This came out for ps4 today, laptop is shit so could never play before.
Big fan of rpg's, worth getting?
This came out for ps4 today, laptop is shit so could never play before
Other urls found in this thread:
It's cheap so yeah, why not
yes its great fun. very slow start though and you might be put off, stick with it
Save often, and don't be afraid to run the hell away from some encounters.
It's pretty boring and I only found the fun desu
Is it more than 24 fps on PS4?
found the what?
>They didn't renew the rights to Berserk
>No Swordsman or White Hawk set
Rock solid cinematic 28 fps 720p on PS4 pro.
yeah its fun
i suck at character creation and found it impossible to make a female character that wasnt slightly below average
are you fucking serious? My 6 year old laptop runs DDDA at 1080p 60fps maxed out
I can play as my waifu
He's pulling your chain but it does run disappointingly at 30fps from what I hear
Ugly as fuck. I'm sorry.
Is there a single cinematic where the arisen doesn't look like a fucking retard
>items can be hotkeyed
Thank the maker
Leave Taylor alone
all of them if you don't make a retarded looking character
highlight it in your inventory then press 1-5
Why do so many of your pals leave if you do their quests?
yeh but they are pretty lame once you get BBI weapons anyway
plus anything late gameish is good once its dragon forged
yes, the beginning can be a bit rough but once you get to the main city the game really opens up. Save often since there are weird pockets of incredibly dangerous enemies and save Bitter Black Isle for end game.
Retarded mechanic
What the fuck I thought it was supposed to run at 1080 60fps. So sick of these companies pushing out games that can't hit 60fps. What the fucks the point anymore...
It defiantly can but devs are cheap fucks
So they can be kidnapped off-screen for the dragon's challenge
God no, dont fall for the memes like i did, game i a few hours of content at best stretched out over many. Literally the most tedious and repetitive game ever made
t. IGN
Wait till it drops price
Currently doing the second set of missions for the Duke (recover a ring and something with Mercedes). The Gryphon quest was neat but otherwise the game has been decent but kinda bland. How much longer until I get the "full experience"?
>RPG features grinding large monsters for upgrade material and back tracking
Have you never touched an RPG before?
you're getting it now as far as I'm concernded, Griffin quest was great
alot of people love the DLC though, which is end game after the main boss
Wait till you fight the Dragon -- the battle is absolutely top stuff -- and then you've got Bitterblack Isle to look forward to.
that cat is really into rimming
If you don't find that fun I don't know what to tell you. Maybe you should stick to collecting coin games like the other flags itt.
>check eagames for price and release date
>drops on the 3rd for xbone
>30th for ps4
Is this a part of microshills elaborate plan?
The entire game is backtracking a laughably small aea fighting the same shit in the same places. The game is almost as pathetic as the mental gymnastics you go through to defend it. Game could have been 10 out of 10 but its a solid 3
>What is Leaper's Ledge
>Who is Joye
Never played the expansion, but I enjoyed waiting for the grace period of Ur dragon. Does the ur dragon still exist in Dark arisen? If yes, is the ps4's Ur dragon starts at gen 1?
Oh and its the same for Walmart and best buy, only Amazon has the proper release date from what I've seen
hey there's bill hicks
>endgame weapons
She gives you BBI items?
>mfw fought the Condemned Gorecyclops as a Mystic Knight for the first time today
Holy shit. The first time I did BBI I was playing a Sorcerer, so the fight was just me desperately trying to stay away from the guy to cast my big spells, but the cannon/counter shenanigans as a MK was crazy.
I can't even imagine what it would be like as an Assassin or a Strider. I should go Assassin for my next run.
Think of it like the phantom pain but worse since the second half of pp at least mixes things up with a new environment
I mean, the -pretty absent- story so far ranges from neutral at best to laughable at worst (that part of the peon becoming a real human beign...).
Combat is ok, but its biggest selling point (climbing) is rare, and not perfectly responsive. Enemies are repetitive.
At least there's some variety in the quests.
Sorry crapcom, but i aint spending more than 15 euro on this cheap port of an 10 year old game
good because it came out 5 years ago you dumbfuck
Is it me or is this pretty much Medieval Monster Hunter
>but it's only five years old
Keep making excuses capKEK
can anybody tell me if any of the bugs that were in the PS3/PS4/PC version have been fixed? (Such a Grand Brontide and some augments)
Everything has been fixed!
Enjoy :3
Capcom was too fucking cheap and sliced the game in half. The current game world is only a quarter of how big it WAS supposed to be and there were many more enemies with the climbing mechanic including actual AOT style titans.
If you watch the Monster Hunter World trailer, you'll see the character animations are practically identical. MHW is the unofficial sequel but it has brand recognition so normie retards will actually buy it.
>Big fan of rpg's
It's an action game with light rpg mechanics
so is there going to be a patch for the PC version? does that mean that the BBI lantern augment glitch will be fixed too? that augment made lanterns last practically forever
Well I'm downloading a patch on steam right now.
It's quality dips and rises dramatically as it goes on, but it's worth playing.
I just noticed I had a patch pending myself, so it's very possible
>it feels as though more was spent developing mini-games than polishing the core mechanic
What min-games did DD even have? I can't say I remember any.
>Capcom was too fucking cheap and sliced the game in half.
Not really. The game was costing too much and was taking too long.
>they should've spent more time and more money on it!
I would've loved for that to have happened but the game had been in development since 2008 and at the time was one of capcom's most costly games 2nd only to RE6.
there are no mini-games
we'll never know what they meant
Man I never thaught I'd miss this game so much.
Sorry for image quality, took it from my phone.
Yeah basically
Eating potatos and fish with my waifu before bullying my way through the woods to rescue Pocahontas bitch girl.
Hope you have fun Sup Forums
no berserk sets no buy
>nearly lvl 200 sorc for that sweet 800 MAG ATK
>computer dies
>all those RC, gone
fuck everything what should I play as after new computer is built never really went in depth with anything but warrior, assassin and sorc
Why is my Steam version downloading a 1GB patch?
Does it actually stay at 30fps? That's still pretty lame
Steam release got a 1gb patch
Should I replay this if I never played Bitter Black Isle? I liked the original well enough.
How do I get into this game. After 10 hours I'm still not feeling it
I just found BBI tedious. I hated the endless samey corridors and the same enemies.
Patch just seems to be texture updates. The berserk armor sure as fuck wasn't added, unless they changed who sold it.
don't force yourself to do every quest man
you will always get another go at them
at least rush to killing the dragon before you drop it
BBI is a love it or you hate it kind of thing, but I'd say if you feel like it then go for it. I think it's worth it just for the final boss of BBI.
>Sup Forums says game gets good 8 hours in
>It doesn't
Are you for real? The tedious long hours at the beginning are the sittiest part of the game by far, and end game/dlc is great.
they updated textures in the PC version
Yeah, it rises once you get out of the tutorial, it dips sometime in between then and the fight with Grigori, it rises again at Grigori and the Everfall, it dips when you start to understand how the damage in the game works and BBI can go either way.
Shallow combat, boring quests and world, shit story (it kind of comes alive for a bit at the end though), not much enemy variety.
I had some fun with it, but at the end was just disappointed. Your mileage may vary though.
The game that keeps on giving.
It's cool they bothered to maintain parity between PC and the updated Console versions. They didn't have to, but somebody at the porting team cares enough and that's great.
Tip for people with healer pawns: DON'T UPGRADE ANODYNE. You'll thank me later.
>how the damage in the game works
I fucking hate and love damage calc in this on one hand it is retarded and unbalanced on the other hand you get to truly feel like you've increased in power after 50ish levels (of fighter) when the bandit who once one shot you now does a measly 1 damage
What in the world was the update? I don't see a difference other than that the copyright year changed from 2016 to 2017 in the title screen.
why do you think it's 30$?
Do you have mods installed user? I fear my game got fucked beyond redemption
>yfw it's the 5 """"exculive"""" enemies from the ps4 version
they can't catch a break eh
would not be surprised if that is literally it
>Tip for people with healer pawns: DON'T UPGRADE ANODYNE. You'll thank me later.
Sweet fucking mother of Christ, this meme is still alive?
I don't have anything extra installed.
Wait what? New monsters?
thread theme