Who wants a Super Nintendo Classic?



Media is dead.

I remember when MAD was a magazine

what about that is supposed to be fun? What happened to MAD?



Yeah, fucking mad magazine for targeting the President, I can't believe they are doing this for Trump, I'm literally shaking

It's just pathetic when you can tell the entire list was made just so they could go "lol drumpf amirite"

>insulting the god emperor

now theyve really fucked up.

Go back to redit fag

What the fuck happened to MAD?

Its literally Puerto Rico's fault for getting pussywhipped by their truckers union instead of martial lawing that fucker and actually moving supplies.

The Trump jab is relatively tame. What president actually wanted to deal with Porto Ricco

It's been like this since 2000 or so


Did you get this triggered by Bush jokes? I'm kidding of course, you're obviously underaged.

this, insulting the god emperor should be outlawed

False flagging like a faggot should be bannable.

Yeah force truckers to haul your things for 'your nation' that won't backfire greatly.

Bush jokes were never funny faggot

are you underaged? they did this shit with every president. back to r/the_donald.

But user, don't you want to hear yet another joke about how dumb the Dubya is?

>are you underaged?
No, but you clearly are.

nah, mads humor has always been kinda shit and aimed for 12 year old boys
and they've made fun of probably every single president of the US
think about that for a second, you are triggered by stupid satire humor magazine literally for teenagers, that's how deep you are in to this horseshit
stop being such a triggered happy retard

When you go "we want $50/h to move these supplies that people literally need to survive after a category 5 hurricane" you deserve to be put up against the wall.

Every president has been mocked every president will be mocked. Deal with it dude.

>im so sensitive i get offended by mad magazine's 5430583th joke about the sitting president


They realized that they could get an ass-load of material mocking President Trump, even without in depth research.
Material (most likely) equals money.
If Hillary won, it'd probably be the same with her.

>Every president has been mocked every president will be mocked.

Yes and? Having it amped up to 10 with Trump is starting to get annoying and i didn't even vote for the fucker.

Yeah and these drivers are trained to drive these vehicles. Good luck getting cheap replacements. You can't win against freighting.

Is it? Social media makes some of it worse, but every standup comedian changed like 1/3rd of their jokes to Bush jokes and spent hours mastering his stupid laugh.

Obummer seemed to get off easy for 8 years.

Lmao at these libtards defending the trump "joke" thinking critics are mad because they love trump and can't handle criticism of him.

Nah even during the Bush era it wasn't this bad, I vividly remember it too.

Bush jokes were stupid as fuck too, as was the fucking moronic "THANKS OBAMA" shit. And so was the "LOL DID YOU HEAR WHAT CLINTON DID IN THE WHITE HOUSE"

It's all fucking garbage, the jokes are never fucking funny, they are all the same.


Yeah, but fucking Trump man
It's like, how can they make jokes about him? He shouldn't be in fucking office at all, he's a fucking businessman!

At least if Vince McMahon was in office, it's be fun. Trump in office is like knowing that one fucktard idiot from woodshop made it as pres.

You grew out of it
Seriously, go read some old stuff, the humor never was very good

He got chirped when he did shit, but he didn't do anything so it wasn't as easy to get easy ammo. People still reference bush with the "fool me once" bit.

Maybe you're right. Honestly I'm not american so I should probably just shut the fuck up.

It's easy money and it's what people want to hear.

I don't even understand some of the other bullet points. People want to buy it... because it's under supplied? What?

I hope you aren't missing the irony of just how fucking tired and unoriginal it is to point out Trump jokes have been ran to ground

The media never called for Bushie's head or toyed with the thought of impeachment bc of a mental handicap

The 21st century happened.

The Spy v Spy thing was only ever the good stuff in the magazine

>they did it with every president
It was as stupid as it was back then. Why do people care so much about politics? The conversation is even more dull than talking about video games. I can't fathom but the most gullible people to actually partake in politic discussions. I can't help but make fun of these people. Ironic or not

Mad has been poking fun at the president since the start, and Trump is one of the more ridiculous presidents, irrespective of you political affiliation (I mean, supporters agree that his zingers at the Republican debate were hilarious.)

So stop getting triggered.

I don't have a problem with mocking presidents but making jokes out of misinfo is shitty and disingenuous

>what are scalpers

Nigger were you alive in the early 2000s

Having scalped four of them, its all benn middle aged white women who have bought them. I don't know what the fuck is up with that.

>can't fathom but the most gullible people to actually partake in politic discussions.

This humans are just mere ants lead to the slaughter. I pity them.

The original cartoonist is dead, new spy comics are less interesting

He just got straight up hate, conservatives don't know how to be funny so they couldn't mask their vitriol with humor.

Unrelated, I wonder if people (and MAD) felt this way when Reagan became president.

Political humor has been shit since the Clinton era. It's always the same recycled shit. It's all fucking stupid.

this is me

>Political humor has been shit since the Clinton era.
It has always been shit.

Good comic Hillary is a traitor

well fuck

Hey, man, Peter Kuper is based. At least better than Edwing.

You can make fun of the notion by being hyperbolic. But I sort of agree. People that shill any political standpoint are just mere kettle. They do it for free and I just can't fathom it. If they get paid or receive some sort of compensation it makes at least a bit of sense. But this is the internet. And a video games board at that.

Dumbasses who are trying to get it for a kid and too lazy to look in other stores I assume.

Everyone else would rather play the waiting game or get lucky

Cracked was a laughingstock on newsstands, then they changed their entire product to reflect the internet and became a massive success...as far as non-The Onion websites go.

Yeah but it calls them "gullible idiots". How are they gullible idiots for wanting to scalp a product? Gullible implies that you're being deceived, but saying "Hey, these SNES classics are being under supplied" isn't going to make more materialize out of thin air.

Funny how the tides turned and were the mock-inovaters. Which Meme will the ADL call a hate symbol next.



>Political humor has been shit since the Clinton era.
But the presidency since the Clinton Era onwards has been increasingly ridiculous. If anything we should be in a comedy golden age.

liberals are the ones that aren't funny, faggot

see: SNL, every modern "comedian", comedy central, etc.

Air brush just looks bad

>If anything we should be in a comedy golden age
And yet we aren't. Everyone repeats the same rhetoric with minimal knowledge of the real situation.

>Political humor has been shit since the Clinton era


I can't really think of any conservative comics. Even most of the "blue collar comedy" dudes grew up liberal and rich and are just pandering.

>he never proves it mathematically
>he references a leftist show as if not left

Drumpf BTFO'd for the 1000th time. Cheeto lookin mofo.

Problem with this image is that commies hate the left but nazis love the right.

I don't think you understood what the post meant.

MAD is just mad spy vs spy didn't make it on nes classic

The nazi movement is a leftist one, you just accepted the globalist jew kool aids

standup comedians aren't funny though

it literally is impossible to be funny in that format

I know that point is full of one's self


all we get is exaggerations of physical characteristics and quotes out of context, as is customary
anything else gets labelled a white supremacist symbol or whatever

Doing god's work user

Bill burr is fucking hilarious.

actual jew here

national socialists are, unsurprisingly, liberals

deal with it

Why is the US incapable of doing anything without bringing up Trump?
Even the people who voted for him don't talk about him so much.

>every president gets shit on, deal with it!

I don't know, the worst Obama ever got was...... big ears and uh.... the type of mustard he liked that one time?

I voted for Trump, I don't mind him being shit on. It's not the content itself but how fucking often it's repeated. Can't people take a couple of days off?

You should ask what is the media's Trump obsession, you can get answers that way.

>MAD Magazine
Literally the Buzzfeed of toilet paper.

I think the only real thing Obama got crap for was the NSA.

When something gets more and more popular, they tend to become more politically correct due to fear of backlash.

When comedy becomes politically correct, it pretty much spells the end of it ever being funny again.

The problem is that you're missing a whole dimension.
Stalinists, Bolsheviks, Communists, whatever you want to call them they're an authoritarian party first who use a left-wing populist message in order to gain support and exercise control over the economy.
Nazis, National Socialists, again the name they call themselves is irrelevant, they're also an authoritarian party who happen to use a right-wing populist message in order to gain support and exercise control over the economy.
They're far more similar than they are different, the Nazis tend to like right-wing politics in the US because they're also primarily authoritarians who have a very similar economic message.
Its much harder for Communists to gain the same inroads with the left in the US because they tend to be anti-authoritarians.

He gets paid to do it. I can understand people that are incentivesed. Unlike you.

"Thanks Obama" was mocking people who complained about Obama, by attributing even the slightest of inconvenience to him

So many autism rightists triggered and butthurt because of the trumpo joke, its pathetic

I don't see a single joke on the entire OP image.

Basically people will laugh or share something based on something they recognize alone. A joke is more funny if it's something that refers to mc donalds because I know that's a restaurant or other pop culture so I can relate. The presidency is pop culture

Cause no one ever said Thanks Obama

that's probably because obama might as well have been cloned from a vat
aside from being black he was probably the most inoffensive acting president in recent times
probably because you know that if he was as flippant as trump everyone with the slightest aversion to him would probably go "see, this is what happens when you put a nigger in the white (mans) house"

Thanks obama, for the philipeno hot dog stand you visit.

As a joke, yeah.