You got some money for me boy?
You got some money for me boy?
>WAB utterly BTFOs the trailer and points out how is dumbing shit down and reshashing existing shit
>Rockstar forces them to pull down the review
Its amazing to think we're heading towards a culture where only positive opinions are allowed
It seems like they're phoning this game in a little bit. I loved GTAV but maybe Rockstar have finally lost it? Ubisoft are pumping out (admittedly mediocre) games with well-made open worlds at a super-fast rate these days. It is only a matter of time before they get their shit together in the gameplay and story departments and become the open world gods
what the fuck are you talking about?
>getting their shit together on story
You're a retarded cuck for listening to anything that worthless piece of shit has to say. He's a complete phony, utterly irrelevant.
Hes the only one calling people out.
We've seen a grand total of less than 3 minutes of the game across both trailers. So fuck off with your blanket statements based on nothing.
Rockstar always sucked so not really
He's a corrupt hypocrite crybaby bitch who sucks ass at games, isn't funny, and desperately begs for money while lapping up ad money for shilling free to play cancer. Kill yourself you pathetic, mindless faggot. His opinions are as worthless as your life.
We know the story is fucked so far and from the looks of things, the game takes control and goes into cutscene mode when you start fist fighting people
You're a little too mad about this. He shit one of your favorite games didn't he. I bet it was when he completely destroyed Witcher 3
>hey nigger, heard you were layin' bout these parts. You just cough up those coon coins and I'll mark your name off the list.
Jesus, Rockstar really went all out with this dialogue.
>no character switching
guaranteed better story and game than GTA V
please no multiplayer
None of that is true. Why are you making shit up like a retard?
>please no multiplayer
GTAO was a surprise hit, even for them. Expect grindy as fuck gameplay to ride those pink colored bisons.
Pretty much this, if they decide to get the Call of Juarez team back for a proper reboot its game over, just replayed the original and it still holds up in the gameplay department.
>the story is fucked so far
What are you talking about? It's a prequel telling the story of Dutch's gang and will inevitably lead into the first Redemption game.
Dumb reactionary.
>last game is about gruff shady bandit sort
>Entire west setting has countless stories we could tell for the next game...
Marston is an ex-outlaw looking out for his family while trying to clear up the ghosts of his past.
Arthur Morgan appears to be an unrepentant asshole with a love for violence and unyielding loyalty to Dutch.
They are nothing alike
do you even know what the word blanket means?
He accused the whole game of being "phoned in" whilst we only have 2 trailers to go off of. That's a blanket statement.
Needs more to do in the world. GTA V huge but had nothing to do.