What is the best way to grind cards so I can level at least one Senran and Weapon to max?
I get destroyed otherwise in Survival, and I have not even touched the other online modes.
Senran Kagura PBS
In early game you can grind UR cards doing the final bosses of each arc in hard (Hanzo and Crimson are the quickest) or the last mission of a Paradise Episode (Ayame's is pretty easy).
After you level up some characters, weapons and cards you can grind in the last mission of V-Road mode or survival.
I don't really find PBS that fun - it's just not my kind of game.
That said I really hope they keep the card stuff and work that back into the action games.
Share your top 10 player senrans! You can see the stats in Library and flip page with R1.
Thanks for that advice.
I will go to the last missions then, I am not confident in the AI Bots yet to go further than Queen Cup.
>that pic
I take it you like Ikaruga a lot?
I wanna try one of these games on pc what's available ? where should i start ?
Shinobi Versus but you may want to look at Valkyrie Drive and try that instead.
>I take it you like Ikaruga a lot?
You could say that.
Glad for you that PBS was mostly about her in the Hanzo Arc then.
Wonder if they wil actually have the balls to "drop" her and Katsuragi in the game after 7even.
Do they need to? Just because they graduate doesn't mean they need to leave the story.
They don´t need to leave the story, but should make way for Ayame and another Elite Team newcomer.
They´d probably be handeled like Daidouji and Rin.
That being said I wonder why they did not bother and mention any other 3rd Years thinking about their graduation.
Yumi, Murakumo, Miyabi and Imu all should be ready to go, too.
Well I've said it before but what I really think they need to do to revitalize the story is jump ahead several years so that everyone has graduated and improved, gained confidence and fought a few yoma. Then you can actually have a serious story.
Right now the cast pales in comparison to the elders. Hanzo, Sayuri, Kurokage and Dogen all sound like they were doing some super interesting stuff back in their prime. Move the cast up to that level and go from there.
That would make the games loose the animu high school setting, thus loosing a huge selling point.
And as much as I´d like it, a really serious story is not the focus of this franchise. I have come to accept this and am quite okay for it.
Also I doubt any of these guys except Sayuri ever did anything super interesting aka Yoma hunting.
Hanzo especially was just propaganda material for the Good Shinobis.
I don't know. I like the light hearted nature of the versus games too but I feel like it can only remain at that point for so long before it stagnates. I'm sure Japan would hate a more serious tone since they didn't like 2 very much but I'll be really sad if this series fizzles out before ever realizing it's full potential.
There's a genuinely amazing game yet to come but I don't know if it will ever manifest.
Right now they are at the gates of fighting a mutidimensional world destroyer yoma, I really don't know if they can come up with something more threatening or "serious" in the future after that.
>I really don't know if they can come up with something more threatening or "serious" in the future after that.
Never watched a shonen anime before?
They really can´t stretch it out anymore, PBS had Shin almost knocking at their door it felt like.
And the teaser of 7even had some pretty dark and serious images in them, so here is hoping.
I just hope that means we get more Great Yoma designs, I loved those the most out of 2 actually.
I hope they remake 2 like they are doing with Burst.
I couldn't get beyond the camera boss battle.
Yeah, I don't mean that they can't come up with any other new enemy, or even bring the evil team from NewWave or the new ones from Shinobi Master, just saying that I doubt anything will surpass Shin in terms of scale, or at least with how they've been hyping it.
Where are Yoma from? Hell?
It's always possible to go bigger.
Worth it, anons? Is it good fun?
I don´t think they really specified that yet.
Just that they are drawn to sweet Shinobi blood.
yes, it's fun
Meeabee is the best.
I was actually feeling sorry for her having to deal with both sets of sisters in PBS.
I feel like Hebijo has the exact opposite problem compared to Gessen.
Consists of only unique individuals, but have bottom tier team chemistry if it´s not between the two sister pairs.
Meanwhile Gessen have almost no individual character, but their team chemistry is pretty great (while still not topping Crimson Squad, of course).
If by chemistry, you mean them all fawning over their grandpappy, then yeah.
How are the 3DS games? I have both SV and EV but back then I was so burnt out on musous that I barely got past playing one story to completion before putting it down, and even then I barely paid any attention to what was going on. I'm really enjoying this one, though I feel like it's mainly because I never play shooters that I do. Kind of shitty of me but I am starting to appreciate the senrans more now since I actually did all the SP stuff and paid attention to it.
You're right but it was nice to see an attempt being made. Murasaki and Ryona trying to be friends was cute.
Burst is more like a old 2D side scroll beat em up.
Pretty fun in short bursts (hue).
Deep Crimson is still in the same vein, but puts a little bit more 3D in it.
>Murasaki and Ryona trying to be friends was cute.
That it was, and I don´t think it was just trying, they really had fun with themselves. This is what the series needs more anyway, character combinations that we rarely see.
We saw the sister combo way too often, same with Hibari + Yagyu/Haruka and Yomi + Katsuragi. I know those are the main rivalries and relationships, but give us something else, at least in the Heart Stories.
Burst is getting remade for ps4. The 3DS version is fun, but has some lag issues as far as I recall. Story stuff is actually interesting. Or it had a sort of came for the tits and actually stayed for the real plot effect.
Skipped DC myself. Which was probably a mistake. Had some fatigue from SV.
>but give us something else, at least in the Heart Stories.
I haven't played all of them in PBS yet but I beat the Pokemon GO ripoff one which was a very odd combination of characters (Kafuru, Murasaki, Hibari) and it was a nice change of pace.
That is nice to hear, have only played the first one with Yuyaki.
Tits are life
Why are all Senrans so big? Why aren't they bigger?
>Why are all Senrans so big
Not all senrans!
>Remaking Deep Crimson
>Taking away everything that made it a good game and turning it into another shitty EV mod
Why would anyone want that?
I'm glad I never got into any TCG, opening booster packs is addictive as fuck.
How much game time can I hope to get out of PBS?
*puts penis in*
Why are Senran threads so slow now? Don't act like you faggots are "too busy" playing the game to post.
Because there's nothing to talk about. Every thread is the exact same. Wait until New Wave and 7 if you want any kind of actual discussion.
Too busy masturbating.
Because it would be playable.
But I am playing the game, what else do you want? A new wave card spam?
>A new wave card spam?
Better than nothing, desu.
>spamming the same fucking images over and over
just go to /vg/ and download it yourself you dumb nigger
She's a kid, you sick fuck.
I want a cute Senran to beat the shit out of me
Is that normal? How can I scratch this itch?
>the two best girls are in lesbians with each other
What could be better?
Watching them be in lesbians with each other.
They're smelly
What about a threesome?
I know this is the BIGGEST shot in the dark, but I'd trip shit if French Bread allowed yuzu as a guest character in one of these games.
Kafuru has the perfect proportions
Are all Senrans gay? Or do some canonically like cocks?
Yuzu a best.
SK should have been in cross tag.
Meme opinion now, but SK fighter with Xrd's art direction.
Where the DoD crossover?
I wonder if SK2 will get remade. They actually have SK2 walls on PSN store in Japan
When will this finally happen in the series?
Anybody know if we are going to get the DOA girls DLC?
We did for EV, I don't know why this would be any different. Europe just got the second batch of dlc, so it seems they are going slowly.
Hopefully never.
Rude, she's still a student;
You don't want Asuka and Homu to share there love with each other?
They share their love by fighting.
They need to find different ways to share their love if they hope to maintain a healthy, long-lasting relationship.
I thought the tag team DLC of EV did a decent job of giving unusual character combinations some light. Even when there was a expected pair for the tag battle, they change the scenario rahter than go through the typical song and dance.
I don't think neither expect it to be either healthy or long-lasting.
They might not perish until they're a married old couple.