Do you miss having Jack Thompson as vidya's enemy?

Do you miss having Jack Thompson as vidya's enemy?

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Do you not remember THE Jack Thompson?

Jack Thompson moved on and went to do something with his life. Maybe you should do the same.

he was a better enemy than feminists, SJWs and nu males 2bh

Jack talked a bunch of shit and was a jerk back in the day, but he knew his boundaries and maintained his side of the argument. He was not like these modern faggots who do everything the opposite and come off as pricks.

Would rather have jack than people like anita sarkeesian

At least Jack didn't have actual influence on the industry

Honestly yes. It was better than the Trojan Horse situation we have today.

So did he finally just give up?

What boundaries? He harassed 2k until he lost his lawyer licence

>Le sjws are ruining my video games

he turned out to be an absolute madman and got fired.

You really need to fuck off. I'm not even a Sup Forumsfag.



he let go of the whole video game thing after he got suspended from being a lawyer and now he teaches socio-economics to prisoners in florida

Yes I do, Jack sperged on Fox News and the video game journos laughed about him. A better foe to deal with instead of the SJWs who have the gaming media on their side.

Whining about sjws belongs on Sup Forums regardless of where you are or are not from.

fuck off back to neogaf you actual faggot

I would take ol' Jack back in a heartbeat. We didn't know what lay ahead for us.

whining about Sup Forums belongs on reddit

Just go to Sup Forums if you want to whine about a boogieman. I'm not going to participate in a pissing contest with someone that ironically whines about sjws.

>Don't complain about people shoving politics into your hobby your cishet

It was simpler.

>moved on with his life
To getting disbarred?

>He is also known for his unusual filings to The Florida Bar, including challenging The Florida Bar itself
He was too meta for us.

I wonder what he thinks about alt-lefties and numale doing the work he couldn't. I'd fall in a spiral of alcohol if I were him

Jack was pretty harmless really.
The industry ended up hurting itself much more than he ever could have, albeit very differently.

I hate sjws and Sup Forums crossposters, and somehow you're just as much of a fag as they are. shut da fuck up.

I miss when only one side of the political spectrum wanted to take mah vidyer

>One side wanted to outright ban video games
>The other wants them to be more inclusive
>This is the same thing

I haven't really noticed conservatives trying to censor vidya lately. It is funny that modern liberals are following the exact same pattern as their opponents did just a couple decades ago though. History really does repeat itself.

You are using a boogeyman right now dumbass.

I miss when you normie fucks get off my vidya and stop fueling corporate greed with your debt filled credit run throwaway lifestyles.

One cooky old guy vs. legions of idiots, pretty simple really

Yes, because no one took Jack seriously.

Not really, Sup Forums posts on here 24/7. SJWs don't even exist outside of a few loudmouths, most of which ONLY got famous because of people trying to bury them.

>Jack Thompson moved on and went to do something with his life
Not by his own will, they revoked his rights to practice law because of misconduct.


You've never seen a college campus lately have you?

>>The other wants them to be more inclusive
If by "inclusive", you mean "Censor games for having a titty and have the developers hire people that don't care about video games", then yes.

SJWs are relevant if they're involved in gaming development and journalism (and some are), "Sup Forums" is the bogeyman here because they're not involved, at all, with game development or professionalism journalism. Bogeyman refers to something that doesn't exist but is scary. Your Chaotic Neutral "le both are bad' attitude might work with politics, but not with gaming, where SJWs are in gaming development and anti-SJWs are not.

The psychological motivations of someone defending SJWs is inherently suspicious, they deserve every bit of mockery just like furries/bronies do and there's no reason to get triggered by that unless you are one yourself

Complaining about politics and SJWs in politics is not on topic but SJWs in gaming is.

SRS have to do something with their time I guess

Have you? My college has like 2 people that could be called "sjws" and they mainly just want people to leave them alone and accept that they are trans.

Can you just fuck off? This thread was perfectly fine before you had to burst in here and go REEEEEEE Sup Forums!

Any time anyone vaguely conservative approaches a campus or someone makes an off-colour joke, they jump out the woodwork. Look at any time Ben Shapiro goes to do a talk. You're full of shit

The "mug conservative r ruining vidya gaymes" crowd are somehow less annoying than the "mug sjw numales r ruining vidya gaymes" one.

Never thought I'd see the day.

Seems pretty happy to me. He says he's happy now.

Probably because you belong to the former.

The student body has a right to voice their opposition towards speakers of racist or violent ideologies.

They do in gaming journalism (Kotaku/Polygon) and some development

Sure maybe only 5% of developers but still worth mocking.

It's not " a side" banning. The worst censorship is in Germany for some reason and it's idiotic politicians on both sides who want censorship of "murder games". Australia and New Zealand banned a bunch of violent games too. The problem is tech-illiterate pacifist politicians hate video games

Politicians in the US seemed to be big on it in the 90's after Doom/Mortal Kombat but I haven't heard anything lately from the US after Jack Thompson left the scene. Prolly because the US has their 1st Amendment stuff and the ratings system works fine.

>and they mainly just want people to leave them alone and accept that they are trans.
No they don't, the majority of people who identify as anything they weren't born as mainly do that shit to garner attention and this is thanks to Obama legalizing same sex marriage, now that they can't protest it to feel useful, they have to be all up in your face about it so you would complain.

Have you actually been on a college campus in the past ten years? I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess no.

I'm right, aren't I?

Yes because at least then the only articles I got were "Jack Thompson is a jackass" and not "YOU'RE A RAPIST FOR PLAYING X GAME THAT IS OFFENDING Y GROUP"

>3 people have the right to shut down opposing viewpoints

Fixed that for you

>The pro-Isreal jew who openly attacks provokiters like Milo is a big meanie racist sexist nazi shitlord because some twink on the student body said so
Okay, you can leave

>s mainly do that shit to garner attention and this is thanks to Obama legalizing same sex marriage,
This is the dumbest thing I have read all day. The trans people I know would trade anything in the world to blend in and not draw attention to themselves, until society is accepting of them their will be a fight to change society.
Showing up with signs stating that they disagree with the speakers views is not "shutting down opposing views"...
I don't even know what you are saying.

You only need to glance at the news to see what dumb shit is going down, whether it be teachers making death threats to republicans or some fag getting out of shape because freshers have a joke "slavery auction".

I don't know if poe's law is in effect for your post or not but if you're serious, that guy he referenced is a generic libertarian, not a "violent ideology" like marxism

Like clockwork, you "hate both sides I'm an oldfag" types start out pretending to be some neutral apolitical bystander but when pressed, take a clear side (hardline left side). Never do I see a "radical centrist" stay consistent with it in a vidya thread after they derail it.

I reserve my contempt for whoever derails the thread topic first anyways.

It can't be because the latter has more of an outlet with the uprise of the internet

With the former, I could ignore EGM or wherever. The latter are everywhere.

Just like (you), he is in grade 10

>that guy he referenced is a generic libertarian, not a "violent ideology" like marxism
I don't honestly know how Ben Shapiro is, I assume if people showed up to protest then they had good reason.
Marxism is not a real ideology, btw.
>Like clockwork, you "hate both sides I'm an oldfag" types start out pretending to be some neutral apolitical bystander but when pressed, take a clear side (hardline left side). Never do I see a "radical centrist" stay consistent with it in a vidya thread after they derail it.
Anything left of Hitler is considered far left on here.

You can't really "change society" though, you can only change people. People are society. You cannot top down tell people what to do, you have to change every persons mind, or at least the majority.
SJWs just yell and try to change things top down. The only trans person I've ever met is actually really cool. But I still think SJWs in gaming are annoying as shit.

Unironically this

You implied Ben was a far right loonatic who preaches violence when he's probably the most moderate conservative in popular culture right now. Go back to Neofag where you belong.

Not him but I just graduated from a uni with 30,000 students and you can't walk into a crowd without seeing some pink haired, special snowflake, tumblrite.


>The trans people I know would trade anything in the world to blend in and not draw attention to themselves
Then they need to stop doing things that would bring attention to themselves. Being gay or trans doesn't mean you have to dress like some overly flamboyant drag queen with a beard


He was an enemy that developers, publishers, reviewers and in the industry fought back against. Now the enemies are in bed with the reviewers, inspiring the developers and raping the industry.

>I don't even know what you are saying.

The speaker he referenced is an anti-racist neoliberal who opposes violent ideologies (right and left) as well. The opposite of the bogeyman you claimed you had a right to shut down on campus. That's what the definition of an SJW is, people who crusade for/against things that either don't really exist or ideas they invented just recently. And the rest of us laugh at them.

There really isn't "conservative activism" in gaming at all, but there is the opposite. If there were it would be rational for both sides to be criticised. This "rad centrism" fallacy has been debunked over and over.

He doesn't hate both sides, you moron. He's clearly from somewhere like Neogaf or some faggy FB group

Ol' Jack's finally embraced the NEET life?

Didn't read the article, don't care enought about Jack to do so.

>you can't walk into a large crowd of students and not see the extremes of university student populations
what a revelation


>Vidya's enemy
The only enemy of vidya that exists is the cancer that are Sunshinefags.

There is literally NOTHING on this board I hate more than Sunshinefags. I can smell them from behind my monitor, they stink of pretentiousness, of faggotry. You just know that they think they're doing their due diligence as epic Sup Forumscore "Gaymurs" by picking the obscure Mario title on their least popular system to boost their fragile Nintendobabby egos.

>64? Too ubiquitous!
>Galaxy 1 and 2? It's on the Wii, it's casual!
It's embarrassing the mental gymnastics that these retards go through to justify their edgy opinions, Sunshine is simply the worst 3D Mario.

>B-b-b-ut muh aesthetic, muh comfy!
"No". It looks like a music video directed by McG, the saturation is ugly, the camera is wonky and unresponsive. The level design? Simply abhorrent, repetitive and creatively bankrupt. The blue coins are a tedious fetch quest that have little bearing on the levels. The levels themselves, either too big or too vertical.

>B-b-b-ut muh music
Acapella is for fedora wearing retards and the tropical shit is trite. Galaxy and 3D World are far better in regards to music and if you suggest otherwise, you are being willfully ignorant or are completely aesthetically challenged.

>Whatever man, just like lay off and let me have my opinion

You FUCKING FAGGOTS have gone on too long without being challenged on your like for this piece of shit game. You revel in this title's mediocrity like a badge of honour.

Do you have a source for any of that? I am intrigued.

The harbor was pretty good, though the rest of the stages were mediocre.

Sunshines my favorite because I like the beach and I played it a lot as a kid. Why does this make you so mad?

Sunshine fags are Sup Forumsfags, look here
>Mario sunshine poster in the background

>I don't honestly know how Ben Shapiro is

Then expect people to think you're retarded if you make a snap virtue-signal that makes no sense

I don't even like or care for him, nor care much about US politics but the butthurt he creates is amusing I guess. If you were really "in the centre" you would grab popcorn and watch as well, not get triggered about shitlords.

Your claim was that there's barely any sjws in unis in the first place. I'm just saying you're wrong based on personal experience.


Jack Thompson was an enemy you could rally behind and hate. He's kind of like the boss of the first game you play.

Then you get home to the second game and find the population has turned against you. As it turns out, they actually prefer tyranny. Yet the more you fight to uphold everything that made your lands great, the more the people turn against you in favour of their big nosed masters.
and as the mobs descend on your broken body, the last thing you hear is a distant oy veyyyyyyyy

>I liked it because of my completely anecdotal and irrelevant personal experiences. Nothing to do with the game itself.

Fuck off.


>Assuming someone is an SJW based on how they dress.
I stand by my statement, students do have the right to protest speakers. Ben Shapiro might not be preaching Nazism (not a virtue), but he still preaches very racist, outdated ideas. The left wing students have the right to protest him, just as the right wing students have the right to protest a communist speaker.
>He's clearly from somewhere like Neogaf or some faggy FB group

Plus we are talking about SJWs in gaming (SJWs outside of gaming never belongs on Sup Forums). A university campus is irrelevant, but the influx of SJWs is obvious when one takes a stroll through Polygon or Neogaf, and some developers (who are always the loudest). It's a shame they get so much attention, when non-political developers go unsung. Like the infamous Polygon writer vs Witcher devs incident.

>Wants games to be more inclusive
>Not by making new, inclusive games, but by banning and shaming content creators into self-cenroship and blackballing from the industry.

Fuck off, statist.

>you can't change society, only people
>people are society

Why are you saying my enjoyment wasn't valid?

Well the way they dress and style themselves tends to be a pretty good indicator is it not. Besides, you're really not being subtle about your bias at all if you don't think college campuses are crawling with far left faggots. Look at what happened at Mizzou, or Yale, or the insanity that took place in Washington (or was it Oregon?) this past may. And yeah, you're right people do have a right to protest Ben Shapiro if they think he's supporting violence but they don't have a right to shut down his speech, block people from hearing his speech, or causing widespread vandalism and destruction like they did at to Milo Yiannopolous at Berkeley.

How does it feel to be indoctrinated?

>very racist, outdated ideas.

He literally argues in favour of the "browning of America" and immigration, and is a brown Jewish racial minority himself

And people do dress like they think, such as goths, SJWs, LGBT, rap fans. It's dumb all-around but I guess they're trying to attract like-minded strangers. As a leftie yourself I hope you try to dress normal and not with pink hair, piercings and tattoos, you won't be taken seriously by "normies". We laugh at you the same reason people laughed at the fatso braindead Bush supporters in 2004 with "Get a brain moran, bomb Iran!" signs

Different shit, same tactics.

Again, with the left, it was just my parents giving me shit. Now it's the leftist crowd giving me shit for not being progressive enough and the rightists are giving me shit for not being 100% against the muh sjw crowd. I just want to vidja

They're talking about the people on their campus you fucking dumpling.

Apparently, you dont know who Ben is but somehow you "know" (quotes because we know you don't) he teaches "very racist and outdated ideas". You're obviously here from somewhere else, and it shows.

>Assuming someones Sup Forums cause they reply to you
Congrats on all the (you)s though. You did well for yourself

It's valid, but not as a social statement

Most leftists fucking hate Israel, actually.


because no one took him seriously and he could NEVER do any lasting damage to vidya

now, post 2007, fucking SJW and all that shit have forever ruined vidya. i have to explain to stupid shitwhores that i love tits just because, fuck you!

Yeah I mean look at all those AO-rated games on the market!
Oh wait

It doesn't take long to look someone up. I had to look no further than has insane and biased views on black lives matter to see that he is racist.
>He literally argues in favour of the "browning of America" and immigration, and is a brown Jewish racial minority himself
Literally because he supports using imported minorities for cheap labor. He has no qualms with the racism and prejudiced they face.