Echoes was a masterpiece

>Echoes was a masterpiece
>Heroes going strong
>Cipher planned out for the next year
>Warriors somehow managed to be good against all odds

Fire Emblem is in a new golden age. There's never been a better time to be an FE fan.

Will warriors have duel audio? No sawashiro no buy.

>Echoes was a masterpiece
Yes, because shit maps and boring classes is truly what makes a masterpiece.

Probably not though you can use your 3DS to play a hacked version that includes the Japanese dialogue once the English versions come out.

>Warriors somehow managed to be good against all odds


>Echoes was a masterpiece
Shit map design, fantastic everything else

I have heard both yes and no on the duel audio. At least some of the english voices for the characters are good? Not counting how horrible Hinokas voice is. Corrin I think sounds better in English, Chrom and Ryoma sound great both ways.

Basically everyone is passable as long as your name isnt Hinoka who is horrible.

Camilla and Xander are also fucking awful

>Modern Fire Emblem is a "golden age"

Xander is pretty bad. Camilla is not good but not the worst thing I have ever heard. If they keep using the same terrible voice actor for Xander then have him go full ham like he does on Spring Xanders lines. Get rid of him if not.

>Echoes was a masterpiece
Just because you love jerking it to Hidari art doesn't mean it was a good game.

Literally everything you said is wrong. I don't know about the card game, though.

What is the real golden age? Honest question from an emulation fag who has no 3ds
I played Shadow Dragon and Sacred Stones, liked the good-looking pixel art and stuff, beat both games
Then I tried Path of Radiance and couldn't get over how SHIT the game looked. I can't imagine 3ds era being worse in any way, honestly

Yeah, PoR definitely lacked in that area. The fights had no energy at all.

Is Warriors actually good? For musou standards that is.


If only you could move Conquest's map design into the world of Echoes, that would be amazing.

Most people are saying it plays better then HW. So gameplay wise yes apparently. You can try it out yourself, it is on the freeshop.

>Echoes was a masterpiece
it was fucking boring
the last good fire emblem was on gba and it was called Advance Wars

Warriors is shit, not even japan liked it.

AWfags are the worst.

>Echoes was a masterpiece
Sure thing kid

back to /vg/ redditor

>shitting on Echoes
Don't worry Celica, I'll crush these bastards.

um, not quite, sweetie
the last good fire emblem was on ds and was called advance wars: days of ruin.

>we're never getting another Advance Wars until IS can figure out how to implement marriage into it.

marriage with 4 wives?

>Warriors somehow managed to be good against all odds
Not with that shitty roster it isn't. Fucking Hayashi.

Apparently the gameplay is very good though. Roster choices aside.

>gachashit, a superficial remake of the worst old school FE, a musou and a nippy only CCG aka physical gachashit
>golden age
>never been a better time to be an FE fan

So many layers of bait, most people are content with 1 or 2.

>Echoes has shit gameplay
>Heroes is gachashit
>Cipher is great but still not localized
>Warriors has a fucking terrible roster, shit graphics, low sales, and most importantly, it's a fucking musou

>>Warriors somehow managed to be good against all odds

this what a FE fag actually believes

Game is nothing but reused stuff from others Musou games (yes, including skills and promote the class). Even One Piece got a better attempt to be a different musou game, this shit is just almost at the same tier than Arslan or Berserk musou

>plays better than HW
That's a pretty tall order considering how nice HW was. Sure, the giant bosses could sometimes be obnoxious, but that was only really the Imprisoned and Manhandla.

that's the gist of it

it's HW without bullshit and with npcs that actually do the shit you tell them to do

"If you kill your enemies, they win"

LMAO nice texture faggot

>>Echoes was a masterpiece

Wow, that is a really nice texture. So nice that it looks incredibly out of place. Did they really just put a photo of rocks as a ground texture when nothing else in the game has any shadows?

wtf That can't be real

Sounds good, then.

>>Echoes was a masterpiece

>>Warriors somehow managed to be good against all odds
Where the fuck are the sales numbers?

The gameplay could be great, but I don't like a single one of the playable characters, and I'm not even one of those people who demands a bunch of pre-3ds games have representation. The roster is a war crime.

doesn't matter, where is the fan service? I expected a minimum dick arousal level coming from Team Ninja

Wait. Is Warriors good?

I haven't seen the numbers but I've heard it only sold 30% of their projected sales.

It's an absolutely normal Musou game. Celica is a Marth clone. Lyn was just a salvaged Navarre that they bumped to DLC status. Supports are terrible. Story is trite.

It's a Musou. It's impossible to fuck it up when all the games are the exact same thing. It's mainly how much effort that's put into it, which there isn't much

Lyn has huge boob jiggle? Camilla as well probably.

Is not, with GW the devs were having fun, with FE they were angry with their director and called him "not a true FE fan".

I mean HW.

>echoes was a masterpiece

This triggered me so much.

>this idiocy again
A Japanese company wouldn't have said that in public and they certainly wouldn't have kept unprofessional staff on board if that were actually intended to be bad. In the real world people have disagreements about how projects should work all the time.

>Warriors somehow managed to be good against all odds
I hate you shit-eaters so much. You're just the people that encourage the awful decisions of FEW.

Did they change the cast from Fates due to the strike?

The strike never affected Nintendo.

>Echoes was a masterpiece
Look man, I fucking love Echoes, but there is no way it is a masterpiece with that map design.
A few changed, a few stayed the same. Xander still has his VA from Fates/Heroes but has just gotten worse over time

Why did Ryouma sounds so un-Matt Mercer then in the Warriors trailers?

>the thing people take issue with most is Echoes and not Warriors
The absolute state of Sup Forumseddit

Nobody gives a shit about Warriors

I don't know if that's him since I've been largely ignoring dub trailers, but actors aren't required by law to reprise roles unless they sign multi-production contracts. The strike only targeted 11 companies, and they were mostly or all western.

I wish that user from last night who was claiming Sup Forums positively received Echoes and it was only hated in Fates focused threads was here so I could throw this thread in his face.

Guess the nips treat western VA's better because they have experience with working with their own VA's much more closer on the characters.

Warriors is just some spin-off, not even a proper Fire Emblem title.

They might, I don't know. I just know none of the dubs you encounter from Nintendo, Square etc were affected by the strike since not even their western branches were party to the negotiations, so any change in actor would be for normal reasons like the actor not wanting to do it or pulling a Hayter.

There has NEVER been a Fire Emblem golden age, so by definition this cannot be a new one

Explains why Mercer was involved in P5 too I guess.

>implying he's wrong
/feg/ is too stronk

Does Fujo hate her?

So what's the best FE game to get into the series? The GC games?

Good thing you're a mere insect in the scheme of things. And a giant faggot if you put having your waifu in the game over actual gameplay.

What shitter character that you adore that didn't make the cut fag?

Are you dumb? Most people just ignore Warriors. And when it is brought it's non-stop shitting on it from all sides.

Is he wrong though? 65% of this thread is people saying the game is shit.

Path of Radiance is fine for a starting point. Fates or Awakening are good too if you have a 3DS. Otherwise, Fire Emblem (GBA) has a good tutorial route.

Fire Emblem (GBA) is the first to get an official english translation and has a bunch of tutorials and stuff for new players
it's also pretty fair in terms of difficulty

Was watching a friend stream it yesterday. Doesn't seem as polished as Hyrule Warriors.

I'd start with the GBA games, then move on to GC.

Then again, I've always been more of a fan of the 2D sprites than PoR/RD 3D.

Nobody who plays a musou for the gameplay has any grounds to call another person a faggot. In that genre aesthetics > all since you can get virtually identical gameplay experiences from any title.

I think GBA games is the best place to start, probably 7 is the one since it has a tutorial prologue. I think Path of Radiance is good too

Just avoid Shadow Dragon DS remake at all cost FE3 is the good remake

cant you people discuss weebshit in Sup Forums or something? Weebshit are not real games.

Okay, I guess I'll look into the GBA games. I do have a 3DS but I keep hearing that the recent FE games are very different from the older games which is why I haven't started with those.

I wouldn't say they're that different to play. The main thing is that, unlike most earlier entries, you have the option of bypassing resource scarcity. This can be a big deal if that's one of the things you enjoy.


No on dual audio, it was confirmed by KT during one of their videos

It was the Hinoka reveal one, which is extra hilarious cause it seems like they acknowledge her voice is shit in english.

I don't know what they could possibly be talking about, looks fine to me.

Play FE7 first, and then 6 or 8 in either order after that.

I don't think there's dual audio without changing regions, but I'm pretty sure there are Euro trailers for games that do have it and still have that message because it's about Euruopean languages.

Not as good as the witch mansion.

There is a reason the 3DS games saved the franchise.

Heroes is shit as a game, though.
If you want a decent phone SRPG play PotK.

Heroes is so fucking barebones it hurts.

Fates was mediocre garbage and I couldn't even play Conquest because all of it's bullshit including insufferable characters, horrible story and terrible DLC practices.

Is Echos actually decent? I don't care if it's as good as the best in the series, I want to know if it's better than Conquest.

What did he mean by this?

It has shittier gameplay but better story and characters.

Yeah, they actually bothered to advertise the games for once

Echoes is a remake of an earlier Fire Emblem title iirc. The map design kinda sucks and the gameplay isn't as great but it's a decent play with good characters and plot, I'd say it's better than Conquest.

Conquest could have been way better but Treehouse is a shit localization team.

The only reason Echoes wasn't shit is because Hidari art and rehashed story. Gameplay is nothing special, subpar even, considering it was the only thing that really needed effort put in

Meh, I really didn't like Echoes. Conquest was probably the best Nu-FE for me. The story was shit (like in almost all FE games though), but the gameplay and map design were really good and it fulfilled my shameful interest for ships.

Should have phrased it like this
>Fates for all our awakeningfriends is still popular and everyone loves it, ensuring the franchise will remain popular and alive
>Echoes was considered a success by the devs and they've said things to imply there may be more remakes/classic styled games alongside the expected mainline titles
>Heroes makes sure the series stays relevant between releases and acts as a promotional tool so the games don't fall under the radar again
>Cipher means a flood of beautiful new official character art all the time
>The franchise has gotten big enough that it has spinoffs like Warriors, meaning that possibly other spinoffs could be spawned from this, maybe ones that satisfy everyone this time
And bang you don't have half the thread shitting themselves because you said Echoes was good or warriors was good.

It's the reverse conquest. Bad map design, better everything else

Echoes is somewhat lacking, it has interesting interactions like magic costing health to cast and the weapon art stuff but it's dragged down by bland map design early on and if you don't like the dungeon diving shit it won't get better. The story isn't completely retarded though it has its moments at times. I prefer it over the other 3DS games but none of them are exceptional really, certainly had fun with Echoes though