Minor gripes for otherwise great games

>minor gripes for otherwise great games

Why the FUCK is picking things up so HARD?
I can hardly pick up a crate to move it out of the way without sperging out and dropping it exactly where I picked it up. God forbid I actually want to THROW the crate at an enemy or something.

Other urls found in this thread:


>want to get a crate out of a doorway
>have to try like 6 times to do so

The entire third act and the fucking true ending ruined the game. That's no minor gripe. Literally nothing of value was added with that shitty ending. It's just a plot twist for the sake of it.

And don't get me started on those little FUCKS with the lazors that infinitely spawn. After you finally meet Alex that game just became mind-bogglingly retarded.

Otherwise, a great game :))

Dunno about great, but it was definitely good. By the time you get to the copy paste bots that have lasers, you can dispatch them easily as fuck.

I dropped the game after the part where you have to get in a storage container and dock it and rejoin all the survivors. I loved the game but I felt so burned out at that point

the true ending was actually interesting though. when the game finished i thought 'the fuck is this?' and then the true ending happened and i was pretty satisfied. shame there will be no sequel.

>finally finish Prey
>70 hours

man, Prey was a damn good game and I didn't even use any of the Typhon abilites

>By the time you get to the copy paste bots that have lasers, you can dispatch them easily as fuck.
better yet you can just run through the levels at that point. game has a lot of backtracking in the third act so i would just sprint around. sometimes use the stun gun to stun the laser bots and i'd hack a couple of them. then they would fight eachother.

This game was so fucking bland, holy shit.

>Black cloud enemies in a couple of sizes, oooooh
>Like 4 guns
>Absolutely scraping the barrel with 'powers', may as well have just had a fuckin door opening power and a light switch power
>Almost no interesting areas in the game

Why people liked this is beyond me, this was so bland it was fucking insulting.

>Absolutely scraping the barrel with 'powers

The morphing power was cool fuck you

I agree with most of the other stuff though

the space station was a pretty cool area of the game.

>this was so bland it was fucking insulting.
like system shock desu

Yeah I feel like the whole game was created around that one idea, like if they had put that in an actually good game it would have been amazing.

In Prey, however, it was like finding a nickel in a fat, steaming pile of shit.

the looking glass tech in the game was honestly one of the coolest things i've recently seen in vidya.

I don't get how they can do all that, and yet didn't bother with mirrors.

What is the "true ending"? turning off the game mad as fuck at how shitty the ending was?

>pic not related

Probably means not being an aspie.

Sorry but that was one of the worst all time endings i have ever played. I guessed the ending 15 minutes into the game and said out loud as the sequence commenced. "this better not be it was all a dream type shit going on" only to be treated with exactly that.

System Shock 2>BioShock2>SS1>Prey>BS1>POWERGAP>Infinite

Fuck off, System Shock 2 is one of the best games ever made. So much more depth and interesting design.


Infinite belongs in the trash. Fucking Ken Levine fuck of with your shitty arena shooter and give me back my immersive sim reeeee

you respected the game while giving some critic.
i can respect that.

>70 hours

Literally how? I did ~90% of side quests and I clocked in at 23 hours. I'm honestly curious.

I really like this game, but it's more to do with me being in love with the genre than anything. There's a lot of flaws in it.

Anybody know any more immersive sims? I've already worked my way through the Shock series, Dude Sex, Singularity and Dishonored. I wish developers would make more of these games. Small open worlds with a lot of detail give me a hard on.

Also, weapon degradation in Bloodborne. It was so cheap to fix weapons that mine never broke. It was just an inconvenience that forced me to return to the hubworld every now and then.

Is BioShock 2 any good? I found BioShock boring as all fuck, and later came to appreciate how much it's just a gutted SS2 when I finally played that. If BS2 actually offers any challenge than maybe I'd like it okay.

Arx Fatalis. It's Arkane's first game, and was originally intended to be Ultima Underworld 3 but they couldn't get the license. Deserves to be up there with DX and SS2.

Dark Messiah, it's by the same assholes who made Dishonored, Prey and youtube.com/watch?v=-p3zj0YKKYE

>d-d-don't make f-f-fun of a c-c-c-classic
fuck off that shit's overhyped garbage people exclusively speak highly of because of nostalgia
it makes sense why all 'inspired by' games following are also utterly trash

It's Bioshock 1 with a streamlined hacking minigame that no longer pauses the combat, a little sister mechanic which has you fighting off waves of splicers so you can earn Adam (Pretty cool because it lets you set up a defensive parameter beforehand), more enemy types (the Big Sisters are pretty cool) and the ability to wield both plasmids and guns at once. The gameplay has been improved but it's somewhat shorter. If you didn't find Bioshocks survivor difficulty hard (and to be fair, it really wasn't) then you won't find much challenge here either. I thought it was good fun. Just stay away from Infinite. Bioshock may be a gutted SS2, but Infinite is a gutted Bioshock.

As usual, horseshit from somebody who's probably never played it. I played SS1 and SS2 for the FIRST TIME THIS YEAR and they were the best times I've had playing games since the original Deus Ex.

The classics simply were and ARE better than the mass market shit we get today. Prey isn't bad, but it is leagues below SS2, because it needs to be accessible. There is zero nostalgia informing this viewpoint, just appreciation of old-school design principles.

Have it in my steam library. Haven't tied it out because it wouldn't run, but I'll probably get around to modding it to functioning status eventually

>Your limbs don't instantly turn when you move your head
For this reason alone I will buy this game.

>Bioshock may be a gutted SS2, but Infinite is a gutted Bioshock

That may be the worst indictment of a game I've heard in a while. Yikes.

I personally found Bioshock 2 to be more enjoyable than the first. Although it does give off the impression that the devs threw out the whole "immesive sim" focus and instead doubled down on gameplay and exploration in confined maps.

Basically BS2 has better combat gameplay and a more consistent writing quality over BS1, whereas the only thing BS1 has over its sequel is the twist, the opening, and the fact that you can return to previous areas (BS2 is split into separate maps).

BS2's dlc expansion is also the best Bioshock game, imo.

i never got why minerva's den is so popular. you can see the plot twist from a mile away and the gameplay is the same

I think it's the setting, mostly.

I can't remember much about it other than it was still in rapture

Where the fucks my Prey 2 Todd? No I don't mean a sequel to this.

Though (classic) Immersive Sims are my favorite games, I'd take improved gameplay/exploration, since BioShock sorely needed it.

>love ss, prey, deus ex
>like 3 attempts to get into bioshocks
I just fucking can't, it's shit.

Don't worry, you're not missing out. BioShock is just a hollowed-out husk of SS2, down to the mechanics and even the plot twist. Has a nice coat of Art Deco paint, but good art design cannot save a mediocre, dumbed-down game. Plus, it's way too fucking easy even on the hardest difficulty.

May as well just keep playing the greats. Throw Arx Fatalis in there.

Oh yes, i always forget to start Arx. Even have Arx Libertaris (i think?) installed and just always get distracted.
I think it's time

>otherwise great
its significantly worse than dx1, hr, ss and ss2, and all of those were overrated to begin with.

replacing puzzles and gameplay with arbitrary skill checks sure was a stroke of genius.

>not going full ayy lmao the first time ever
I did fuck it up for myself as I had a shitton of turrets set up in an early zone, so when I went back I got rekt, hard.