Why were the towns still unimmersive 4 copy-pasted building?
This is why I have no hope for anything groundbreaking from Pokemon on Switch.
They completely changed how base stats and EVs worked in gen 3, older Pokemon would have either had to have their EVs wiped or essentially been "remade" upon transferring, kind of defeating the purpose.
The real problem was not having 1/3 of the Pokemon available until FRLG came out.
Not a problem when Fire Red, Leaf Green, Heart Gold and Soul Silver exist
Gameboy Pokemon had the shittiest fucking aesthetic. It completely ruined the gen 1 remakes.
Kid me would have called kid you an idiot for thinking it'd look that different.
fuck off.
That's objectively false though
>RBYGSC use 0-15 DV, stat exp is completely different from how EVs work
>HURR DURR why couldn't I transfer!?
You'd have all your Pokemon's stats wiped or recalculated. I was pissed about it when I was 12 and didn't know how the games worked too.
The literal only good Pokemon content to come out of gen 3 was for the gamecube.
Trumpets are unironically good.
Fucking fight me.
pokemaniafags aren't known for their intelligence user
One of the worst gens by far.
What? The stripped-down, half-asked RPGs without lots of the mechanics and features the GB games have that also threw all the cool stuff from Stadium 1/2 out the window?
Are the only actual complaints really trumpets and water?
You're gonna get some autistic replies for this
It was the beginning of the end for Pokemon designs.
Trading is still fucked though
Not counting remakes.
doot doot motherfucker
The water by itself isn't bad. Its the awful encounters on it. All of the possible water types and you'll only run into Tentacool, Wingull, and the occasional Wailmer
2 > 4 > 5 > 1 > 3 >>> 6 > 7
The first 5 gens are interchangeable based on personal preference. Obviously people love and hate their own shit, but I very rarely see anyone post a single positive thing about gens 6 and 7, and I've spent almost a decade here and a bit of time on /vp/.
No, that was gen4.
Gen3 had great designs and the best starters.
Only gen I ever played until my cousin used an action replay on my cartridge and somehow that broke the thing you use to uncover the hidden Pokémon.
But, in all seriousness, I really love how in-your-face the RSE soundfont is. It's a fucking miracle they got made masterpieces on the GBA of all things. youtube.com
And the surf speed was fast, compare that to surfing in DP, so slow you want to tear your fucking hair out, like everything about those games.
>they were only good when I was a kid
>no they were only good when I was a kid
I liked the location. I didn't care for the majority of the new Pokemon though.
I've always been afraid of going out of bounds in Pokemon, but Hoenn was the worst. I thought that if I went out of bounds I would encounter some weird kraken monster or terror from the deep that would eat me or suck me into a whirlpool and delete my save.
Please list some bad g3 designs.
Pretty good, I think it was better then GSC even if it didn't have a second region. The pokemon selection was good and the progression felt more balanced.
Pist your fav hoenn mon. This dumbass goblin is mine.
Emerald is the best pokemon game
I loved how to capture the three regis you had to translate messages in braille using the braille alphabet in the manual, I felt so smart the first time i did it as a kid
It's even worse when you consider that the mediocre to bad designs come from mainline Pokemon and not some online spinoff that's trying to emulate the mainline gameplay.
Gen 7 had great pokemon and a human character I genuinely liked which no other pokemon game done.
>the braille text
>you needed to have a Relicanth and Waillord to activate the Regis
>they had to be in specific order in your party for it to work
>each Regi cave having a specific way to activate the doors
I miss when Pokemon was cryptic, now it's just hallway simulators
Call me a dumb waifu fag but I've been maining Gardevoir male since before it was cool
Then that fucker Wally copied me
Honestly, back then, I didn't really like Gen 3. I dont know, something just felt awkward about it when I was younger, and i usually don't complete playthroughs when replaying the any of the gen 3 games
Of course you fags are gonna call me an underrage just because gen 5 is my favorite
Many good mechanical additions, but it leaves it sort of a awkward teen stage between the fully developed battle mechanics in Gen IV and the simplicity and jank of the first two. Hoenn's a pretty good region for the most part, it's a shame there's no perfect mix of the strengths of both the Emerald and ORAS versions, with the uncut dungeon layouts and Frontier of the former and the fleshed out Dive areas and overhauls of some select areas in the latter. Not really a fan of RSE's aesthetics, probably the ugliest game in the series to me. FRLG is the only remake to not do something to piss me off. Alright batch of Pokemon designs. The remixes of Johto tracks on Sevii Islands are the best versions of the songs. Series of the anime with the best opening themes and thus my favorite series since I only care about the Pokemon anime for the music. RS and ORAS actually have a better climax than Emerald, since it culminates in an actual fight with the box legend and not just a cutscene.
The alphabet was in the manual? I sold translations that I printed off the internet for $1 each kek
You should see the method ofvgetting regigagas in ORAS, it is so stupid it is nearly impossible without a guide as it requires having certain pokemon with specific nicknames.
It can be any nickname, and just Regice needs one.
Will Seviper and Castform ever be buffed, at the moment the only way to quickly level Castform is to have Groudon or Kyogre first in your party and battle trainers
first gen that I got a pokemon to 100 though pure childhood autism over summer with my trusty silver SP
I traded him to a different gen (not sure which it was) but apparently you cant trade backwards a gen in this case
The ocean diving and waterfall shit was cool, almost as cool as the underground digging stuff, I forget what gen that came in though
any autists keeping up with what the best new gens are? I kinda wanna start up on black/white or w/e the newest one is
Top tier music
I like the trumpets sue me
My mom took me to some small video game shop in Chinatown and bought me Sapphire. Some fat nerd came up and told me never to sell my pokemon games. Never did. Fuck my parents were great. Never bought me consoles but when they did treat me it was always something awesome. My dad randomly came home one day with a copy of Leaf Green, I never knew it existed until he gave it to me. This is a man whos not a big fan of video games so how he knew I have no idea.
Yeah the braille translation's were pretty fun to do. I felt like an archeologist trying to decipher the ancient mysteries.
>but apparently you cant trade backwards a gen in this case
The only games that allow you to trade back are GSC, you can trade back to RBY. All transfers have been one way since then.
>when you boot your Emerald for the first time in 10 years and the battery has died but your old friend's secret bases are still there
Emerald is my favorite mainline game, but overal gen 3 is pretty gud.
the new ones are kinda garbo unfortunately. B2/W2 are okay though
Coming from crystal, they were extremely underwheilming on release.
Emerald, frlg and the gc games somewhat saved the series for me, but rs will be forever the first games where gf started their usual half-assing the games.
Oras were much better, who cares about the handholding.
BW were better than BW2.
Absolutely dominated in gen 3. First Pokemon I ever leveled to 100
black/white is shit. also it was Diamond/Pearl/Platinum when the underground shit came into play and I agree that was comfy making a base underground. I hear the new one is good but honestly just go buy Heart Gold, shit is lit.
I personally didn't like that you were restricted to gen 5 pokemon
Emerald is great, among my top 3. FRLG are worse than Yellow. Ruby/Sapphire are meh, but way better than their garbage tier remakes.
I started playing BW but stopped for some reason
I started playing SM but it was really boring so I dropped it
I don't remember finishing HGSS, I think I just went to the other region
Is BW worth playing?I like Hilda
Don't mind me, just posting the best song.
>gc games
I do not understand why people suck these games' dicks so hard.
They removed tons of features, you can't even walk the fucking map yourself, its all fast travel, restricted when and where you could catch Pokemon, and the connectivity with the GBA games was laughable. I found Colosseum to be extremely disappointing, didn't get a good single-player game, didn't get a good Stadium follow-up.
Last good games were black and white 2, and I can't even testify for that myself since I don't remember them that well.
Then XY turned out to be among the worst things this franchise has ever shit out, and it hasn't gotten too much better since then.
I loved that myself, made nostalgiafags realize they have to try new pokemon.
ok i guess but i cant play it anymore beacuse of no special/physical split.
it's because it was 3D that's it, they're incredibly forgettable not even /vp/ has that many discussions about them.
But that's in-part exactly why they were better, they felt like the first actual, real sequels in the series.
Nothing but new Pokemon in a new region, with visuals that actually felt like a significant leap forward after gens 3 and 4 dropped the ball hard in that department. And you could get all the old Pokemon, you could trade for them any time IIRC and they were all available post-game.
Yes, play BW.
Hilda is the only good thing to come from gen 5, all that porn
Platinum, heart gold/soul silver and black/white 2 are the best games in the series, black and white are good too.
Everything that came after gen 5 is not that good
Man the reaction to BW was hilarious. All the genwunners coming out of the woodworks getting butthurt over being forced to use new pokemon and nitpicking everything.
I liked this one, shame the rival was pretty shit, even with 4X effective damage against my best pokemon
meh to each their own. I liked using 3-4 of my favourites from the previous gens alongside a couple new ones
And she barelybhas any compared to the other heroines, it sucks.
Depends on how you feel about the story taking more of a frontstage (tho its one of the better stories Gamefreak tries to shove down your throat), only using the new Pokemon until postgame and being led along a path for most of the game instead of the eccentric pathways Kanto/Hoenn/Sinnoh had.
>Literally budget versions of gen 1 Pokemon down to the fucking way and time they level up
Nobody hates BW for making them use all new Pokemon. Everyone hates BW because it was executed fucking terribly.
Sorry pasted the wrong link.
>Ruby/Sapphire are meh, but way better than their garbage tier remakes
But the remakes are near-identical, they added modern QOL features newer games have.
ORAS had, by far, the best bottom-screen features. Useful map that tells you more than route and location names, such as where you've planted berries, good trainer rematches that are also reflected on your map, Poke Radar so you can actually attempt to find rare Pokemon on any given route and catch Pokemon with egg or tutor-only moves or even higher IVs. And it included all the stuff from XY, so you still had EV training outside of battle and a great online interface.
Then we get SM, which threw all that out the window and gives us a partially obscured map and nothing more. ORAS's only actual, real problem was not being a remake of Emerald instead. 90% of the hate just stems from what the games are missing, not anything the games did that was actually bad.
I think you could still do that though if you had someone to trade with