pretty cool
>inb4 "FREE"
yeah you're jealous, get over it PC fats
pretty cool
>inb4 "FREE"
yeah you're jealous, get over it PC fats
i got it for free too
and it was actually free
>If you give us money we'll give you free stuff!
Best scam ever.
>pay like 8 burger dollars/month
Nah, free was my day 1 pirate.
>hahah console fags are poor, muh rig cost so much
>has to pirate games
wew lads, you're doing so well
>you give them money
>you get item """for free"""
I don't like this nu-speak, back in the day we called that a 'purchase'.
But you can get it and KEEP it on PC for free though
>buying console scraps ever
>not only buying PC exclusives
Way to show devs that you'll eat any shit placed in front of you
>pc fats
i torrented it on pc the week it came out. eat my ass op. enjoy your console gaymen and playng shooters on controller sticks. LOL
>yeah you're jealous, get over it PC fats
at least brag about a exclusive or a game that is not 2 years old nigg
It's literally not free you dumb Sonyfat.
Congrats you get the second worst MGS for free
Cool, Sony will magnanimously allow you to rent the game for a while.
Looks like I'll be subscribing for now.
>not only buying PC exclusives
So you don't buy any games then?
Paid online is the biggest scam ever and all three platforms are shitty for doing it.
All three platforms are peer 2 peer, you are literally paying for nothing, yet thousands of people buy into it and perpetuate this shit
steam owns all your games and could take them away in a heart beat with no option of physical copy, fucking cucked or what.
i'll take my ps4 offline and play any game i have, just wait for the day where steam will actively punish you or take away your games all together, screenshot this.
not to mention games like TF2 made microtransactions i.e. hats mainstream, made kickstarter, unfinished and alpha games being paid for mainstream and basically all forms of gaming cancer stem from pc (look at PUBG right now)
so literally all fuck yourself, gaming remains king on console despite what you frames per second wanking faggots like to think, shitting on console games then all collectively gloating once these same console exclusives finally get shitly ported or emulated on PC.
It's V.
Sadly the game is shit.
>i'll take my ps4 offline
>a game i already bought and played goes free*
wow i am so jealous of ps+ subscribers
*not free
red dead 2
nah the biggest scam ever is paying for games in alpha
Isn't subscription for year cost around 1 new game tho? So, like, they give around 30 games or so for that price, until the end of your subscription?
In all seriousness, please explain to me how PS+ games are free, when you pay for PS+.
i literally do this constantly, whats your point ?
They're not, the only people who think they're free are the easily scammable morons who buy into stuff like this
They aren't. On PC you can get this game for free any day of any month though.
That's cool. You can get Rise of the Tomb Raider and $100+ worth of games for 12 bucks with Humble Monthly.
in all seriousness there's no refuting all of this
It's free on PC too famalam, even with no subscriptions :)
>you c-can get this game thats in console bargain bins for fuck all and all these other not finished indie trash games for $12
that's cool
Why would I be jealous? I finished playing this game over a year ago
I can get every game for free on PC
But you can do that with your steam account too, you can also install your games on every single computer and they will work in offline.
Stop thinking gobbling Sony's cock is a good thing.
>OP calls out PC players for being salty cucks
>they prove him right through numerous salty replies
every time
>but you can do that with your steam account too
for now
>gabe wouldnt do that ! gabe
>gabe wouldnt do paid mods and isnt still pushing for them
oh wait...
That's your counter argument? Typing like a retard? Of course it is for now, your ps+ account is "for now" too, I thought you were baiting but you are genuinely retarded.
they're free as an addition to the subscription. Like how breadsticks are free at a restaurant when you buy a meal, or the seats are free when you pay to watch a movie in a theater, or the binding is free when you buy a book.
>Sony wouldn't save credit card information in a plain text document.
>haha, we get it for free* faggots
>well, we actually get it for free, without paying to use our own internet
>wow who the hell cares
So this is the power of sonegroes
Fucking brutal
your counter argument is not countering my point what so ever, pure genius.
>implying you can't buy and play physical copy games on ps4 without any connection at all
you are too smart for me user, that higher ground is too much
typical pc pseudo intellectual
>he doesnt pay to use his own internet
how do you get free internet mate ?
You really can though, there's nothing stopping Sony from taking away your digital license for a game, rendering it just as unusable, and they have even more control. They can brick your console intentionally, as MS does to people who try to hack their Xbox, Steam can't lock your rig at all. Taking your console offline is only going to protect you if you hear about the issue beforehand, which may not be the case, as it could be a dormant brick to the system that's activated on a certain day to ensure they're all shutdown, and that's no more of a far fetched idea than Steam suddenly taking away everyone's libraries so that's not a defense.
Metal Gear sucks. The only actual fun game was Rising Revengance and probably that MG Survive game if it ever comes out.
embarrassing samefaging
Embarrassing post
Already paid the game for PC and PS4 back in dayones, so i'm not concerned.
>shit game for free
You can download an installer and never connect your PC to the internet. Being condescending won't take you anywhere, specially here.
>as it could be a dormant brick to the system that's activated on a certain day to ensure they're all shutdown,
wew lad
Oh cool now they can finally play a game everyone did 2 years ago.
it was released on all platforms at the same time
>want to replay MGSV and finally beat it
>currently playing BOTW and about to tackle the first of four dungeons
I don't know what to do! I don't want to play both at the same time because they're both so long!
Too bad I don't use steam and I won't ever use PS+.
Now fuck off.
Yeah keep giving patreon bucks away for emulation right? :^)
>OP calls out sonyfags for gargling jap dick
>they prove him right through numerous salty replies
MGS V often goes for 7-10 bucks on every platform. I could understand if you were getting the complete edition but y'all sucking sony's cock over a bargain bin game.